N. N. Light’s Book Heaven is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Isn’t that wonderful?
I’d like to introduce romance author Maria Imbalzano.
Question 1: Where were you ten years ago in relation to your author/writer career? If you weren’t writing, what were you doing?
My second book, Dancing in the Sand, was published ten years ago (my first book was published in 2013). I was still working full time as a lawyer, but writing whenever I could. My tenth book, Island Detour just came out last year.
Question 2: Looking back on the past ten years, how has your writing grown?
I would like to think that I’m a much better writer than I was ten years ago. I’ve learned a lot and continue to go to seminars, read how-to books, and study authors I love. Life long learning is key to any endeavor.
Question 3: What are you doing now? How many books have you published?
I just sent my next book (the fourth and last of the Sworn Sisters series) to my publisher. Fingers crossed that I get a contract. While I’m waiting to hear, I just started the second book of the Sunrise Island series. When I say just started, I mean I’m on page 5. But I did do an entire in-depth outline, so I’m ready to let my fingers fly over my keyboard. I just hope my brain keeps up.
Giveaway -
In celebration of our 10th anniversary, the authors have each donated a prize (sixty in total) and they range from free books to swag to gift cards.
Open internationally but some prizes are only open to US residents
Runs March 1 - 31, 2025
Winner will be drawn on April 1, 2025
Author Biography:
Maria Imbalzano is an award-winning contemporary author who writes about strong, independent women and the men who fall in love with them. She recently retired from the practice of law, but legal issues have a way of showing up in many of her novels.
Maria is a member of New Jersey Romance Writers and has received many honors and awards for her work including the ACRA Readers’ Choice Heart of Excellence Award, the Wisconsin Romance Writers Write Touch Readers Award, The NEST (National Excellence In Story Telling) Award, the Carolyn Award, The Stiletto Reader’s Choice Award, Book Buyers Best Award, Long & Short Reviews Book of the Month Award and Still Moments Magazine Reader’s Choice Award.
When not writing, she loves to travel both abroad and in the states. Maria lives in Lawrenceville and Bradley Beach with her husband--not far from her two daughters and granddaughters. For more information about her books, please visit her website at http://mariaimbalzano.com where you can also sign up for her newsletter.
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