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New Release | Part-Time Criminal by Mark Love #mystery #crimefiction #newrelease #mustread #nnlbh

N. N. Light

Title: Part-Time Criminal


Author Mark Love


Genre Mystery/Crime


Book Blurb


“Some people are born criminals. Others are driven to it.”

There could be a kernel of truth to that statement.  Perhaps some people, ordinary, regular law-abiding citizens, are doing their part, working their jobs, when something happens that tilts their world.


Consider Simon Ellis.  A quiet, steady guy. He keeps his head down, always working in the background, taking care of business.


Until that fateful day.


When something comes to light that changes how he sees the world.


Will Simon just let it go and continue as before?


Will he be driven to something else?


Something criminal.




Simon always shopped on Saturday night. Most people had family obligations, were out with friends or were on a date. The stores weren’t crowded. It was easier for Simon to make his selections without struggling through a mob of people.  He skipped the produce section and headed for the dry goods. Simon started to fill his cart with cans of soup, boxes of crackers, macaroni and cheese and frosted cereals. Nearing the end of the aisle, he was looking at various flavors of potato chips when someone thumped into his cart.  He glanced up and discovered a pretty woman with shoulder-length brown hair smiling apologetically.


          “I’m terribly sorry. Every cart I pick always has square wheels and a mind of its own.” Her voice was deep and throaty as if she were holding back a laugh.


          “Not a problem. I doubt you did my groceries any harm.”


          She gazed down at the contents of his cart and slowly shook her head. “A nuclear explosion couldn’t damage your choices. That stuff will kill you in a slow, painful way.”


          “I’m not much of a cook.”


          “You just need someone to show you healthier options. I’m willing to offer my services free of charge.”


          Simon rarely encountered someone flirting with him. He hesitated and let his eyes flick down from her face. She was a bit shorter than he was, dressed in what looked like black yoga pants and a fleece sweatshirt.  Her smile was contagious. Simon noticed how it reached her eyes, causing them to sparkle.


          “I’ll give it some thought.”


          She wiggled her fingers at him. “It’s a limited-time offer.” She pulled her cart back and continued down the aisle.


          Simon turned the corner. Halfway down the next aisle, their paths crossed again. She winked at him. He smiled and shook his head in amusement.  Each time he entered an aisle, she would approach from the opposite direction. He glanced at some of the items she selected. Dried fruit. Nuts. Whole grain cereal. Multigrain bread. Olive oil. There were several packages of fresh fruit and vegetables.  When they reached the back of the store where the dairy and frozen foods were, Simon removed several containers of frozen dinners from the freezers. When he turned back to his cart, he hesitated. She was standing there, caught in the act.


          “What are you doing?” he asked.


          “I couldn’t resist,” she said sheepishly.  In her hands were the two cartons of cookies he grabbed a minute ago.  He noticed a large package of dried pineapple was now in his cart. Looking closely, he discovered several items he’d selected had been replaced.


          “You’re like the nutrition police of grocery shopping,” he said with a grin. “Do you work for the FDA? Or the AMA?”


          “Those other things are so bad for you.” Without waiting for a response, she took the containers from his hands and returned them to the freezer.  She glided away from the frozen dinners, selected a package of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and dropped that in his cart.


          Simon was shaking his head. “I don’t know how to cook.”


          “Your wife will thank me,” she said.


          “I’m not married.”


          Her cheeks flushed red for an instant. “I’ll teach you how to cook.  It’s part of the deal. You watch. You’re going to feel better within a week.”  She turned her cart toward the front of the store, motioning for him to follow. “If I’m wrong, I’ll come back and buy all that junk food for you.”


          Dumbfounded, Simon watched her take the few healthy items from his cart and load them into hers.  Then she wiggled her fingers at him again, leaving his cart behind and headed for the cashier.


          Uncertain where this might lead, he followed her out of the store.





“We’re having a stir fry,” she said with a glance over her shoulder. “Beef with fresh veggies over rice.”


          “That sounds good.”


          “With half the calories, fat and salt you’d get from one of those horrible frozen concoctions.”


          When the food was ready, she didn’t just serve it on a plate. The rice and beef mixture filled matching ceramic bowls. On the table were linen placemats, along with chopsticks and silverware.  The plates were small, not the large dishes he was accustomed to. Simon was surprised at how quickly the meal had been prepared. 


          “Please, help yourself.”


          “It smells wonderful.” He scooped rice into the center of his dish and ladled on the stir fry.


          She watched as he tasted it, slowly serving herself. “Well?”


          “This is delicious. I’ve never had anything like it.”


          “Thank you.”

          Simon forced himself to eat slowly, savoring every bite. He paused to sip some wine and toasted her. She smiled as they clinked glasses.  “I do have one question, if you don’t mind?”


          “Not at all. I enjoy quiet conversation with my dinner. And feel free to take some more.”


          “That I will.”


          “Your question?” she asked.


          Simon gently set his fork down and looked straight at her. “Who are you?”


          “I’m Nebula.” With an expert’s touch, she used her chopsticks to lift a slice of beef.


          “Nebula? I’ve never heard that as a name before.”


          She gave a little shrug. “My father wanted me to have an unusual name. He felt it should be something distinctive. The fact that he loved science fiction stories may have had something to do with it.  He was a stargazer. And what should I call you, my dinner companion?”


          “Simon. Do you do this kind of thing often? Bring a total stranger home and cook them fabulous meals?”


          That earned him a laugh. Her voice went a bit higher as the laughter dissolved into giggles. Noticing the wine was gone, she opened another bottle.  “You’re not a total stranger. I’ve seen you in the store for about three weeks now.”


          “Are you a stalker?” He realized her laughter was infectious and barely got the question out. “Because if you are, I’m flattered.”


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Author Biography


Mark Love lived for many years in the metropolitan Detroit area, where crime and corruption are always prevalent. A former freelance reporter, Love honed his writing skills covering features and hard news. He is the multi-award-winning author of the Jamie Richmond mysteries, Devious, Vanishing Act, Fleeing Beauty and Chasing Favors, along with the novella Stealing Haven. Love also writes the Jefferson Chene mystery series, WHY 319?  Your Turn to Die and The Wayward Path.


Love’s first standalone mystery, “Rules of Desperation” was released in 2024.


His latest work is the novella “Part-Time Criminal”.


Love resides in west Michigan with his wife, Kim. He enjoys a wide variety of music, books, travel, cooking and exploring the great outdoors.


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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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