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N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Iona Morrison #authorspotlight #romanticsuspense #romance #mustread

N. N. Light

The Blue Cove Series began for me on my first day of a new job when the custodian told me, “You know we have a church ghost here.” She went on to tell me a true story about how their associate pastor’s husband murdered her, and then killed himself outside the church. The secretary was the one that found their bodies by a tree. 


With that piece of information, I was off and writing, with a cast of characters in an imaginary New England town. And the book I always wanted to write started to grow in me until “The Harvest Club” was born with twelve and soon thirteen books to follow. I like to think of myself as proof that it’s never too late to change course and find a new avenue for your ambitions.


There is a reason I author the stories that I do. In my own strange way, I answer the question through my characters what would happen if we were aware of what really transpired in the world we rarely see and could hear the unheard cries for help around us. In the process I touch upon subjects that are important to me in a hopefully entertaining way. Topics like organ trafficking, human trafficking, and domestic violence to name a few with romance and small-town relationships thrown in.


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Title: Key to the Past

Author Iona Morrison

Genre Romantic Mystery with a touch of Paranormal

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb: 


Plans for a romantic weekend celebrating their recent engagement at a charming inn go awry when Detective Matt Parker and bookstore owner Jessie Reynolds are suddenly pulled into another case. A missing girl's ghost, an antique key, and an improbable journey take Jessie into another dimension to solve the murder, leaving Matt behind to wonder if he will ever see her again. Bullets fly and sparks ignite—as the past and the present collide, in their most unusual case to date.




Compelled by a strange force pulling at her, Jessie slipped out of bed. The closer she got to the dresser, the harder it was for her to look away. “Kimberly,” she called to her. The weeping girl stopped crying. Jessie reached for an antique key, which rested prominently on the dresser. She hadn’t seen it there earlier. Clutching the key in her hand, a strange electric sensation coursed through her body. What was happening to her? She dropped the key to the ground, but it was too late. The room was moving, and so was she. The light, like a huge hand, lifted her off her feet, slowly spinning her round and round. The tempo began to build faster and faster. The light tugged her, pressing her into its current, and then it all went dark.


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Author Biography:


I am a multi-published, award-winning author who writes romantic suspense with a touch of the paranormal. I enjoy writing fiction. The character development, their stories, and the twists and turns in the plot intrigue me. Once I let the characters loose, I can't wait to see where they take me. I'm hooked from the first words on the paper, and I must keep writing to see how the story ends. Layer by layer I build it until I come to the happy conclusion.


I live in Colorado with my husband and family who have supported me in this chapter of life. I am a member of the Colorado Authors League and RMFWPAL (Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Published Authors League) and have enjoyed becoming involved in my community as one of the many authors living in Colorado. I invite you to read one of my Blue Cove Mysteries and see for yourself why Blue Cove is a special and unusual place.


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Title Searching For Closure

Author Iona Morrison

Genre Mystery with a touch of Paranormal

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb:


An Arizona heatwave, a murder, and a ghost searching for closure give Peyton Reynolds all she can handle on her long-awaited vacation. When a body is found at the bottom of the pool of the resort she's staying at, Peyton leaps into action, starting CPR. She stops when she sees the young man's ghost watching her actions. And he's not alone.

Detective Jaxon Kincaid knows that Peyton is hiding something. How did she know the caliber of the weapon which killed the victim? And why is she so nervous and combative when she talks to him? He's fascinated, but wary of this beautiful redhead.

As their attraction grows, and as Peyton inserts herself into his case, can he protect her from someone who seems to want them both dead?



As her foot touched the walkway, Tombstone suddenly became the vibrant, active, living community of yesteryear—a pictorial window in time opened before her. The hot summer day seemed to give most of the people living in the area the same idea. Dusty streets were busy with cowboys riding into town, and buggies were filled with families hoping for a slight breeze to give them a break from the inferno. Not a hint of rain could be felt in the air. At least there was no mud to mar the hem on her new dress. The long, green calico dress she wore slapped against her sturdy boots as she walked the wooden walkway. She caught a glimpse of her image in the bank window. Her bonnet matched her dress, with her hair tucked neatly out of view.


“You’re as pretty as a picture standing there.” The man tipped his hat and smiled at her as he walked out of the bank.


Taking a deep breath, excitement coursed through her. She peeked at the handsome man at her side. His holstered gun rode low across his hip, one hand never far from the handle while the other held onto hers. It seemed a tad tighter after the man addressed her. Probably only her imagination. Still, the clink of his spurs against the wood became a melodic reminder she felt safe when he was near.


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Title:  As The Page Turns

Author: Iona Morrison

Genre:  Mystery with a touch of Paranormal

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb:


Peyton Reynolds has no idea that the gorgeous summer day she is enjoying is about to take a strange turn and embroil her and her boyfriend Jaxon Kincaid in another case. As the details emerge, it won’t take long for them to understand there is nothing normal about the murder Peyton has witnessed. An erratic suspect, a gathering of ghosts, and Peyton’s sudden disappearance will leave Jaxon scrambling for answers in the pages of a book left behind. They will have to think outside the box with help from the past to solve this one.


Peyton Reynolds has no idea that the gorgeous summer day she is enjoying is about to take a strange turn and embroil her and her boyfriend Jaxon Kincaid in another case. As the details emerge, it won't take long for them to understand there is nothing normal about the murder Peyton has witnessed. An erratic suspect, a gathering of ghosts, and Peyton's sudden disappearance will leave Jaxon scrambling for answers in the pages of a book left behind. They will have to think outside the box with help from the past to solve this one.




Peyton awakened with a start. An odd scraping sound sent her imagination into overdrive. Was it outside? The scratching seemed loud enough to be coming from inside the cottage. Trying to focus in the dark, her eyes searched the room while she strained to hear the noise. The scraping sound came again. Nails on a chalkboard, tree branches against the cottage, or someone trying to force open a lock, back and forth it went, pausing only to begin again. She sat up quietly, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Did Jessie hear it too? She reached for her phone. Slipping on her robe, she tiptoed over to the bedroom door to listen while reaching for a heavy vase on top of the dresser. “Ouch.” She heard Jessie yell out. Followed by something she couldn’t hear. Without thinking Peyton opened the bedroom door and raced toward the lightened living room, ready to go battle and save her cousin. Suddenly she was propelled backward when her body slammed hard into a solid object standing right in the way. The vase in her hand fell to the floor with a loud crash sending shards of glass in several directions. With the wind knocked out of her and no air to scream, she sprawled out helplessly on the floor imagining the worst. She was afraid to open her eyes.


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Title Beyond the Door

Author Iona Morrison

Genre Mystery with a touch of Paranormal

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb


Peyton Reynolds has settled into a new dream job when a reoccurring dream of a murder sends her searching for answers. In her quest, with a bit of magical help, she stumbles across an old diary from the year 1845, which she shares with her boyfriend Jaxon Kincaid.

Jaxon Kincaid, a new FBI Agent and Peyton's love interest, will find himself at the heart of the case and try to keep Peyton grounded with his logical method of working through an investigation. But his world will soon be rocked by a dream or two and a sudden inheritance he wasn’t expecting.

Together they will solve an ongoing crime with deep roots in Irish legend, and voices silenced for generations will be heard when the invisible becomes visible beyond the door.




Peyton took the journal from her cousin. Wrapping it in the fabric, she placed the book back into the box. When she went to place the lid on the hatbox, that’s when the battle began. The lid flew through the space between them like a Frisbee only to be snatched out of the air by Jessie’s quick motion before she got smacked in the face.


 “Are you kidding me?” Jessie shook her head. “I don’t think it matters what we decide. We didn’t choose the book—it chose us.” “Looks that way. You know what they say about the power of books to change a person, don’t you?” Peyton asked.


“Of course, that’s why I bought a bookstore. All those words, great thoughts, and stories are life-altering as well as entertaining.” “Books seem to have been at the center of our problems and life changes more than once lately. I think we’re about to test the theory again.” Peyton placed the open box on the table, leaving the lid off.


 “Here we go again.” Jessie buttoned her coat and pulled her gloves from the pocket. “At least this time it’s about Cara’s journey. How that is important to us I’m sure I have no idea.”


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Title A Common Thread

Author Iona Morrison

Genre Mystery with a touch of Paranormal

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb


From the moment the woman rushed through her shop door nearly knocking her to the ground, Jessie Reynolds finds herself embroiled in another case. One that will not only solve several crimes but Matt’s and her future as well. Jessie is convinced that a common thread links the crimes of a missing girl, a murder, and a possible serial killer all together. And with Matt Parker’s logical approach she sets out to prove her theory.

Matt is happy to collaborate with Jessie again even with the strangeness of a few ghosts, an improbable journey, and old enemies from the past thrown in. With a bit of charm and bribery on his part, the end of the case has the promise of future beginnings for them.




The drums seemed far away at first but grew louder as she walked the path through the woods. Sacred chants filled the night air while the shadows of dancers moved with precision along the edge of the forest, pulling her deeper into the woods. Each song and dance seemed unique to the sound of the drums in the background. Suddenly the drumming built in intensity, the chants grew in volume, and the dancers became too numerous to count. She was mesmerized by their unexpected beauty. On they danced as the bells on their moccasins jingled, and they twirled and swayed rhythmically in step with the drumbeats. They circled around her, leading her through the maze of trees until suddenly they halted. An eerie silence filled the night as they parted enough for her to see. Hidden among the trees lay a lone figure on the ground. Facedown in the dirt, her dark black hair fanned out over her back and shoulders, but the beautiful hair didn’t hide the stillness of her body.


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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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