Title: Obsession
Author:Sharon Buchbinder
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Book Blurb:
A year after a barbaric childbirth, complete with a near-death experience and an encounter with her guardian angel, Angie Edmonds is just happy she and her son, Jake, are alive. She's finally in a good place: clean, sober, and employed as a defense attorney. But at the end of a long work day, she finds herself in a parent's worst nightmare: Jake has been kidnapped and taken across the Mexican border by a cult leader who believes the child is the "Chosen One."
Stymied by the US and Mexican legal systems, Angie is forced to ask the head of a Mexican crime syndicate for help. Much to her chagrin, she must work with Alejandro Torres, a dangerously attractive criminal and the drug lord's right-hand man. Little does she know Alejandro is an undercover federal agent, equally terrified of blowing his cover—and falling in love with her.
A tall man with a dark, well groomed beard and ponytail strode through the door and locked pale eyes with Angie. Without saying a word, he found Raul’s pants, dug out a key and uncuffed her.
Legs buckling, Angie fell onto her rescuer's chest. Uncontrollable tremors overtook Angie’s body. His hands hovered in the air over her shoulders, heat from his body suffusing her breasts.
Her breasts!
She regained her balance and stepped back. Flushed with acute awareness that her breasts were exposed, Angie crossed her arms over nipples, and tried to stop shaking, to no avail. The stranger removed his shirt, fixed his gaze above her head, and helped her slide her arm into one, then the other sleeve. He buttoned the oversized shirt, taking great care to avoid touching her skin. Perhaps more than anything else, those small acts of kindness which allowed her to keep her dignity intact, broke through her walls of defense and made hot tears spring to her eyes. Trembling, Angie stood several inches shorter than the man, and felt a bit like a little child. Unable to lift her gaze to his eyes, she focused on the deeply sculpted muscles of his naked chest. Covered with a vee of dark hair tapering down to the waist of his denim jeans, his well-toned abdomen spoke of years of training. It also bore evidence of his violent lifestyle. Alongside a large scar, Santa Muerta, a skeleton draped in robes and carrying a scythe, grinned at her.
“Th-th-thank you.” Her voice came out in a hoarse whisper and her teeth chattered.
Saying nothing, the stranger took her hand, and they both stepped over the unconscious police chief.
Angie was tempted to kick the slimy creep while he was unconscious, but she could barely lift her feet to walk out of the room. Her muscles quivered, and she had to fight off the urge to lean against the one sane person she’d met in this hell hole.
The giant stood outside what had been the door to the interrogation room. A fire extinguisher lay on its side next to the door. Piles of shattered wood were strewn throughout the station, as if the doors had exploded into a million pieces. The man with the pony tail jerked his thumb back toward the interrogation room and spoke in rapid Spanish. The giant nodded, grinned and rubbed his hands, glee dancing on his face.
Her rescuer held her elbow, the warmth of his large hand seeped through the cotton shirt, and infused her with a sense of security. His calm, quiet demeanor told her he was in charge, and she was safe with him. She blew out a long breath and allowed him to lead her through the demolished office and out onto the street. In the middle of the dusty road, a small crowd clapped, cheered and roared their thanks. If she’d could have raised her hands, or her voice, she would have been there with them. Right now she just wanted to know her liberator’s name.
“Who are you? Who is that giant? What did you say to him?”
The pony-tailed man flashed a grin, the smile reaching his sky-blue colored eyes, giving him an appealing boyish look. “The big guy’s name is Tio. I told Tio to truss Raul up like the pig he is and to bring him to the boss. She’ll know exactly what to do with him.”
“Who are you?”
The movie-star handsome man stopped, bent down until he was eye-to-eye with Angie.
“I found your passport tossed onto Raul’s desk, Angela Edmonds from the U.S. of A. I like that name. You look like an angel.”
She shook her head and the street twirled. “I’m no angel.” She steadied herself on his well muscled, naked arm. Rather than creeping her out, the skin on skin contact with her rescuer reassured her that he was a real human and not an angel conjured up in fevered religious delusion and desperation. “You sound like an American. You haven’t answered my question. What’s your name?”
“Torres.” Still holding her ID, he strode to the driver’s side of the car, hopped in and flashed a dazzling grin. “You could call me your hero because I’m taking you to see the woman who can help you find your son. My name is Alejandro Espinosa Santoyo Torres. But most people just call me Alejandro.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Obsession-Sharon-Buchbinder-ebook/dp/B00CGOGT12 Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17838393-obsession Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/obsession-by-sharon-buchbinder

What makes your featured book a must-read?
A story ripped straight from the headlines, Obsession weaves human trafficking, drug cartels, and a fanatical religious cult into a seat of your pants supernatural roller-coaster. Prepare to stay up all night to find out who wins--and who dies!
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Author Biography:
Sharon Buchbinder has been writing fiction since middle school and has the rejection slips to prove it. An RN, she provided health care delivery, became a researcher, association executive, and obtained a PhD in Public Health. She is the author of the Hotel LaBelle Series, the Jinni Hunter Series, and the Obsession Series, as well as Charlotte Redbird, Ghost Coach, Taken by the Imp, and Healed with a Kiss. When not attempting to make students and colleagues laugh or writing, she can be found fishing, walking her dogs, herding cats, or breaking bread and laughing with family and friends in Baltimore, MD and Punta Gorda, FL.
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Facebook: Sharon Buchbinder Romance Author https://www.facebook.com/sharon.buchbinder.romanceauthor
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