Title: Lady Adel’s Captain
Author: Loretta C. Rogers
Genre: Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
Disinherited by her stepbrother because she refuses to marry as he wishes, Lady Adel Fitzhugh needs a miracle. When a storm drives a coach of travelers to their door, her miracle arrives in the form of Captain Liam O'Shea. Captain O'Shea is taking his motherless young daughter to live with the nuns during his five-year deployment to India. Adel seizes the opportunity to begin a new life, offering her services as governess. Liam accepts Adel's offer on the condition she raise the child at his family estate in Ireland. Fearing that if he dies in battle his daughter will be at the mercy of profiteers, he also proposes a marriage of convenience. If he returns, Adel will be free to file for an annulment and return to England. She agrees but has no idea the task will require all her strength and determination once she reaches his ruined castle and becomes "the O'Shea" to his people. And what if she wants to stay?
No matter how many times she read the letter, her eyes still blurred with tears.
I fear, my dear Adel, that our Liam has suffered and survived an unspeakable ordeal. The communication through my liaison with the East India Company assures me Liam was given superior medical care. Though the wounds to his shoulder and back were extensive, it appears the amputation of his leg has taken a toll on his mental state. I write this as a caution that the Liam we once knew may no longer exist.
He will need the tenderness of your hand and the compassion of your heart to help heal his tortured soul. How long he will remain in this state of instability, only God knows. I have not forgotten that your marriage is without consummation. Although it is my fervent hope you will not invoke the annulment clause until you have exhausted all measures to restore Liam to health, I will hold you without fault for your devotion to Mary Kathryn, and to the new lifeblood you have breathed into Mautagh Manor.
My resources are at your disposal. Do not hesitate to utilize them.
Adel had read the letter often enough to recall the words from memory. She shivered as the chilling gusts whipped her heavy woolen cloak and invaded the billowing hood to snatch her hair from its sober mooring. She had donned plain, warmly serviceable clothes, preferring to meet Liam without ostentatious fanfare.
She allowed her gaze to linger on the the Claddagh wedding ring for a second or two, then raised her hand to look at it. A ring that Liam had placed on her finger as a token of friendship and love. What was love, she wondered. Were they mere words written in letters from a lonely man far from home? She knew she loved Mary Kathryn. But the love between a husband and wife was surely different from that of a stepmother and her child.
So eager was she to escape an arranged marriage from a despicable cad that she had hastily married a man she barely knew. And now he was coming home--broken in body and mind.
She felt as if a vise were gripping her heart, crushing it, and closed her eyes searching for the strength to meet this new purpose.
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If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?
If money were no object, I would spend my Spring Break vacation on an American riverboat cruise down the Columbia and Snake Rivers. Not only would I have ample time to read but, to enjoy the breathtaking scenery of waterfalls and desert canyons without having to drive through traffic. And all the while, I would be gathering ideas for my next novels.
Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?
For anyone wishing to be swept away to a land of leprechaun’s, love, despair, and a woman’s strength to become the leader of an Irish clan, then Lady Adel’s Captain has something for all readers—romance, history, believable characters, and a great story.
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Author Biography:
Loretta C. Rogers is a fourth generation Floridian. An avid genealogist, she discovered that one of her ancestors is Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking king. When not writing she enjoys working crossword puzzles, reading, and traveling.
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