Title: Legacy of Seconds
Author: Edge O. Erin
Genre: Science Fiction
Book Blurb:
"Crux of a whipscrew!" A chip of red coral found a gap between Claire's shield and work-shirt, and it stung like a bee. But that discomfort paled in comparison to the invisible sliver that steadily wormed its way into her mind.
Her very own family and the Ghan elite were using her dearly departed sister as a vehicle to achieve global rule and facilitate a colonisation mission to a distant world. It pained her even more than her prosthesis.
That her sister Mariot might still be alive fuelled her desire to use her affiliation with a resistance movement as a vehicle to redeem – if not rescue – her and bring down the reigning plutocracy.
But the Ghans’ and Graces' power, combined with the vicious clone Riot they animated, and some of the inhuman men they lorded over, represented a force that might only, at best, be circumvented.
Claire reluctantly reached into her jacket pocket and extracted an oyster-shell vessel crudely inscribed with “Bend over and take it in the eye”. She pulled out her Cyclops and secured the monocle in position with a most unofficial rubber band. She plopped down, popped in earbuds, and affected a middle-finger-maestro-twirl in the air to signify her enthusiasm. A loving yet firm female voice began to speak:
“To address the collective lack of resources on Earth, and to guarantee the permanence and vitality of Goddess-created humanity, a twelve-year mission to the planet of Prometer will be undertaken. Prometer is a wonder; an incredibly Earth-like world that offers vast resources, both in and of itself and its moons, by all expert analysis. It promises an opportunity for humankind to prosecute a prosperous future for billions of lives and billions of years…”
As the preamble droned on, she did another middle-finger-funnel-cloud, though with less enthusiasm than before. Finally, the duplex-dame came to the new information:
“On the eleventh anniversary of Prometer’s discovery, all Goddess-blessed crew will be finalised and announced. Amongst these will be the geniuses referred to as ‘Wakees’; incredible children responsible for monitoring the ship’s systems and reviving key personnel as…”
The ninety-second minimum had passed, so she removed the earbud and Cyclops and clamped them in the clamshell.
To her way of thinking, people had not evidenced the ethics and values necessary to substantiate visiting, let alone inhabiting, another world. Still, as Cooper continued to remind her, perhaps this endeavour would raise humankind to another level. Maybe special people operating under demanding conditions and in a unique environment could realise something, err… special. She shrugged her shoulders and resumed chipping the red coral.
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What’s your favorite thing about the fall season:
The changing of the leaves. I’m passionate about the outdoors and Mother Nature is my inspiration.
What inspired you to write this story:
I elected to write LEGACY OF SECONDS, as the main characters from TERRAFORM CHARLIE (previously written sequel coming out in May, 2022) deserved a backstory. Additionally, Terraform Charlie is a 200,000-word book, and it’s difficult for a first-time author to get a book of that size published. It was also quite enjoyable to expose some of the events that made Riot and Wezer, Terraform Charlie’s antagonists, so damn bad.
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon (US) gift card.
Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US account to win.
Runs September 1 – 30
Drawing will be held on October 1.

Author Biography:
Edge O. Erin grew up in British Columbia and now resides on the island of Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, Canada. A passionate outdoorsman, the natural world is imprinted on his psyche. His surveying and remote sensing experience in disparate parts of the globe has informed his opinion on land use, the human condition, and the importance of biodiversity and environmental stewardship. He is at work on his next novels, Time Sneak: Emergence and Odin’s Tillit.
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