Title: Keri’s Christmas Wish
Author: Pamela S Thibodeaux
Genre: Inspirational Women’s Fiction/Holiday Romance
Book Blurb:
Controversy and Inconsistencies are thieves of holiday joy for Keri...is there any hope for a happy holiday season?
For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas—especially with the controversy over the time of Jesus’s birth. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?
Jeremy Hinton thinks Keri is a highly intelligent, deeply emotional, and intensely complex woman and he’s as fascinated by her aversion to Christmas as he is of the woman herself. A devout Christian at heart, he’s studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens her life, will all of his faith and training be for naught?
Fans of near death experiences will enjoy this woman’s mystical journey into spiritual Truth.
Keri determined to be open-minded enough to give them an honest try. He also suggested she prayerfully ask for specific guidance or messages.
“It’s not rocket science.” He tugged on a strand of her hair. “Nor is it sacrilegious as some would be quick to say. However, God won’t usurp our free will, nor can the angels. But if you ask, expecting an answer, they will respond. I’ve even had patients write a question down in their journal, then close their eyes, meditate in silence, and just write what comes to mind. They’re always surprised at what is revealed to them in this manner.
“Christians have practiced meditative prayer for centuries. The problem arises when we don’t understand how to discern spirits, as the Bible tells us to do. We can open ourselves up to the wrong spirits and be unaware of having done so.” He laughed. “I’m sorry, I’m starting to preach!”
He sobered. “Keri, if you try this, don’t push for an answer to your dilemma over Christmas the first time out. Ask something simple yet direct. Ask for a clear, unmistakable sign in answer to your question, something only God would know, and you would recognize. And always pray for protection from the evil one so you won’t be deceived. The devil can come as an angel of light, and it’s not always easy to see him coming. It’s why so many people—especially beginners—get caught up in spiritual things that are actually condemned by God for our well-being.”
So once again that evening, Keri sat with diary and pen in hand, candles lit and music on low. She closed her eyes, took several deep breaths, and allowed her mind to empty of its chatter and focus on God.
“Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and angels, I’d like to thank You for Your presence in my life and the many blessings You’ve bestowed upon me. I’d really like to come up higher in my prayer life and spiritual walk. Protect my mind, heart, and soul from the influences of the devil and draw me closer only to You. I ask for a unique, identifiable sign that You’ve heard my prayer. Thank you and Amen.”
When her mind began to wander, filling her brain with ceaseless chatter, she walked around a bit, then resumed her humble position and waited. The now-familiar sound of wind chimes filled the air. Electric pulses pricked her skin. Keri continued to pray in soft tones but kept her eyes closed and stayed put.
An image began to form in her mind…a young girl being led around on a horse by an ethereal figure. As the trio came closer, Keri felt as though she looked in a mirror. Her heart swelled. Tears clogged her throat, filled her eyes, and slipped down her cheeks.
“Hi, Keri!”
The childlike voice reverberated through her entire body. Keri smiled and whispered, “Hello.”
Excitement lit the youngster’s eyes. Brilliant colors vibrated around her. “Do you know who I am?”
“You’re me as a little girl. That’s Spark, my horse who died when I was a teenager.”
Spark nodded his head as the girl giggled—a joyous melody that rang through the atmosphere. “No, silly, I’m your big sister. Only, I didn’t live very long.”
Tension seeped in, a mixture of shock and awe.
“Don’t be afraid. Ask mom.”
And then the mirage disappeared.
Keri opened her eyes and shivered. “Oh, God, is that the clear sign I asked for? My sister…”
Her words trailed off as Keri strove to write every detail of the vision. She knew her mom had miscarried before her own birth, but no one had ever said whether the child was a boy or girl. After she finished recording her experience, Keri called her mother.
“Hi, mom, how’s everyone and everything over there?”
“We’re fine, honey. How are you and that nice, young man you’ve told us about but we’ve yet to meet?”
Keri laughed at the teasing in her mother’s voice. “We’re good. I promise I’ll bring him over to meet y’all soon. Hey, I have a question for you.”
“And I’ve got an answer.”
“I’m sorry if this brings up sad memories, Mom, but the baby you miscarried before I came along…were you far enough in the pregnancy to know the sex?”
“Yes, actually, she was a girl. Why do you ask?”
Keri hesitated. Her mom might not understand the apparition. She condensed the event into a version that at least sounded reasonable. “Just curious. While praying earlier a vision of a young girl popped into my mind and made me wonder.”
“Oh…well, I guess we’ll understand more when we get to heaven.”
The kingdom of heaven is in your midst.
The scripture floated through her consciousness, but Keri said nothing. They chatted a few more minutes, and she didn’t mention her sister again.
Later, as she lay in bed, she said another prayer of thanks for the wonderful day with Jeremy, and the splendid things she’d experienced during her prayer time.
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What I love most about the holiday season:
I LOVE everything about Christmas but like Keri, I get frustrated with the commercialism and hype.
Why is your featured book a must-read to get you in the holiday mood?
Because Keri’s journey – the journey into truth–and the revelation she receives about Jesus’ birth is one we’d all like to have.
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Author Biography:
Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short story! http://bit.ly/psthibnewsletter
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