If you love rockstar romance, you need to check out this award-winning series by Katie Baldwin!
Title: Metalsome Holiday
Author: Katie Baldwin
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Rockstar Romance
Book Blurb:
Tray Jones is used to women falling all over him. He’s a rock star, after all. But he makes one mistake with the sexy Tatum Blackmore, and she’s ready for war.
Tatum Blakemore divorced her husband, moved to a new city, and opened a café. Starting over at forty-two has been at once exhilarating and terrifying. Who needs a man anyway? At least that was her mantra until she met a mostly naked Tray Jones, and her world tilted on its axis. And then the sexy man insults her!
Will Tatum hate him for good? Or will the holidays and a snowstorm change her mind?
Tray Jones sat behind his kit, dripping with sweat. This was it. The last song on the tour. A bittersweet moment, to be sure. While he longed to be home, there was nothing like performing live in front of a community of metal-loving fans. Despite the six-month tour fatigue, he was exhilarated by the roar of the crowd. He mopped his face as their lead singer, Topher Duvall, strutted around the stage, toying with their fans.
“What tune should we do last, Chicago?” Topher asked as if they all didn’t know they were going to perform “Blade.” It had been a huge hit for them.
Diego Aguilar, Tray’s brother and lead guitarist, gave a couple of front-row audience members high fives. The other two band members, David K and Marc Overton (“the twins” as their fans called them because of their similar long blond hair), were grinning like maniacs. All of them felt the love from their fans, and it was a high like no other.
Topher turned to face Tray and grinned, “Blade it is, motherfuckers. Let’s go!”
Tray took a moment to focus and breathe before attacking his kit. The song began with a ferocious pounding of the drums. It was the closest thing he came to a drum solo during their shows. Tray was the only one playing until he added a few hi-hats, and Diego came in with his aggressively discordant melody.
To Tray’s mind, it was a strange song to end a set. Blade told the story of a young man who felt isolated and chose violence as his outlet and how that one tragic choice changed his life for the worse. But the fans loved it.
Once the final chorus was complete, they walked off stage. They never returned for an encore – they played hard and then left.
Tray threw his drumsticks into the audience and flashed the peace sign as he exited stage right.
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Author Biography:
Katie Baldwin is an award-winning author who loves Rock & Roll, rescuing dogs and a good strong latte. By day she is a mild-mannered researcher at a well-respected university. By night she writes kissing books that are sometimes spooky! When she is not pacing her home and working out dialogue in her mind, she is reading Romance, Horror, and Mystery books by her favorite authors. She can be found on Facebook and Instagram waxing eloquently about her love of canines and all the books. Check out her website for other interesting facts. www.authorkatiebaldwin.com
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Title: Metalsome Affair
Author: Katie Baldwin
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Rockstar Romance
Book Blurb:
Rock star Topher Duvall’s number one love is his daughter Sabrina, even more than his passion for music. To keep her safe from her evil grandparents, he will do anything. Even marry the quiet woman who is her legal guardian.
Melissa Edwards loves her charge Sabrina like a daughter. But the man who fathered this beautifully complicated child is a complete mystery. How can someone be so grumpy, obnoxious, and, caring at the same time? But the way he loves his daughter melts her heart.
The rock star and the guardian make a pact to marry and live together for the sake of Sabrina. But can they survive their growing attraction to each other?
Melissa Edwards took a deep breath, squeezed Sabrina’s hand, and opened the door to the green room where Metalsome were preparing for the last show of their tour. As a nod to their hometown of Madison, the boys were performing at Camp Randall stadium. Since this venue was typically filled with University of Wisconsin Badgers fans, not heavy metal rockers, their performance was a clear indication of the city’s devotion to the band.
“Do you think he’ll like me?” Sabrina’s voice cracked on the words.
Poor thing. Her feelings were understandable. It wasn’t every day that a little girl met her father—who just happened to be the lead singer of the most famous band in the world. Melissa kissed the top of the head of her best friend’s eight-year-old daughter and squeezed her hand. “Of course, he will.” She pushed as much confidence into that statement as she could muster, but in all honesty, she didn’t know what to expect from Topher Duval.
Sadly, Sabrina wasn’t the only one nervous. In a rock video world full of big breasted blondes, Melissa was a thin black-haired chick with nipples for a chest. Most of the time she was okay with her looks, but walking into a green room filled with famous rockstars? Ugh.
But this special moment wasn’t about her.
When her best friend Ione passed, Melissa had done a deep internet search on Sabrina’s father and read some pretty scary things about his time as a heroin addict. But lately, the only time the lead singer of Metalsome made news was when he spoke on behalf of Living Sober, an organization that helped people with addiction. The work he’d accomplished to become sober and his support of others working toward sobriety were impressive. And Topher seemed to be quite open and honest about his struggles with addiction. In one article he’d said, “I hope that by telling my story, one person reads it and chooses sobriety. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.”
Yet… meeting him in reality? Allowing Ione’s daughter to meet him? That was another thing entirely.
Melissa took another breath and they walked in holding clammy hands, instantly overwhelmed by raucous laughter and loud voices. The door shut loudly behind them and, one by one, everyone in the room turned to gawk at Melissa and the eight-year-old girl she brought into a heavy metal band’s green room.
Gripping Melissa’s hand even tighter, Sabrina started to tremble.
The door to the bathroom opened and all eyes turned away from Melissa and Sabrina as a striking man in low slung jeans, a tight t-shirt, and tattoos covering both arms strolled out of the bathroom, a stunning red-headed woman in his wake.
“Sweetie, that’s fucking awesome.” He kissed the top of her head and she beamed, then gave him a quick hug and walked over to a gaggle of women in the corner, who all cheered for her.
Topher’s hair was dyed a very bright pink and it stood on end, which was a great nod to the old punk look from the seventies and eighties. But—did he just fuck that girl in the bathroom and pat her on the head like a child? What an asshole. And why were the other women celebrating? Hooray, you nailed a rock star in a green room bathroom! Really? Christ.
Although, if she were being honest with herself, in another lifetime, Melissa would have happily walked into a bathroom stall with a rock star like Topher Duvall.
But that was before she had a child to care for.
Right. She had a child to care for. And this meeting had been a terrible lapse in judgement.
It was time to go. Quickly, before he noticed their presence.
She clutched Sabrina’s hand and began to back up toward the door. She would simply reach out to him tomorrow and make something up—
Topher pivoted to face them and his green eyes widened. “Sabrina?” he asked, his voice soft and hoarse.
Probably from all the yelling during sex in the bathroom.
Or… it could be from emotions. Not likely, but maybe.
Damn Melissa’s heart for hoping it was the latter.
“Yes?” Sabrina squeaked.
The rock star walked over to Sabrina and lowered to his knees. “I’ve been so excited to meet you.”
Her little body relaxed, and she shouted, “Me too!”
“May I hug you?” he asked in that hoarse voice that was so distinctive.
Sabrina nodded.
Melissa watched Topher gently hug Sabrina and tried like hell to remain unaffected. But her newly-acquired mommy emotions were on high alert. And if she cried, she would never forgive herself. But it wasn’t just her maternal side that was affected by the scene. Photos of this particular rock star didn’t do him justice. He was obnoxiously attractive. She shook her head as she tried to deny his allure. Men with tattoos were not her thing. Rock musicians? Not her thing. But…
Topher was six feet tall, and she had caught a glimpse of that V hip thingy that all women swooned over. His eyes were the color of emeralds, and his full lips were indecently sexual. For Christ’s sake, the man should be a model.
A few tears slipped down his cheeks as he held his daughter and Melissa’s stomach roiled as shame heated her skin. She’d just been perving on Sabrina’s dad! What the hell was wrong with her? Sabrina was having a moment with her father, and Melissa was eyeballing him like a starving woman. She never reacted this way to any man. She shook herself out of her sexual reverie; she was here for her recently adopted daughter, nothing more. She’d made a promise to Ione that she would set up a meeting.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Amazon: https://a.co/d/1Mq57ks
Title: Metalsome Hearts
Author: Katie Baldwin
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Rockstar Romance
Book Blurb:
Jessica Walker is on the run from her ex-boyfriend. Again.
A youthful flirtation with a police officer led to a year of mental and physical torment.
For seven months, she lived free of his abuse, and then he found her, and things went dark very fast. The only possible hiding place is with her sister's dear friend Diego Aguilar. But Diego isn't a regular guy. He's a world-famous heavy metal guitarist. A beautifully talented man who has been Jess's Rock and Roll fantasy for years. But after her past with her ex, the last place she wants to be is around any man.
Even Diego.
Diego Aguilar doesn't trust most people save the guys in his band, Metalsome, and his adopted family. But when he first sees Jess, he feels compelled to protect her. He knows from experience the pain of being brutalized, and he'll do anything to keep her safe -- even if that means letting her into his heart.
Jessica Walker woke up to raucous laughter and froze. A whimper escaped her lips as her body throbbed in pain. Everything hurt. Even her hair ached. If she had the energy, she’d yell at herself for being beaten again, but her head hurt too much. After seven months of freedom, he had found her.
She shifted around on an unfamiliar and smelly sofa and groaned. Back in the day, when she had lived with Henry in Beloit, she’d become quite proficient at diagnosing her injuries. Despite the time away from his abuse, she’d bet money that at least one rib was broken. Maybe two. It was tough to breathe. She grabbed a Percocet and water bottle from the battered hobo bag she’d tossed down on the floor and popped it with the bit of water she had left.
God damn, but she hated who she had become. There had been a time when she was a regular girl. A little overweight – according to her doctor – but she loved her body. She had been that girl with a quick smile, a loud laugh and loads of friends. And then she met Henry. And everything that made Jess unique disappeared. Nothing remained of her former gregarious self. Even months away from her monster, she still hid within the shadows of her sister’s apartment. She was still this nervous, achingly shy woman who jumped at any sudden movement.
She scanned the darkened space for signs of movement. Where the hell was she? Even in the dim room, she could see an unfamiliar long table and a circle of chairs near the door. Her woozy mind cleared a bit, and she relaxed. She was in the green room of a concert venue, waiting for her sister, Justine. Her cool-as-fuck, I-don’t-take-any-shit sister, who sang in a punk rock band called Vulvareens.
Earlier, as she had run out of the apartment she shared with her sister in Waunona, she had sent her a quick text.
He found me
I’m coming to the venue.
I need you to hide me.
Now a guitar twanged in the distance and pulled her from her reflections. It must be time for the bands to arrive. Was her sister here right now?
If she had time to read the text, she must be frantic. The thought of seeing Justine made her heart sink. She knew how upset her sister would be the moment she saw her face. Jess certainly deserved a good scolding after this royal fuck up. But Justine didn’t scold. She cried. And that was far worse.
Jess moaned, her head feeling like it was about to explode. She was a fucking idiot. At twenty-three, she should have some common sense. What possessed her to open the front door without checking the peep hole? She’d gotten lazy and overconfident that Henry had given up his search. She had never been more wrong in her life.
The door opened and Justine stormed into the room.
“Jessie?” Justine’s eyes widened as she took in the bruises and bloodstains. All the color drained out of her face. She shook her head as if she refused to believe what she was seeing. Then she raced toward her sister and cried, “That fucking ass hole. We’re calling the police this time, Jessie. The Beloit department needs to know he hurt you.”
“I called them when I got out of the hospital last time.” Jess said. She still couldn’t believe the condescending tone of Henry’s superior officer as he laid the blame squarely on her. All she wanted was for Henry to be reprimanded, and they did nothing. Less than nothing. They simply accused her of trying to sabotage his career.
Justine wrinkled her brow as she sank to her knees and lightly touched Jess’s hair. “I know. But this time, I’m calling the damn lieutenant or whatever and that man will hear what I think of his leadership. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll go to the press.”
Jess closed her eyes as she tried ignoring the violent ramifications of Henry losing his job because Justine complained. Sure, it was his actions that would cause his dismissal, but he’d blame her. And if he ever was able to get his hands back on her, she’d be dead. Jess knew logically that Henry needed to have some serious repercussions for his actions. But in that dark place where her PTSD lived and thrived, she was terrified of his reaction to being dismissed.
Christ, she was tired. If she could hide within the numbing sleep of Percocet for a few hours, that would be great. Unfortunately, Justine’s eyes were filled with tears, and she’d likely do something rash if Jess didn’t stay awake.
“Jessie? Oh my God, I’m calling 911.”
“No. Wait. Sorry, I’m so tired. Please don’t call anyone until I’ve had time to sleep, okay?”
Justine scowled, which under any other circumstance would have made Jess laugh. But not tonight. Her sister was a warrior on the inside. But on the outside, she looked like a pixie, all freckle faced with rose-tinted porcelain skin. She did everything in her power to hide her doll-like features. Today she balanced her innocent coloring with green hair, a nose piercing, combat boots, a tartan miniskirt, and a Sex Pistols T-shirt. She looked like a pissed-off doll. But despite Justine’s belief that she could take down men of all sizes, she was only five feet tall. Henry would break her in under a minute.
“Just promise me you won’t go near him. No matter what.” The idea of her sister getting anywhere near the monster was more than Jess could bear.
Justine made a few comforting noises. “Okay, I won’t do anything. I swear. At least for now. Will you stop moving? You’re going to hurt yourself.”
“You promise, right?” Jess tried, but her lips trembled as she looked at her sister.
“Oh, honey. Yes, I promise.”
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Amazon: https://a.co/d/9ZM7C49
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Metalsome Hearts is available for free! As a gift to you! Click here to get your copy! And begin to fall in love with the men of Metalsome.