Looking for a holiday gift for those who love memoirs and nonfiction? Check out these featured books...

Travels with Maurice by Gary Orleck
A simple “thank you” led to the trip of a lifetime, along with an unbreakable friendship of two opposites. See them come of age while rubbing elbows with the rich and famous like the Shah and Queen of Iran, The Who, Paul McCartney, Brigitte Bardot, and even Shirley Temple Black. An unbelievable story, yet it’s true because nobody could make this story up. Find out things the rich and famous do not want you to know.
“An engrossing read about a young man’s escape from the norm into a world of wealth, celebrities, intrigue and mayhem. It is a page turner with a few amazing twists. He reveals incidents that his mother would not want to know.” – Amazon Reviewer

How to Write a Funny Mystery by Beth Daniels
No matter how you came to it, there was something about the idea of mixing a mystery story and a comedy tale together that intrigued you. Titillated your muse. Made you want to spin a story in this mystery subgenre yourself.
Welcome to the club!
Beth Daniels walks you through the twists and turns of putting some funny in your mystery to help you create a heart-stopping mystery that will also have your readers chuckling.

Fortitude’s Footing: Coming to Terms With Stroke by Mary Ellen Gambutti
The life of a vibrant, creative woman, fifty-seven years young, is dramatically changed by a major hemorrhagic stroke during a community bus trip through the Pennsylvania Highlands region. Her foray into the unknown wilderness of brain trauma, sudden powerlessness, and fight against the odds of recovery are an inspiration to survivors of stroke or other brain trauma, as well as to their caretakers.
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fortitudes-footing-mary-ellen-gambutti/1141991550?ean=2940165906503

I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls by Mary Ellen Gambutti
I Must Have Wandered is a vivid hybrid memoir told through lyrical prose, letters, fragments, and photos of an infant relinquished at birth in post-World War11 South Carolina, and her closed adoption by native New Yorkers stationed in the state. The author reflects on the primal loss, and the separations of a transient military lifestyle. Follow her through her coming of age in the turbulent 60s, as she defines and defies the barriers to her truth set by sealed birth records, a culture of secrecy, and religious fervency. This is the touching story of how a woman’s genetic heritage was scattered, then gathered in discovery and reunion, and her quest for identity. Includes resources.