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New Release | Kit-Kat by AK Nevermore #eroticpnr #eroticromance #pnr #darkMCparanormal #newrelease

Title: Kit-Kat


Author: AK Nevermore


Genre: Erotic PRN Romance


Publisher: Changeling Press


Book Blurb:


Grimdarke James’ problems have gone from bad to worse. Ousted from his MC and on the run, all he wants is to keep Kit safe while he sets things right. But calling in a favor drops more than trouble into his lap.


As he tries to salvage what’s left of the Maw of Mayhem, forces close in on the crew and tensions rise. New allies are found and old loyalties are put to the test. So is Grim’s relationship with Kit when someone from his past tries to come between them.


Yeah, that’s not happening, but wrapping her mind around being the shifter queen and discovering her new powers is throwing Kit for a loop. The threat to her position as Grim’s mate raises her hackles, and she’s not about to share. With her heat triggered, she’s running on instinct and battle lines are drawn. Can Grim win back his MC, and prove he’s the man for her, or will he lose it all?



18+ Excerpt:


Grim’s breath caught as the bathroom door swung open and Kit strode out, looking classy as f*ck and like the last person he should be with. Triss dropped the crap she was packing into the cage’s trunk and ran over to hug her.


Christ, he wanted to do the same… but, damn. Grim wet his lips. Kit wasn’t… Damn. She was wearing that soft sweater he’d snagged from the vamp queen’s trophy closet. Sh*t was f*cking sinful the way it hung off her shoulders and clung to her tits. The jeans she’d been so crazy about did the same to her hips, a sliver of her flat stomach flashing as she raised her arms to hug the girl back. And when Triss skipped away, and Kit turned toward the cages?


Woman was a f*cking goddess.


Grim bit back a groan at the way her long black hair dusted her ass as she bent to put her bag in the trunk. She looked like a million f*cking bucks, which was easily nine hundred ninety-nine thousand and change above his pay grade.


-- ours –


The pang in Grim’s chest echoed the truth of that statement. Maybe he didn’t deserve her now, but he’d f*cking bust his ass until he did. If she still wants us. His throat bobbed at the possibility she wouldn’t after what he’d done to her.


-- asked to shift –


Yeah, but the idea of being a shifter versus the reality of it were two very different things, and Grim’d only known Kit for a hot f*cking minute. When they’d met, she’d been so damned adamant she didn’t want to change.


-- Reaper decided for her –


Grim’s knuckles whitened. And he’s gonna die for it. Darke chuffed in agreement.


A growl welled up in Grim’s throat, his eyes narrowing.


Asorav had ended his call and wrapped his hand around Kit’s arm, pulling her off to the side. He spoke to her adamantly in hushed tones in the next bay.


-- listen? –


Yeah. Grim stepped back into the shadows, his hearing sharpening.


Kit was smiling up at the vamp like he’d caught her at something. She was trying to play it off as he was talking. “…understand the temptation to eavesdrop on one’s elders, but strongly suggest you resist the urge.” Asorav looped her arm through his, and a muscle in Grim’s jaw twitched at the asshole’s familiarity with her.


-- known her longer –


Don’t remind me, Grim muttered. He still couldn’t believe Kit had been the Darkling’s dog walker.


“There are those that do not take kindly to such invasions of privacy,” the vamp scolded.


Kit’s eyes widened, her pupils waffling –


Grim did a double take. Sh*t, did I really see that? Aside from the mirror, he’d never seen anyone else’s flip between theirs and their beast’s.


-- did. Kat’s scared. Won’t talk –


He bit back a growl. Was that f*cking right?


“Which is why you’re only getting a warning.” The vamp patted her hand like some kind of benevolent f*cking uncle. Grim’s lip curled, knowing that grift all too well. He was gonna beat the sh*t outta –


“Vampires really can read minds?” Kit squeaked. “I thought --”


Wait, what? Grim froze.


“Yes and no,” Asorav said. “Your compatriots’ thoughts are closed to me, but it seems you and I share an affinity.” The asshole chuckled. “Yes, it surprised me as well. However, after Cecelia --”


“I want to know what you meant when you said she was elsewhere.”


Asorav sighed, and Grim had to smirk at Kit’s indignation over the MIA Pomeranian. “I don’t totally understand it,” the vamp said, “but I believe she’s trapped somewhere between. It’s… the place one goes to get from here to there. I’m afraid I can’t explain it any better than that. She wasn’t strong enough to anchor my form at this end, and when I pulled, she was sucked in.”


Well, that sounded like total bullsh*t, but Grim supposed the prick couldn’t admit to killing the thing. In either case, Kit sounded like she bought it.


“Because she was your heart. Aryanna told me you were a day-walker.”


“Did she now.”


Grim scratched his stubble, wondering how much of an issue that was gonna be. Vampires were enough of a pain in the ass at night. One lurking around 24/7 didn’t exactly give him the warm fuzzies, but then again, this conversation didn’t either.


“… mentioned you couldn’t be, um, de-animated, without your heart.” Kit said, rubbing her arms like she was cold. “Don’t worry, she’s not around anymore to note it in the queen’s memoir.”


Asorav laughed, and Grim wanted to smash his fist through the vamp’s fangs. “How delightful. I never could understand how Aryanna abided that vitriolic shrew. I’m only sorry I wasn’t there to see it, but suppose that’s neither here nor there, and you, my dear, most certainly are. She told you, then, of my Maker’s triumph?”


Kit nodded like she was humoring him. Grim rolled his eyes. F*cking vamps had sticks shoved up their asses almost as far as the witches. Christ, they were pretentious f*cks.


“It’s a metaphor, you know,” Asorav said. “She wasn’t my heart; she had my heart. The spell transformed the physical organ and created a bridge, tying our life forces to those we held dearest. It was genius, really. Love is such a fickle thing, and given a vampire’s lifespan, in most cases, transfers quite organically before the object of our affection dies… or is lost, in this case.”


He pulled a wide, platinum bracelet from his pocket, studded with what Grim was positive were diamonds, and closed Kit’s fingers around it. The f*ck? “And it seems once again, my heart has been captured by another. I assure you, I am aware this is most inconvenient, but, as I said, the heart wants what the heart wants, now, doesn’t it?”


Grim bared his teeth, knuckles white as he clenched his fists. Had that motherf*cker just given Kit a f*cking king’s ransom in jewelry and told her he loved her?


-- no, his heart –


I don’t give a f*ck, she’s MINE.


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):





Author Biography:


AK Nevermore writes Sci-fi & dark romantasy with spice. She enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year.


A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.


Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes full time around a nest full of ravens. Her books explore dark worlds, perversely irreverent and profound, and always entertaining.


AK belongs to the Authors Guild, is an RWA chapter board member, volunteers for far too many committees, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.


Social Media Links:


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1 comentário

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
31 de mai.

Thank you, AK, for sharing your new release with our readers!

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