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  • N. N. Light

N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Mary Morgan #authorspotlight #medievalromance #timetravel #scottishromance #pnr #mustread

Hello, dear readers!


I’m delighted to be visiting N. N. Light’s Book Heaven today! This month marks a celebratory event for me. My first book, Dragon Knight’s Sword launched into the world ten years ago. Never did I dream I would venture so far on this amazing journey.


As a result of the success with this first series, Order of the Dragon Knights, I have expanded with three more: Legends of the Fenian Warriors, A Tale from the Order of the Dragon Knights: Highland Holiday Romances, and The Wolves of Clan Sutherland.


Let me share a wee bit more about myself…


I am an international best-selling author of award-winning historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. During my wonderful research travels with my knight in shining armor to England, Ireland, and Scotland, I’ve left pieces of my soul in one of these countries and I vow to return.


My passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by my love for history and ancient Celtic and Norse mythology, these tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance.


If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of fantasy, then journey back in time with me within the pages of my stories.





Book Trailer for Order of the Dragon Knights:



Author Mary Morgan

Genre Time-travel Scottish Medieval Paranormal Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb


Duncan Mackay will do anything to lift the curse from his family—even forfeit his own life. But his plans change when he encounters the woman from his dreams. She is from the future, somehow has his lost sword, and can talk to the Dragon who is able to lift his family's curse.

Brigid O'Neill has spent her life listening to the mythological legends from Ireland and Scotland. When an ancient sword lands at her doorstep and she starts dreaming of a rugged Highlander, Brigid abandons everything and takes on a quest that will alter everything she believes.



His stomach growled as he sought out the kitchens, nodding to a passing guard along the way. The smell of baking hit him as he rounded the long corridor. Closing his eyes, Duncan inhaled the aroma. “Damson tarts,” he whispered. The plum and currant tarts were a favorite of his and he smiled inwardly knowing Moira had not only prepared them for the feast of Samhain, but for him, too. His stomach rumbled, and he quickened his pace.


When he entered, Duncan’s heart slammed inside his chest at the vision before his eyes. One of the tables was laden with many tarts, yet it was the scene in the corner by the fire which undid him. He leaned against the wall for support and gazed upon the beauty.


Brigid was slumped in a chair with plum juice staining her hands and mouth. In her lap curled up against her was Nell—both were sound asleep. A slight snore escaped from Brigid, and he smiled.


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Author Mary Morgan

Genre Time-travel Scottish Medieval Paranormal Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb


To right a wrong, two souls are brought together only to shatter when they are torn apart by the deeds of an evil druid.


Dragon Knight, Stephen MacKay’s powers are altered after the death of his sister. Now he is plagued with visions that threaten to destroy his soul. When Aileen Kerrigan falls through a time tunnel, he vows to keep her safe, despite the fact the beautiful but head-strong half-blooded fae could be the death of him.


When Aileen finds out her dad is a Fenian Warrior, she flees to a nearby ruin. Armed with the medallion her mother gave her, and a matching one belonging to a long dead knight, she is flung into the past and finds a handsome but surly warrior who is on a quest. Now her future could be entwined with his if she doesn’t kill him first.




“No, th...this cannot be,” she choked out. “Tell me who you are. I demand to know your name!”


Are all the fae so dumb and beautiful, he thought. “Ye ken who I am.” Stephen caught a glimpse of the fae as she started to take a few hesitant steps backwards. What the bloody hell was wrong with her? She was standing too close to the edge. If she was not careful, she would slip on over.


Why did he care? She could just vanish, right? Stephen rubbed his face, the remnants of a headache still behind his eyes. Sweet Bridget! Now the fae was yelling at him.


She waved her hands while shaking her lovely head. “You are not him!”


He had to put a stop to this, or she would fall. Perchance she was a daft fae. He certainly did not know their ways, nor did he want to find out. Yet this creature was becoming more agitated, and for some unfathomable reason, he did not want her to come to any harm.


“Och, fae healer, stop your babbling,” he dismounted with a groan.


“No, no, no!” Pointing a finger at him, she continued to walk backwards. Stumbling, her foot twisted among some tree roots, causing her to lose her balance.


Stephen swore as he lunged for her, grasping her arm and crushing her against his chest. “Are ye truly daft?”


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Author Mary Morgan

Genre Time-travel Scottish Medieval Paranormal Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb 


Alastair MacKay, a battle-scarred Dragon Knight flees to the sea to separate himself from his fae-given power connecting him to the land. But it is on land that he rescues a woman from a slave trader in Ireland. It is through Fiona he steps back inadvertently into a world filled with magic--taking on the role of protector and at the same time leading him on a journey to confront his greatest regret and fears.Research assistant, Fiona O'Quinlan loves translating ancient artifacts at Trinity College. When she falls asleep on an archeological dig, she awakens in another time. She soon discovers a Dragon Knight's relic has been entrusted into her care. Determined to return the artifact to the Great Glen, Fiona is unprepared for the danger ahead--losing her heart and soul to Alastair "Beast" MacKay.


Will their love be strong enough to soothe the beast and heal the man? Or will Death swing its axe, leaving them lost for all eternity?




He would get the truth out of her. She was now his. Bought and paid for.


His anger simmered just below the surface, and he allowed his eyes to flash with the fire of the dragon. Hearing her gasp, he smiled. Good, little bird. Fear me. Without giving her time to react, he swept her up and dumped her over his left shoulder and strode toward the ship.


He heard her sharp intake of breath, and then she started to pound against his back. “ down,” she demanded.




She started to kick, and he clenched his jaw in frustration. The little bird had talons. He responded with a smack to her bottom, but instead of removing his hand, he kept it against her soft curves. “I will put ye down when we are on my ship.”


She went completely still, and then she screamed.


Alastair dumped her onto the ground. “For the love of Brigid, did ye have to yell into my ear?”


Fiona rubbed at her bottom and then stood. “You beast,” she spat out at him. Jumping onto a nearby boulder, she looked directly into his eyes. “Don’t you ever touch me like that again.”


Alastair yanked her to his chest by her arms, his face mere inches from hers. “And what are ye going to do?” He watched as her eyes widened in alarm. Blue eyes that reminded him of the sky on warm summer days. Then his gaze traveled down to her lips, red as berries.


Instantly, his beast roared to life. Claim one kiss, Alastair.


“I will slit your throat,” she whispered.


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Author Mary Morgan

Genre Time-travel Scottish Medieval Paranormal Romance


Book Blurb 


Angus MacKay, leader of the Dragon Knights, failed his brothers and his clan upon the death of his sister. Now he must fight the darkness of despair tempting his soul. Back on Scottish soil, he comes face to face with Deirdre who can wield a sword as mightily as his warriors, and he takes her captive. Yet, with each passing day, the fire dragon inside him roars to claim the one woman fate has destined for him.

Famed mystery writer, Deirdre Flanagan, is unprepared for the next chapter in her life. On a vacation to Scotland, she steps through the mists and enters into a skirmish alongside a Highlander. However, the fight has only begun, and now she must battle Angus as well as evil in order to claim the love of this Dragon Knight.


Will their love be powerful enough to shield them from danger, or burn them to ashes?




His look was predatory, lustful, inviting, and she took a step backward. Words failed her as she took another step back.


He arched a brow, and his smile became seductive. “Do I frighten ye?”


“No!” she lied.


Pushing away from the wall, he stepped into the room and silently closed the door behind him, his eyes never leaving hers. His hair hung in soft waves past his shoulders, and her fingers itched to twine within them. Her body ached in places so deep—longing for even the slightest touch. 


“Are ye unwell, my lady?”


The burr of his voice so low—so sexy, she could only stare at him until his words resonated in her mind. “No,” she replied softly, feeling the flames of desire heat not only her face, but also her entire body.


This time when he took another step closer, Deirdre didn’t back away. Now he stood so close she could feel the warmth of his breath across her face—a mix of wine and pure male.


She watched mesmerized as he reached for a lock of her hair, twining it around his finger. “So verra soft.”


Deirdre couldn’t breathe, as he let the curl unravel and cupped her face in his hands. “Ye confuse me. Ye torment me in my dreams,” he whispered against her cheek, sending a wave of pleasure down her spine.


Without thought, she groaned and leaned into him—his beard grazing her cheek. She no longer battled her mind for the man. “Kiss me, Angus.”


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Author Mary Morgan

Genre Time-travel Scottish Medieval Paranormal Romance


Book Blurb


Crusader, Adam MacFhearguis is on one last quest to the standing stones in Scotland where he seeks to bury the past. However, a silent prayer sends him to an unknown future and to his beloved Meggie. When he uncovers a shocking revelation, Adam questions everything about the woman he thought he knew and loved. He may have traveled the veil of ages, but time is now his enemy. Margaret MacKay lives a life in the future without the memories of her past—her death. When Adam arrives at her door confessing he knows her, she is confused and wary. With each passing day, she yearns to learn more from this stranger. Yet when a truth is revealed, can she trust the man to unlock the chains from her mind and heart? 


Will love free the bonds to unite the two lovers who were doomed centuries ago? Or will evil finally claim victory over the Dragon Knights?




As she approached the entrance of the castle, her nerves tingled and the air cooled. Halting on the gravel courtyard, she slowly glanced up at the guest bedroom window. Gazing down at her was the dark Highlander. His hands were braced on either side of the glass, and Meggie could swear for an instant, she recognized him from somewhere. A dream, perhaps? The look he gave her pierced her soul, and she shivered.


“Impossible,” she muttered. “I don’t dream. And ye are leaving now.”


Breaking from his stare, Meggie entered the castle, almost running up the stairs. By the time she reached the guest room, her hands were shaking. Not even bothering to knock, she pushed open the door and stormed inside.


Her mouth became dry, unable to form the words to order this giant out of her home. His bulk blocked the light from the window as he leaned against the ledge staring at her. She was not one prone to swoon at men—any man, but this one made her a jumbled mess. Moving to the table, she picked up his sword and took it over to him. His eyes widened as she approached, and she fell into their dark blue depths. 


“I…um…” she stammered before continuing. “Ye should leave.” There, she got the words out.


Instead of reaching for his sword, the man lifted two fingers and caressed her cheek. She gasped, the touch searing her skin, and she took a step back. She could see the look of shock pass over his features, as if he felt the same reaction.


Meggie shoved the sword into his arms and ran for the door. Yet when her hand touched the handle, she heard him speak.


“Dinnae leave me again, Meggie.”


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©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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