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N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Kim Janine Ligon #authorspotlight #cozymystery #romanticsuspense #bookboost #mustread

N. N. Light

I am Kim Janine Ligon, author of wholesome cozy mysteries and suspenseful romances with the Wild Rose Press. I grew up in a small town in rural Wisconsin where my father was a veterinarian. My mother managed his practice off and on for years. We always had lots of pets from Great Danes to Siamese cats. Our dogs included cocker spaniels, German Shepherds, pugs, Australian heelers and a St. Bernard named Hamish after the Clark Gable character in “Band of Angels”. He was my mother’s favorite actor. We had ponies and horses of various sizes from mean little Shetlands to big Appaloosas. At various times we raise calves, hogs, sheep, ducks and chinchillas. We had a cow named Elsie and an Angora goat named Nanabelle. All those animals and a small herd of children too—first six girls, then two boys and a girl by adoption, and then my baby brother. Ten of us in all and I am the oldest.


I had a forty plus year career in healthcare information technology. When I retired, I finally had time to pursue my interests which includes learning to spin fibers into unique, beautiful yarns to create one of a kind gifts for friends and family. As I am spinning and weaving, I am writing in my head until it has to spill out onto the screens of my computer. My debut novel, Polly’s List, came out in August 2022. My second novel, Landing on Her Feet, came out in July 2023. My third novel, Those Ties That Bind, comes out TODAY! My fourth novel, Matchmaking, Mistletoe, and a Moat will be coming soon. My novels are all squeaky clean, Christian based and most take place in a small Wisconsin town. I am having a great time writing. A special treat is when I hear from my readers. It never gets old!


I have been married for over forty-nine years to my own real life romance hero. I have a raft of nieces, nephews, greats, great-greats, and even great-great-greats! I love being an auntie and spoiling them all rotten.


My writing space has three plaques that sum up my approach to life. The one on the wall says: The joy of the journey is in the ride. Right next to my computer monitor the sign says: Life is too short to be anything but happy. On the bookshelf next to my computer the sign says: Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but, rather, a manner of traveling. My walls and shelves are covered with artwork by friends and family and tons of photographs of my extended family and dear friends. My spinning wheel and loom are on the other side of the room and bookshelves line the walls. It is a peaceful place for creative processes and brings me joy.


I hope you’ll pick up one (or all) of my books today!






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Title           Polly’s List

Author       Kim Janine Ligon

Genre         Clean Cozy Mystery

Publisher   The Wild Rose Press


Polly’s List Blurb


CJ Reynolds couldn’t wait to escape his hometown. He’s loving his bachelor life as a software developer in California. So much so that he hasn’t been back in years to see the grandmother who raised him.


Mikal Benson believes her small town is perfect for raising her son, Will, alone. When Mikal finds her neighbor, Polly Rogers, sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood, barely clinging to life, she calls Polly’s grandson—CJ Reynolds—and insists he must come home. Now!


From her coma, Polly whispers three words that change everything. Did she fall or was she pushed? CJ, Mikal, and Will form an unlikely team coming together to discover the truth as danger engulfs them and love transforms them into a family.






Title       Landing On Her Feet

Author   Kim Janine Ligon

Genre    Clean Suspenseful Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb:


Kat Russell narrowly escaped death at Dirk Crowe’s hands six years ago. He’s out of prison. To protect her family, she must flee Philadelphia—the only home she’s ever known—with her five-year-old son, Timmy. Is Wisconsin far enough away to escape evil?


Chase Merrick, father of Timmy’s new best friend, wants to help. What is Kat hiding? Why does she insist she must face whatever it is alone?


When can Kat stop constantly looking back over her shoulder? Will secrets and shame stop her from accepting Chase’s protection? Or unite them in the face of danger to keep their sons safe?


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)



Title       Those Ties That Bind

Author    Kim Janine Ligon

Genre     Clean Romantic Suspense

Publisher  The Wild Rose Press




Those Ties That Bind BLURB:


Why are teenage mothers dying in the Garland Regional E.R. instead of delivering healthy babies for adoption at The Obstetrical Center? Something is seriously wrong. On her physician’s advice, Garland’s CEO Evelyn Langford reluctantly takes a long scheduled vacation for her fiftieth birthday leaving her team to conduct an investigation into Obstetrical Center.


Evelyn’s efforts to investigate the problem are hampered by her complicated relationships with her secretive brother, Frank, her subordinates, and, surprisingly, FBI Special Agent Rance Thompson, a new acquaintance, who comes to the small town to investigate possible links between the childbirth deaths and a string of teenage girl disappearances.


Will Frank’s increasingly erratic behavior and the growing attraction between Evelyn and the younger agent further complicate discovering the truth about the dying girls?




“You needn’t yell. I can hear you. The patient mumbled something to Dr. Merrick right before she died. She said ‘Doc, not me again, don’t. Please, I can’t. Please don’t.’ Does that make any sense to you?”


The physician hesitated a moment. “Why ask me? How would I know why a dying girl, who lied about who she was, said anything? She was probably delirious. Why do you think it has something to do with me?”


“She said not me again. I thought since she was your patient you might have some insight into her situation. Had she given birth at your center before?”


The physician hesitated a moment. “Why ask me? How would I know why a dying girl, who lied about who she was, said anything? She was probably delirious. Why do you think it has something to do with me?”


“She said not me again. I thought since she was your patient you might have some insight into her situation. Had she given birth at your center before?”


“How would I know off the top of my head? Hundreds of mothers have been through here. I haven’t memorized all their names, faces, and personal situations.”





Title      Matchmaking, Mistletoe, and A Moat

Author   Kim Janine Ligon

Genre    Clean Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


COMING 12/2/24!


Grayford Parker is eager to see his twin sister and her family, but is dreading the matchmaking marathon she has planned at the two week Christmas party at Castle Winterhaven. As the unexpected Duke of Wallingford he must find a bride. Preferably one with a large dowry to help bolster the estate’s finances his older brother dissipated before his death.



Lady Emmeline Spenser reluctantly agrees to attend the “husband hunting” party at Castle Winterhaven, but only if her dear cousin, Eleanor Brown, can also attend. Emmeline is worried suitors will love her large dowry more than her. Eleanor has a plan to ease her cousin’s fears. Do they dare try it?

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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