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Night Witch Reborn: Natalya by @HVanlandingham is a Wintertime Reading pick #free #romance #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Night Witch Reborn: Natalya

Author: Heidi Vanlandingham

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Book Blurb:

Natalya Volkov’s dream is to fly, but when she’s killed in a plane crash defending Mother Russia, the Norse goddess Freyja gives her a second chance at life—for a price. For immortality, she must hunt down the most powerful man in Europe or give up the man she loves.

Romani-Jew, Mikhail Abramovich has known hardship. He escaped a Nazi camp, became a Resistance soldier, and the love of his life died in his arms. Yet, when Natalya miraculously returns to life; he is plunged into a world that is no longer black and white.

Is the hunt for Hitler and immortality worth giving up everything they have ever known and loved?


“I told you this wouldn’t be easy, detenysh,” Mikhail whispered. He heard a sniff, and Julek turned his head, resting his cheek on his shoulder.

“What does that mean? Deten…detenee—”

Mikhail smiled at the awkward pronunciation of the Russian endearment. “It is pronounced deet-ohn-ish and means youngling. It is what my grandfather called me when I was your age.”

Julek sniffed again. “I like that. I never knew my grandfather. Was yours a nice man?”

Mikhail frowned. What a strange thing to ask….

“Julek!” Adela said, her tone full of censure. “We don’t talk bad about the dead. Mama asked us to remember only the good times with her papa.” She reached up and took her brother’s hand in hers as they continued to walk toward the military HQ, now just across the street from them.

“I don’t ever want to get old and be like him,” Julek said.

“Not all old people are like your grandfather. My grandparents certainly weren’t. They were wonderful and gave me treats. My grandfather even took me fishing and let me ride on his shoulders.”

They climbed the steps of the HQ and entered through the large glass door. An old college friend he’d kept in touch with helped with passing information through the Resistance channels from one country to the next and, luckily, Bernard had told him Andrei now served as one of the aides to General Zhukov. If he couldn’t get in to see the general, Andrei was the next best thing.

They climbed three sets of stairs before entering a dingy gray hallway on the third floor. Turning right, he walked down the hallway to a door marked Conference Area. He opened the door and stepped inside with Adela on his heels. Inside the room, he paused. It looked just like the room from his last vision of Talya. He stared out the three large windows, the blanket of night giving the outside world an ominous emptiness.

Andrei rose from where he sat at the conference table and walked toward them. “You are late, my friend.”

Mikhail pulled his gaze away from the wall of windows and grabbed Andrei’s outstretched hand. “It was a bit difficult finding a boat willing to bring us across the river at this time of night.”

“You’re lucky you found anyone to bring you across at all. The Luftwaffe bomb everything on the river. Our supply line is severed, and we have no way to bring in reinforcements for our soldiers. The Germans have been ruthless in their advance.”

Mikhail shifted Julek in his arms until he was able to pull out the documents he’d traveled through enemy lines for and handed then to Andrei. “These are the plans for the German offensive, code name Operation Blue. General Zhukov needs to see these and plan his attacks accordingly to keep the Germans out of Stalin.” He hesitated, holding himself completely still as his gaze moved back to the windows. At the far end of the room, a door opened, and two men walked in. The light dimmed and, from a distance, he heard Andrei’s voice asking him if he was all right, but he couldn’t respond.

Mikhail stepped back and ran into Adela who let out a tiny squeak, helping to break the spell holding him in its grip. “It’s coming,” he whispered and took another step back. Just then something large slammed through the windows. Chaos exploded around them as someone screamed in agony then abruptly stopped.

In an instant, Mikhail turned and shoved Adela from the room and tried to follow her but was slammed from behind. With the last of his strength, he threw Julek through the doorway. Crawling, he almost made it to the hallway when he crumpled to the floor, darkness filling his mind. Refusing to give in, he shoved it away.

He turned his head to find the crumpled remains of a plane lying part-way in the room. He heard a low groan somewhere close by and crawled over to where it came from. Despite the pain in his back and shoulder, he started picking up and tossing debris to one side. Underneath, lay Andrei—blood everywhere. A gurgling noise came from his friend’s throat. He gave a single cough, then nothing.

“Andrei?” Mikhail felt for a pulse but his friend was gone. Reaching down, he uncurled his friend’s fingers and pulled the crystal from his hand, securing it in his jacket pocket once again. With awkward, jerking movements, he stood and the light came back on, dimly flickering. The wall of windows was now filled with the plane, which was almost smashed beyond recognition, but he would recognize this aircraft anywhere. It was the small biplane the 588th Night Bomber regiment flew each night. It was the biplane his Talya flew.

He rushed to the first cockpit and cried out. Inside lay the pilot, her beautiful face marred by a single scratch on one cheek; otherwise, she was unblemished and perfect. His Talya. He climbed over the broken plywood and pulled Natalya from the plane, making it as far as the wall when he slid to the ground, holding her against his chest.

“Natalya? Open your eyes…stay with me, liybimaya.” He held his breath when her eyes moved beneath her closed lids. Finally, her eyes opened as she stared up at him and tried to smile. She raised one hand and cupped his cheek.

Liybimaya—my love,” she whispered than coughed. Her hand dropped back onto her stomach. “I will always love you, Misha.” She continued to stare into his face and slowly let out one final breath.

“No, Talya! You can’t leave me—I need you,” he sobbed and pulled her to his chest, his heart shattering into a thousand pieces.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Grab your free copy from January 28 - February 3!

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if the Allies hadn’t won WWII, if certain decisions hadn’t been made, or if certain people hadn’t died? These questions are what drove me to write Night Witch Reborn: Natalya. If you like meddling goddesses and tension-filled plots effortlessly blended with humor and romance, then you will like this thrilling first book in Flight of the Night Witches series.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:

Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs January 25 – February 3, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on February 4, 2022.

Author Biography:

Heidi Vanlandingham writes sweet, action-packed stories that take place in war-torn Europe, otherworldly magical realms, and the Wild West. Her love of history finds its way into each book, and her characters are lovable, strong, and diverse. Heidi’s stories transport the reader to a different place and time for understanding, compassion, and most of all, love.

Growing up in Oklahoma and living one year in Belgium gave Heidi a unique perspective regarding different cultures. She still lives in Oklahoma with her husband and youngest son. Her oldest son is in the autism spectrum and is working toward his own dreams. Heidi’s favorite things in life are laughter, paranormal romance books, music, and long road trips.

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