Title: Maraschino Marriage Pact (One Scoop Or Two)
Author: Tamela Miles
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Book Blurb:
Mikayla DiAngelis has spent the past two years traveling the world and avoiding the demands of her overbearing warlock father. A confusing kiss from her former bodyguard is yet another reason for her to stay two steps ahead on the run. Warlock bodyguard Austin Luca will stop at nothing to bring Mikayla home. His loyalty belongs to her family, but his heart belongs to her, even though he has ties that bind him to his own family responsibilities. Their encounter was inevitable, and Mikayla is soon caught up in Austin's passion and the world she vowed to leave behind. Will surrendering to her former protector cost her the freedom she needs?
My Review:
Can one taste of pure bliss be enough for Mikayla or will she surrender to Austin’s love? Two years of world traveling isn’t enough for Mikayla yet when her father dies, she’s summoned home to take her father’s place on the council. Austin used to be her bodyguard, but she proves to him she’s not the young witch he once knew. She’s a woman of the world and knows how to give and take pleasure. One night of passion leads to a pact. When Austin’s life is in jeopardy, she runs to his side. Can she use her magic to save him and bring the perpetrator to justice? Can she be the strong, independent woman she craves and be Austin’s bonded mate?
Maraschino Marriage Pact is a steamy paranormal romance I read in one sitting. Another great installment in the One Scoop or Two series with just the right amount of heat and sweetness. Like maraschino cherry ice cream, Mikayla is a complex mixture of tart and sweet. She rebels against her father and paves a path all her own. She can’t stand the idea of being tied down. This is a constant complaint among women today and this dilemma adds a realistic component to Maraschino Marriage Pact. Tamela Miles is a brilliant writer, and her prowess is on display in Maraschino Marriage Pact. From the descriptive narration to the characters to the magical world-building, Maraschino Marriage Pact is a treat to read. You’ll laugh, you’ll fall in love, you’ll cry. A full romance wrapped up in a short story. Maraschino Marriage Pact is perfect to read in a single sitting. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
Tamela Miles is a school psychologist with Ed.S and PPS credential and a graduate of California State University San Bernardino and California State University Dominguez Hills. She is also a former flight attendant. She grew up in Altadena, California in that tumultuous time known as the 1980s. She now resides with her family in the Inland Empire, CA. She's a horror/paranormal romance writer mainly because it feels so good having her characters do bad things and, later, pondering what makes them so bad and why they can never seem to change their wicked ways.
She enjoys emails from people who like her work. In fact, she loves emails. She can be contacted at tamelamiles@yahoo.com or her Facebook page, Tamela Miles Books. She also welcomes reader reviews and enjoys the feedback from people who love to read as much as she does.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: @ jackiebrown20
Facebook Author Page:
Instagram: @tamelamilesbooks
Reviewed by: Mrs. N