Start the New Year with My Manifesting Planner! - A Transformational Planner That Advances All Aspects of Your Being: Physical, emotional & spiritual.
If you’ve struggled to integrate spiritual and daily life, you will love My Manifesting Planner.
My Manifesting Planner will help you:
Move Through Life’s Challenges by converting your challenges into manifestation projects so you can bring what you want into your life.
Fulfill dreams by paying attention to your heart’s desires - your soul speaking to you - and taking action to fulfill them.
Stay organized, focused on what is most important to you in your life.
Thrive spiritually, emotionally and materially, by consistently growing through life’s challenges and fulfilling soul desires.
You are always manifesting yourself and your life. My Manifesting Planner will support you in manifesting the best you and the best life.
A fantastic way to start the new year!
The perfect gift to give friends and family on the spiritual path.
Weekly planner - Starts November 29, 2021 & ends January 31, 2023
5.83 in x 8.27
Black Coil Binding
262 Pages
Information on how to best use My Manifesting Planner is included in the planner.
Grab your planner before the new year!

Author Biography:
I was always clairvoyant but didn't know it until later in life. Before that, I assumed everyone could see what I saw and do what I could do. It was a slow process realizing that not everyone scanned traffic at a distance as a way to find the best route home. Eventually I concluded that, in this way, I was different from most people. As far back as I could remember, I had precognitive dreams, regularly scanned people at a distance, traveled into the future to experiment possibilities, tasted food psychically, altered my consciousness to find out the truth about nature of reality, and automatically went into psychic mode when I needed to find something out. This was my reality, the only one I knew, and how I lived. Once I became more conscious of my psychic abilities, I would, informally, help family and friends. It wasn't until much later in life that I started to use this ability formally to help people. Meanwhile I received my Ph.D. in English, wrote a dissertation on the evolution of consciousness in the novel synthesizing the new physics, mysticism, theories of evolution of human consciousness and the novel. You can order a copy here if you like: order. Before I started giving psychic readings, it was writing that took up most of my life, and still does a great deal. I love working with writers using my psychic reading ability and my knowledge of writing and the writing process. I wrote The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic's Perspective when I saw that most of my clients faced the same challenges, challenges that had very easy solutions -- once you knew how energy operated in the aura. My own cutting edge . . . ever more perfect alignment with essence; continual surrender to transformation; to remain formless within form; feel the boundary and expand -- the Divine is boundless. Zorica -- pronounced Zoritza