I am a fourth generation Floridian. I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, a lover of animals, and I enjoy creating stories. In fact, I prefer writing to cleaning house. Most of the plot lines in my stories come from real-life experiences.
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Title Christmas at Hope Ranch
Author Loretta C. Rogers
Genre Contemporary Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Soured on Christmas and love, famed model Addison James returns to the only home she ever knew, Hope Ranch, a home for foster kids, to heal from a near-fatal accident and a broken heart. Falling in love again is not part of Addison’s plan—not until she meets cute and motherless six year old twins, and a handsome sheriff.
Sheriff Wade Grey’s philosophy for love is once burned is enough to last a lifetime. Friction sparks as he and Addison butt heads the first time they meet. Yet falling for her is so tempting.
As Christmas approaches, there appears to be hope for love with a generous sprinkle of surprises.
Addison’s head was spinning. This was not a sensation she enjoyed. “My heart was ripped to shreds by Rowan…he mangled my soul and then had the audacity to laugh. So, you’ll forgive me if I’ve closed the door on my trust department. I won’t be your latest fling.”
He snarled. “My latest…what the hell are you talking about?”
“Oh don’t play coy, Wade, the other night when you kissed me you called me Gracie. She must be some deep, dark secret. Even Nell wouldn’t talk about her when I asked.”
When he didn’t answer, Addison arched a brow. “Whoever she is, I won’t compete with her, and I won’t let you use me to hurt her.” Her heart was knocking against her ribs.
Casually he lifted her hand to kiss the palm. “It’s not what you think, Addison.”
She harrumphed. “No, it never is.”
He stepped forward and she stepped back. The lines that bracketed his mouth might have been carved with a knife. “Things are a bit hectic especially with Friday being Freddie’s last day. I’ll be in touch.”
Her lips formed into a thin smile. She strode to the porch and up the steps. She turned back and watched the cruiser disappear down the long driveway.
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Author Biography.
Loretta C. Rogers is a bestselling author. She writes in multiple genres. When not writing she enjoys crossword puzzles, reading, researching family genealogy, and traveling.
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Title A Little Kringle Magic
Author Loretta C. Rogers
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose press
Book Blurb
In Landry, Wyoming, outspoken, bossy Dr. Bea Inseldorf secretly longs for a home and family of her own. She fills her life with caring for everyone else instead.
Widower Tate Reed is filled with bitterness and refuses to celebrate Christmas—his wife died in childbirth at the holiday several years ago. His young daughter misses her mother but also her father, who is no longer the happy, loving man he used to be.
Four days of isolation together in a ranch house and a batch of small round cookies magically change the lives of them all, starved for affection as they are, all seeking the same thing—happiness.
Bea didn’t mean to speak with harsh undertones to her voice. Perhaps that’s why she was an old maid. Men didn’t admire women who freely spoke their minds. She tried to soften her voice. “You have admitted that you say certain words in your mind, but you can’t get them out of your mouth. Mr. Reed…Tate…is the reason you don’t express your feelings is because you’ve been taught that it isn’t manly?”
There, she had said the words he probably didn’t want to hear, and she mentally berated herself for having such an honest tongue.
He opened his mouth to contradict her. It was something of an irritation that she had used his words to make a point. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off this beautiful woman. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have her as a wife. She was everything Mary had never been. He chastised himself. Stop being delusional! You’ve only known this woman a few days. Love at first sight like the magic is her cookies is a myth.
He snorted in contempt. Bea apparently mistook his reaction. She said, “I apologize. There are times when my tongue seems to override the sensible side of my brain.” She stepped away from the bed to the rocking chair. “I’m here if you need me.”
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Title: Taming the Lyon
Author: Loretta C. Rogers
Genre: Historical Romance/Adventure
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Recently widowed, Dr. Margaret Boynton leaves England and sails to Africa. She finds herself up against dangerous animals and terrifying witch doctors. Determined never to fall in love again, Margaret finds her most formidable enemy is her own heart when she meets the enigmatic Jeremiah Lyon. A scoundrel whose scarred face and ice-blue eyes make strong women weak, Jeremiah Lyon, legendary great white hunter, resents his assignment to escort a middle-aged doctor to the mission hospital. She isn't what he expected...and neither is his unguarded reaction to her. When a secret society of cannibals kidnap Margaret, can Lyon rescue her before their chances for a future are destroyed forever?
Margaret unbuckled the straps on her leather satchel and removed her journal, pen, and ink bottle. Sitting on the edge of the cots, she realized she was holding her breath. Using meticulous care, she uncorked the bottle of ink and dipped her pen.
December 1909
No one prepared me for Africa’s beauty and dangers. No one prepared me for Jeremial Lyon. Great White Hunter. Dangerous. He is arrogant, terrifying, and oh, so magnificient. It shakes me to the very core that he instills unsettling emotions inside me.
Pen poised, she listened to the voices. She wondered what had caused Lyon’s gusty laughter, and prickled at the thought of being the subject of the men’s conversation. She ran her tongue around her lower lip. Realizing guiltily the direction her thoughts were taking, she focused on memories of Seamus. She sighed. He had once dubbed her the “iron maiden.” She was too brusque, too angry, too closed off when dealing with people. Not great qualities for a doctor. Seamus had later explained that he’d meant it as a compliment, that she was in control, and that is what he admired about her.
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Title: When Comes Forever
Author: Loretta C. Rogers
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Jesse Starr, son of a Kiowa princess and an English lord, was raised in England but constantly persecuted by his jealous half-brother, who eventually had him shanghaied. Now on his way home, Jesse determines to find the mother he never knew, then return to England to avenge his father's death at the hands of the half-brother. When he finds beautiful and very pregnant seventeen-year-old Rebecca Throckmorton abandoned in a remote cabin deep in Oklahoma territory, his plans go awry. Rebecca rues the day she eloped with a con man. All she wants is to return to Chicago, hoping her family will welcome her and the baby. Yet despite her vow never to trust her heart to another man, she can't help being attracted to Jesse, the rugged adventurer who rescues her. If her society-conscious family won't forgive her, what will she do? Jesse, drawn to Rebecca but intent on his revenge in England; has no thought of her accompanying him…until he must rescue her and change his plans again.
The wind rattled the door. Rebecca’s heart pattered wildly against her chest. Even her whisper sounded overly loud in the forlorn room. “Look where my stubbornness got me. How could father ever think I was smarter than Melinda and Beth?” Drawing a breath against fresh tears her lower lip quivered anew.
As if it gave her comfort, she once again dipped the pen and careful not to mar the page of her journal with ink splatters, continued to write.
The wind claws at the door and rattles the shutters as if it were a monster wanting to get inside. And when all is quiet, I hear them snuffling outside, see their sharp toenails as they scratch between the floor and the bottom of the door. I dare not cook for fear the scent of food will drive the wolves mad and somehow, they will figure a way to get inside the cabin. Who will rescue me?
Her stomach rumbled reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since noon. Reaching across the table, she pulled a plate of day-old cornbread toward her. It would suit her just fine if she had a glass of fresh milk to wash down the meager meal. Instead, she finished the tea that had grown tepid.
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Title: The Witching Moon
Author: Loretta C. Rogers
Genre: Historical Romance/Paranormal
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb:
Sheen O'Reilly considers her gift of second sight a curse. Branded a witch, she wears a rope burn around her neck as a reminder of what happens to people who are considered different. Now settled in a remote homestead where she tends her animals and concocts herbal remedies, she knows "he" is coming but is powerless to stop him. "He" is Guthrie Tanner, who blames himself for the murder of his wife and the kidnapping of his young daughter. After an unsuccessful year of tracking his enemies, he has heard about a witch who lives alone on the prairie. While he doesn't believe in supernatural nonsense, he is willing to do whatever it takes to find his daughter. What he doesn't count on is the effect Sheen will have on his heart.
The child’s screams disturbed Sheen O’Reilly’s sleep. The cries echoed in her ears. She clenched her jaw until her teeth ached. She pulled the pillow over her head and groaned, telling herself it was a mere dream and nothing more.
Swimming through a murky haze of disembodied faces, she struggled to fully awaken, fighting back the dark fear that threatened to surface. With a burst of adrenalin, she bolted upright. “No. I am no witch.”
Her scream still echoing in her ears, it took a moment for her to realize she was alone in the cabin. She sat until her eyes adjusted to the darkness. A chill had invaded the two room house. Tossing the quilt from her shivering body, she hastened barefoot across the cold floor to check the slide-bolt on the cabin’s door. She pressed her back against the wooden barrier and tried to shut out the thundering sounds of horses’ hooves. Her breath came in uneven gasps as she released the bolted lock and gripped the knob. She hated the darkness, feared it for as long as she could remember. Feeling her heartbeat all the way to the pit of her stomach, she drew a deep breath and eased the door to a mere crack.
There were no horses, no riders, no fierce faces—only the wind that seemed to whisper, Hang the witch!
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