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Mom... It's Cancer by @debbie_legault is a Spring Break Bookapalooza pick #memoir #cancer #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Mom It’s Cancer: They all said she was much too young. They were all very wrong.

Author: Debbie Legault

Genre: Memoir, Cancer

Book Blurb:

"Thank you for writing this book for me" and "This book changed my life" are just two reader reactions to "Mom...It's Cancer: They all said she was much too young. They were all very wrong".

This story is written from a mother's perspective and is a powerful portrait of a mother and daughter weathering the darkest of storms. What shines through is the strikingly honest observations and the author's ability to convey an accumulation of details that form a shattering whole.

The heart of this book is that "Cancer changes people, and cancer also changes the people supporting the people who have cancer,"

Brimming with wit, melancholia and laughs this book is a spectacular delivery of tears, fears, love and laughter. A singular story that will strike a very personal note with women around the globe who have been diagnosed with breast cancer whilst finding common ground with a wider audience who have been afflicted by cancer in its differing and devastating manifestations.


Adrienne got a human hair wig and was able to take it to her stylist last night to get it cut "a la her". She came home with smile that could have lit up a football stadium because seriously, it's so perfect and you could never tell it wasn't her own head of hair. She needed to wait until she found some heat protection product to work with it at home but she found some hiding in her Stash of Any Hair Care Product Needed by Any Human Being to Create Any Style on Earth or Any Planet or to Infinity and Beyond and came to poke me about a half hour after we went to bed to show me.


Today we had a couple of appointments at the same hospital, one at 10:30 and one at 2:30, and she decided to wear her newly acquired OMG IT'S AMAZING wig. We had a few things to pick up and there was a mall about a twenty-minute walk away so we thought it would be fun and good for both of us to walk there between and have lunch.

An important piece of info for you to have to understand what transpired at the mall is that she started the hormone shots on Tuesday to stimulate egg production so they can retrieve them before chemo starts.

Fast forward to walking through the mall...on our way back after having lunch and picking up the above-mentioned few things.

"Is it hot and stuffy in here Mom or is it just me?"

"I'm good honey so I think it's just you."

"Can we stop to get me a bubble tea on the way back? I really feel like I could use a special lift and that kind of treat sounds perfect."

Of course we can.

As we were waiting for the tea to be prepared...

"Mom I don't think I can handle the hot and itchy I'm feeling from the wig right now. I don't want to just stuff it in a bag though, because it'll get squished."

"Hmmmmm...hey wait! Adrienne how about we put it in the compost buckets we just bought..that will protect it."

"Great idea Mom! I think I'm going to take it off. I brought my white scarf to cover my head so I think I'm gonna wear that this afternoon."

"Okay..I think there's a washroom about..."

Annnnddddd she whips off the wig. While waiting for a bubble tea. In the middle of a mall.

That's my girl.

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If money were no object and we weren’t in a pandemic, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?

I would go to Ireland to visit the land of my heritage. I dream of looking off the cliffs of to the Atlantic Ocean’s vastness.

Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?

My daughter, the book’s subject, was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago this spring and I feel it’s important to normalize talking about a disease that impacts so many of our loved ones. Perhaps reading about a young woman’s experience through her Mother’s eyes can start a new conversation.


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Open internationally

Runs April 1 – 30, 2021.

Drawing will be held on May 3, 2021.

Author Biography:

Mother...Grandmother...Librarian...Military Spouse...Family Life Educator...take your pick! Debbie Legault was born in British Columbia, Canada to a former RCAF airman father and a Scottish War Bride mother and has lived in other Canadian provinces, Germany and California. Her latest role is as the author of Mom...It's Cancer, the story of supporting her 27-year-old daughter as they experienced breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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