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Love's New Beginnings by @ScreenWryter13 is a Binge-Worthy Festival pick #romance #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Love's New Beginnings

Author: Diana Stout

Genre: Romance

Book Blurb:


Charlene was surprised that anyone else would be at the reading of her grandfather's Will.

Hearing a deep rumbling voice, her curiosity got the best of her. She peered around the chair but he was already so close, she had to look up. The bluest eyes she had ever seen stared at her, his gaze pinning her to the chair. They reminded her of the sky on a clear summer's day. A memory tugged at her.

The deep base timbre of his voice was a soothing sound to her ears. His large hand engulfed hers. Immediately, she felt his warmth. Despite his strength and that his hand was twice as large as hers, he held her hand gently. She could feel callouses across his palm.

He towered over her like a Sequoia.

"I'm sorry about your grandfather," Logan said. "He was a nice man."

She looked up again. For the second time, she was spellbound by the brilliance of blue and a memory she couldn't pinpoint. "Thank you."

Though she couldn't name it, the atmosphere in the room had changed. It was charged now, and she sensed the source was Logan.

Norton spoke. "With your permission, Charlene, rather than reading the entire Will and boring you both, let me explain the terms as simply as I can. You and Logan have each inherited one half of the orchard and its business, a hundred acres total, fifty each."

Charlene was dumbfounded. She had no idea who this Logan Taylor was, but certainly he didn't deserve half her grandfather's livelihood.

Her heart racing, she peeked a glance at Logan. He sat stone-like, not one emotion displayed on his face, his gaze focused on the attorney.

"Charlene," Norton continued. She turned her gaze back to the attorney. "You've inherited the rest of Charlie's assets, chiefly the house, its contents, and his cash holdings. About five hundred dollars in a savings account.

"Charlie's Will stipulates that neither of you can sell the orchard to an outsider."

"That's ridiculous!" Charlene burst out. She glanced at Logan again. Still no reaction. She frowned.

Norton continued. "You can only sell to each other. And only after a year's time."

"A year?" All her plans—

Norton continued. "Unfortunately, it made sense to Charlie. There's more. Neither of you can make any changes to the orchard nor its operation without permission of your partner."

"Explain to me how this makes sense?"

"Your grandfather knew Logan was interested in owning the orchard and if Charlie had had no family, he would have given Logan the entire property."

Norton addressed Logan. "Charlie fully appreciated your hard work and realized during these last years you were responsible for the orchard's success."

"You worked for Gramps?"

He looked at her, his gaze steady. "Yes."

Norton spoke again, this time to her. "Your grandfather always believed in family. He believed the orchard should remain in the family. He knew you felt the same way."

Charlene felt guilty. She might have felt that way earlier, before the accident. Before the mess that had become her life. She had come to Willow Junction prepared to sell her grandfather's property—everything—to the highest bidder.

"As to the house," Norton continued.

Charlene closed her eyes, shuddering at what stipulations might be attached to it. Opening her eyes, she prepared for the worst.

"You've inherited it, providing you live in it, starting now, for the next six months. If you return to New York, you forfeit everything."

* * * * *

Out on the sidewalk, Logan waited for her.

Once she spotted him, he saw her hesitate. Charlene Walker, world-renown pianist, looked just like her publicity photos. Picture perfect. The forest green silk suit hugged her lush curves, the breeze ruffling the smooth material tight against those curves, the skirt hugging her thighs. Earlier, it'd been difficult keeping his gaze on Norton when he'd rather watch her skirt creep up her thigh. Now a strand of brown hair had escaped the confines of the bun at the nape of her neck that was her signature hairdo.

He wondered what her hair looked like down.

Coming out of the door and down the steps, she looked frail, her hand clasping the handrail in a death grip. For just an instant, he considered stepping forward and helping her.

Then he saw her lift her chin and straighten her spine, a purposeful look in her brown eyes.

He didn't want to care one hoot about this woman even if she was his partner. The first chance he had, he was buying her out. Yet, he couldn't stop watching her. He felt like an over-stretched rubber band, the tension so taut, he thought he'd snap.

With precision and grace unlike anything he'd seen before, she walked toward him, then stopped. She had to. He blocked the sidewalk.

He looked down at her. No bigger than a child, he thought, slight and obviously tired, but she looked ready to do battle. "We have to talk," he said.

"I agree," she replied. "I want to know your intentions, your plans, and what kind of influence you had over Gramps."

Logan squinted his eyes. Of all the raw, rotten—

"Right now isn't a good time. Can you meet me at Gramps' house, say in two hours? It's the best I can offer."

"Fine. I've got some repairs to finish anyway." He knew he sounded waspish, but at this moment, he didn't care.

"Good. I'll see you then." She started to move forward, but couldn't. "Excuse me."

Forced to step aside, he stared after her. Darn, if she wasn't great to look at as she walked away. He should be riled at the high-handed way she had accused him of manipulating Charlie. Fortunately, he'd had lots of practice thanks to Charlie—and Beth—on how to control his temper and how to bide his time. Charlene didn't know it yet, but she was just like the old man. Logan knew how to handle her.

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What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?

While I can't remember my first binge-worthy book because it occurred so long ago, a fairly recent binge-worthy book within the last few years was The Martian by Andrew Weir. Why? I love earth and outer space science. This book was too realistic, not sci-fi, in my opinion. The science behind the book was phenomenal and the struggle the hero had to face kept me on the edge of my seat. I read this book in one sitting, it was that good.

What makes your featured book a binge-worthy read?

While writing this book, the characters and birds made me laugh aloud, sigh, and even cry. If they could do that to me, I believe the readers will have the same experience. In addition to the hero and heroine, there are two sassy-talking parrots, an adorable five-year-boy who is full of questions, and other secondary characters who make the story feel real and multi-dimensional. The setting is my own back yard, where I now live again and where I grew up. Every time I reread the book, I find myself unable to put it down, even though I know what's next!


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Open internationally.

Runs August 1 – 31.

Drawing will be held on September 1.

Author Biography:

An award-winning writer in multiple genres, Diana Stout, MFA, PhD is a screenwriter, author, blogger, and former English professor. She has published magazine articles, short stories, poetry, served both as a newspaper and magazine columnist, had two short plays produced in New York, and optioned a screenplay. She has served as a reviewer for academic journals, textbook publishers, and as a contest judge for multiple writing organizations: both children and adult, in fiction and nonfiction, and Hollywood screenwriting organizations. She has published books both traditionally and as an indie publisher. Today, she writes full-time through her production company, Sharpened Pencils Productions, LLC. When not writing, she enjoys books, movies, lunching with friends and family, and jigsaw puzzles.

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Website - Sharpened Pencils Productions:


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