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Loving Lord Lindmore: Book 1 of the Strong Regency Women Duo by Regina Jeffers is a Romance Readers Event pick #99cents #regency #historicalromance #romance #giveaway

N. N. Light


Loving Lord Lindmore: Book 1 of the Strong Regency Women Duo



Regina Jeffers



Regency romance; historical fiction; British historical literature; classic romance fiction; duet


Book Blurb:


Loving Lord Lindmore: Book 1 of the Strong Regency Women Duo




Lady Cora Midland, a highly-spirited country beauty, offers no pretensions, which wins many admirers, despite her lack of knowledge on how to manage the beau monde. However, Matthew Harrington believes she is taking advantage of his elderly grandmother, and he means to put a stop to the girl.




Lindmore reluctantly assists his grandmother in bringing Lady Cora out in Society. Yet, what appeared to be a daunting task becomes a transformation the earl does not expect. He finds the woman as delightful, as do others in the haut ton. Yet...


When Lady Cora is on the the verge of marrying another, Lindmore fears time will expire before he can speak his own proposal. 



If Lindmore had had his way, he would have remained in his quarters for the evening and ruminated on his grandmother’s arrangement with Lady Cora Midland, an arrangement of which he had held no knowledge until earlier today. “Very queer,” he mumbled under his breath as Mrs. Beacon’s butler ushered him into the woman’s house. They were to attend a supper together, but he was in no mood for company. Yet, Matthew had arrived in London too late to send his regrets to the woman, so he would persevere despite having a headache from too much drink earlier.


“Lindmore, darling,” Carolyn Beacon called from the top of the stairs. She always greeted him from the same place and with the same words. Until this evening, he had never thought much on such details, a fact in which he took little comfort. Why had he not realized this before and commented on it or asked her to stop being so predictable. He knew why: Mrs. Beacon was an intelligent conversationalist and a very willing partner in bed. However, this evening was the first time Matthew wondered if the woman purposely waited in the shadows until after the door closed behind him to make her appearance. If he would be foolish enough to extend his hand in marriage, which he was not, he wondered if she would greet him every day until his death with those two words. “Lindmore, darling.” Such would be enough to drive him to Bedlam.


He handed off his hat and gloves to her manservant as the lady made her way down the stairs. She paused to turn up her cheek for him to buss it with a quick kiss, and he noted the lines she had attempted to cover with creams and powders. Without a doubt, he had noted them previously, but for some inexplicable reason they appeared more pronounced this evening than ever before. Had his reaction had anything to do with the fresh beauty of Lady Cora Midland’s countenance? Matthew prayed not.


He dutifully bent to kiss her cheek, but a bit of the sourness from the rouge she wore still clung to his lips. He reached for his handkerchief to wipe it away without too much fanfare or her noticing.


“I am more than pleased for your return, Lindmore,” she was saying as she turned to slide her hand about his arm. “I hope your negotiations proved to your liking. Let us have a drink before we depart. We do not wish to arrive too early. Lady Merck would be put out if we arrived before the champagne is properly chilled.” She was still nattering on, oblivious to the fact he had yet to speak a word. “I know how you despise these types of entertainments.”


“Such is not true,” he spoke, at last. He had no idea why he was being so contrary, but he was.


“You do not fool me,” she corrected. “You are not the most sociable of men.” She reached to straighten his cravat, but Lindmore swatted her hands away.


“I would prefer to depart now,” he said. “This was a very exasperating day. I require Lord Merck’s smuggled brandy more than I do your sherry.”


“Naturally, my dear. Permit me to fetch my cape.” She turned to claim her gloves and hooded cape from the back of a nearby chair and handed the cape off to him. Generally, he would spread the outer wear over her shoulders and caress the swell of her breasts as he fastened the cloth toggle for her, but not this evening. He felt her stiffen when he stepped away to reclaim his hat and gloves; yet, Matthew could not avoid his reaction to this “play” they were again practicing. No spontaneity whatsoever.


In silence, they departed the house and climbed into his carriage. “Lord Merck’s house, Flauton,” he ordered and followed the lady inside.


Graciously, she waited until they were well on their way before she asked, “Have I executed something to displease you, Lindmore? If so, I beg your pardon most humbly.”


Odd as it might sound to say it, he despised the tone of hurt with which Carolyn regularly infused her words, as if she thought it would prove her loyalty if she showed herself as subservient to his wishes. He would venture to say Lady Cora Midland would never apologize for something not her fault. More than likely, the young woman would tell him he was being a fool, just as she had done earlier this day. She would call him to task for his foul mood, not apologize for something not of her making.


“I said I had an exhausting day,” he warned, nevertheless.


“Did Lady Lindmore refuse you again?” she asked in concern.


“Of course she denied me my inheritance again,” he snapped. “I am seven and twenty, but the countess treats me as if I am still ten. I am not to inherit the family fortune until I am thirty or until I marry.” He wished he had not added “until I marry” to his rant. Lindmore knew Carolyn was hoping he would someday speak a proposal, which was not in his plans now or ever.


Carolyn said softly, “Surely Lady Lindmore can no longer expect your obedience. You are not a child to be instructed by his parent. You are the Earl of Lindmore. Next thing any of us know, the countess will choose a wife for you.”


Matthew sat up straighter. “Your assumption may be correct. My dearest grandmother has decided to open Lind Hall so she might bring my mother’s half-sister’s daughter out in society. A cousin I had forgotten even existed is benefitting from my inheritance. My inheritance,” he repeated, although he recalled how adamantly Lady Cora had denied that premise, saying her man of business had paid for her Season in London; yet, Matthew needed to blame someone other than himself for the fiasco of earlier today. 


“Would not the girl be supported by her parents?” Carolyn argued.


“According to Lord Truist, both parents are deceased,” he hissed.


“When did you keep company with Lord Truist? You know I consider him one of the worst examples of true society,” she stated in high tones.


“Carolyn,” Lindmore said harshly, “I do not require your permission in my choice of companions. I permit you to keep company with those you prefer; therefore, you must permit me the same prerogative.”


In a silent protest, she sat back into the squabs and folded her arms across her chest. She turned her head to look out the carriage window at the passing lamp lights. Lindmore left her as such for several minutes, while he restructured and swallowed his fury, directing it where it was proper: his grandmother and the Midland chit.


At length, he said, “I apologize, my dear. I did not mean to speak to you in a testy manner. I left Hertfordshire in a huff after my grandmother’s last edict, then I had trouble with a wheel on my carriage and was forced to spend several hours tolerating Lord Truist’s teasing. I should not have brought my dudgeon to your door. I promise to be pleasant to the Mercks and prove myself worthy of your attentions.” He reached across the carriage to claim her gloved hand and to present it a gentle squeeze. “Am I forgiven?”


Carolyn sniffed as if she had been truly injured by his remarks, which he doubted, for such was the way with her, but she said, “I can never stay long upset with you, Lindmore. You are very precious to me.”


Those last six words sent another round of sourness to Matthew’s stomach. Such meant the woman would again subjugate herself to his whims, which he, truthfully, once thought should be the way of a mistress, but now he questioned Carolyn’s usefulness in that role. Perhaps it was time to find a replacement for her.


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):


eBook is currently on sale for $0.99 until 16 August 2024. Taming Lord Truist: Book 2 of the Strong Regency Women Duo releases 12 August 2024. 



Available to Read on Kindle Unlimited




Audible (Virtual Voice Narration)


What makes your featured book a must-read?


The protagonist must face his weaknesses and confront his fears before he is worthy. He must quit clinging to the “lie” and telling himself all is good in his world. Change and love is necessary for him to become the man he was always meant to be. Lord Matthew Lindmore becomes this and more.


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.

Runs July 9 – July 17, 2024.

Winner will be drawn on July 18, 2024.


Author Biography:


Before writing romance, Regina Jeffers wore many hats, including that of a tax preparer, journalist, choreographer, Broadway dancer, theatre director, history buff, teacher, grant writer, and media literacy consultant for school districts and public television. Now, “supposedly” retired, she writes full-time, skillfully enveloping her readers in the hearts and minds of her characters.


Social Media Links:


Every Woman Dreams (Blog)

Always Austen (Group Blog)

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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