Title: Keeper of My Dreams
Author: Susan Leigh Furlong
Genre: Historical/Adventure/Romance
A gun can kill. A heart can save.
Reid Haliburton, a skilled gunsmith, wants to control who uses his revolutionary handgun until a vicious pirate decides the gun will be his. The price of refusing is Reid’s life and those of his three young sons. Reid’s only chance to save his sons is to send them away and face the pirate’s wrath alone.
Leena Cullane Adair is stunned to find three lads hiding in her cart, and, although she only met their father a week ago, he holds her heart and her dreams, and she will do whatever it takes to keep him and his sons alive.
Picking up a rag, he mindlessly polished the barrel of his new gun. He’d only been at it for a few minutes when a hard knock on his door shook him out of his reverie.
A man planted his feet and stood akimbo in the doorways, a man who presented an intimidating impression with his rugged good looks, his burnt mahogany hair and eyes. He announced in a firm voice with an English accent, “My name is Jonas McDever, and I am the captain of the Scarlet Lion. I have come to get the new weapon you are working on.”
Reid looked up from his worktable as an uneasiness settled over him. He recognized the captain’s name as one reputed to attack and destroy any other ship unfortunate enough to get within spyglass range. This McDever was a pirate of the worst sort, and proud to be one.
“I dinna ken what ye’re talking about. I have no new weapon to show ye.”
McDever took a step forward and pressed his fists into his hips, using his height and stance to assert his power and control. “I am not here to argue with you.” …McDever, pushing his tricorne hat off this forehead gazed out the open door of the shop. “Perhaps I can offer you this. I have seen your sons when you take them to school. Handsome lads. I captain my own ship and a fine ship it is. I have need of another cabin boy. Would one or two of them like to become cabin boys on my ship?”
Reid whipped around. “Is that idle curiosity… or a threat?”
Turning his back on Reid, McDever said, “I will return on Thursday evening, and I will either leave with a weapon that pleases me, or I will have a new cabin boy. Good day, Reid Haliburton. I look forward to meeting your sons.”
“Ye willna threaten me or my lads! Get out!”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Keeper of My Dreams is also available at my website – www.SusanLFurlong.com

What makes your featured book a must-read?
What readers think of a book encourages others to pick it up and give it a try. Here are some of the comments that make Keeper of My Dreams a must-read.
“Keeper of My Dreams is more than a novel, it’s a stunning adventure. The passion between Leena and Reid sizzled off the pages. I loved the relationship between Leena and her brothers. Leena is a strong, smart heroine and Reid is a swoon-worthy hero. The wicked pirate is a great villain. The kind you love to hate.” (T.P. Warren)
“A beautiful relationship filled with love, treason, betrayal, adventure, and surprises. I really enjoyed the fact that Leena and Reid are older. Both being widowers for years, they have remained faithful to their spouses, living their lives on their own. That is until a bunch of geese stirred trouble. Leena is a strong, leading woman, who does as she pleases, driving her brothers nuts. The villain is as despicable as they get, self-entitled, liar, cruel and manipulative. Reid’s sons are wonderful, courageous, big-hearted lads: adorable! A story filled with action, stubborn caring Scots, a tight knit family, and a blossoming new one.” (Laura Chabot)
“Keeper of my Dreams is a breathtaking historical romance I couldn't put down. From the beginning, I found myself whisked away to 16th century Scotland for an unforgettable adventure. Susan Leigh Furlong is a gifted historical romance writer. At the core, it's a seasoned romance filled with heart, intrigue, adventure, and three adorable little boys. Brilliantly written, Keeper of my Dreams is a fresh take on romance in 16th century Scotland. Fans of Scottish romance will love this book. Another gem from the talented Susan Leigh Furlong. Highly recommend!” (N.N. Light)
“In creating something new, the gunsmith nearly destroyed his life and those he loved. He found a new woman, Leena, in the process. Can their love be found despite their lost loves and trials? It's really worth reading to find out.” (Jignet)
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Author Biography:
Susan Leigh Furlong knew she had a special connection with words since she was a child. When she was 9 years old, she wrote and directed her first play for the neighborhood children.
Susan’s love for history fuels her resilience against the sneezes and coughs that old books give her as she delves into research for unique historical events to inspire her historical fiction romance novels. Susan captures her readers’ imagination with a highly enthralling style, chronological events, and smoothly flowing narratives that keep one’s eyes glued on her novels from the first page to the last.
Susan has written two non-fiction books about the history of her hometown and three novels set in sixteenth century Scotland as well as several short stories published in national magazines. Her most recent release is Desperate Hope, a novel set during the American Revolution. When Susan is not combing through history piecing together her next novel, she writes, directs, and performs with a music and drama group.
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