Title: Lost in the Mist of Time
Author: Karen Michelle Nutt
Genre: Paranormal, Historical Time Travel, Romance
Book Blurb:
A writer with sass. An ill-fated lord of the castle. When she steps through the magical mist to save him, will their affections clear the haze and show them the way to happily ever after?
Aislinn Hennessy pens tales of courage, loyalty, and true love, but her heroes of old are pure fantasy—figments of her imagination. She long ago gave up thinking a knight in shining armor would sweep her off her feet, but then she never expected to run him off the road either.
Sir Dougray Fitzpatrick has buried one wife and vows never to love again—but destiny has other plans for this 16th century Irish Lord. During a battle, a mist separates Dougray from his men and casts him into the future. Dougray must return to Dunhaven and his century, but Aislinn follows him into the mist, leaving him no choice but to take her home with him.
Conspiracies, feuds, and unexpected violence are commonplace threats, but along the way, Aislinn and Dougray discover a surprise neither one expects: a chance for love even when they're Lost in the Mist of Time.
Buy Lost in the Mist of Time and enjoy the Irish shenanigans of long ago!
"Hey, watch out!" Connor warned.
She looked up in time to see something large, furry...not an animal though. A person stood directly in her path. She slammed on the breaks, but the tires didn't grip on the slick road. The car swerved. The man turned his head, and for a brief second, she met his eyes. Their gazes locked, and fear shone in his silver-blue eyes before he made a mad dash to escape being roadkill.
The squeal of the tires and the rapid prayers from her mother in the back seat were all she could hear over her beating heart. The car spun to a stop on the opposite side of the road. For a long second, silence drummed like a gong of doom.
Aislinn took a deep breath and let it out again. "Is everyone all right?" A quick look verified her family was shaken but not harmed. "God, the man!" Aislinn undid her seatbelt and opened the car door, hitting the pavement. She ran across the roadway. Her brother and parents were close behind, but the mist drifted in patches, making it difficult for them to follow her.
"A.J., hold on!" Connor called out to her, but she didn't stop. Her heart pounded against her ribcage. What if she killed him? She didn't think she hit him but… She hurried on through the thickening mist.
A groan reached her ears, and she scanned the area below. The grassy area at the edge of the road dipped at a downward slope. She worked her way toward where she heard the groans. Finally, her gaze made out an outline of a man, lying like a discarded bundle draped in fur. She didn't hesitate but ran toward him. His head rested on the rocks as if they were soft pillows. At this moment, she wished they were. She knelt beside him to assess the damage.
He groaned again, his head lolling to the side. "He's breathing. That's a good sign," she murmured. She brushed his long dark hair out of his eyes, revealing the man's relatively handsome face, bronzed by wind and sun. He possessed a square jaw with a generous mouth. He sported a mustache and beard, which in her opinion, needed to be trimmed, but still, it did not take away the fact his rugged features held a certain sensuality.
She then glanced at the man's strange attire of wool hide and thick mantle, and not far from where he'd fallen; she caught sight of a broadsword. She wondered why he was strolling down a deserted road dressed like he was heading to a medieval re-enactment.
She moved the thick cloak aside, her eyes widening in surprise at how his massive shoulders filled out his shirt. She took in the length of him and realized he was tall even by her standards. She towered over most men with her height of six feet, but this man had to be six-three or more. His legs were bare, muscular, and thick. Viking legs came to mind. "He's gorgeous." She then shook her head, chastising herself for ogling an unconscious man when he could be bleeding to death. She looked him over for signs of injury. Her gaze caught the glitter of the amulet he wore. It was a spiral of intertwining lines that formed a circle, and in the center sat a large amber stone. For a moment, she forgot everything else and reached for the amulet, touching its fineness. Her brows drew together. "I've seen this somewhere."
Before she could wrap her mind around where, the man grabbed her wrist. Gasping in surprise, her gaze leveled on his eyes. Those pale, silver shards of glass narrowed with contempt.
"Are ye a thief, young waif?" he asked in a voice that expected a prompt answer or suffer the consequences.
Flustered beyond belief, she at first failed to realize he'd spoken to her in Irish Gaelic. But as fear was replaced by anger, she came to her senses and answered him in the language of choice. She was amazed that under the circumstances, she could recall the words at all. "Ná bain dom!"
He seemed stunned by her response, and she wondered if she had misunderstood. Maybe he hadn't spoken to her in Irish. She repeated just as forcefully in English, "I said, don't touch me. Unhand me this instance!"
The man's grip tightened as his gaze slid over her. With his free hand, he grabbed her chest and squeezed.
"What in the hell," she cursed.
One dark brow shot up in surprise as if he'd never felt a boob before today. Well, he wouldn't have time to indulge in his sick fantasy. She sent a mighty blow to his jaw, knowing right where to hit. Her father had trained her well. The man's eyes rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness.
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If you like historical time travel, touching compassion, and chance for love against all odds, then you’ll adore this Irish tale.
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Author Biography:
Karen Michelle Nutt resides in California with her husband. Though her three children are grown and starting their own adventures, she still has a houseful of demanding pets. Jack, her Chorkie, is her writing buddy and sits long hours with her at the computer.
When she's not time traveling, fighting outlaws, or otherworldly creatures, she creates book covers at Gillian's Book Covers, "Judge Your Book By Its Cover".
Whether your reading fancy is paranormal, time travel or contemporary romances, all her stories capture the rich array of emotions that accompany the most fabulous human phenomena—falling in love.
Social Media Links:
Visit the author at her website: http://www.kmnbooks.com
Blog: http://kmnbooks.blogspot.com
Gillian’s Book Covers, “Judge Your Book By Its Cover”
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/KMNbooks
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmn_books
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/karen-michelle-nutt
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/karenmichellenutt