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Featured author Pauline Baird Jones is our guest today in N. N. Light's Book Heaven 10th Anniversary Party #author #interview #party #giveaway

N. N. Light

N. N. Light’s Book Heaven is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Isn’t that wonderful?


I’d like to introduce you to prolific author Pauline Baird Jones.


Question 1: Where were you ten years ago in relation to your author/writer career? If you weren’t writing, what were you doing?


My dad had a neighbor who—when my dad asked him how long he’d been married, he told my dad, “I’ve been married as long as I can recollect.”


I can remember my pre-writing days, but it’s been a long time. 😂


Ten years ago, I was a couple of years into my independent publishing phase. (I had been traditionally published since 1998). I released Dead Spaces: The Big Uneasy 2, and Sucker Punch: An Uneasy Future.


My friend, Veronica Scott and I, also launched Pets in Space in 2015. This anthology of space opera/scifi adventures with heroic pets raised over $15,000 for HeroDogs and helped bring attention to a fun genre (scifi romance). (Programming note: The Pets in Space anthologies will be celebrating ten years this October. It has been under new management for the past five years and I’m so proud of Carol Van Natta for what she’s done with the project.)


Question 2: Looking back on the past ten years, how has your writing grown?


I definitely have more confidence in my ability to start from zero and “pants” a plot. 🤣 I used to be afraid that this time the story wouldn’t come, that this time I’d fall on my face. I’m happy with the fact that every novel I’ve finished has been published.


Obviously, I also think my writing skills have improved over time as my confidence has grown, but when I re-read an older book, I’m like, “Oh, I still like this.” Haha


As authors, we get told a lot that we can’t know when we’ve done good work. Well, that is probably true in the beginning, but I’ve done this long enough to know when I’ve done good work. I might have my favorites in my body of work, but I stand behind every book I’ve written.


Question 3: What are you doing now? How many books have you published?


I am closing on fifty books, which kind of amazes me (much like my age and how long I’ve been married amaze me). It seems like the time passed so fast from me struggling to write my first few books to suddenly regularly releasing (mostly haha).


I’m currently working on the tenth book in my New Orleans mystery Big Uneasy series (there are fourteen planned), a story for an anthology, and I will be working on the seventh book in my Cyborg Chronicles (eight planned in this series), a spinoff from my popular romantic space opera Project Enterprise series.


My favorite real life project is being a grandma. It’s fun when the grandkids a) realize I write books and b) realize I write about cyborgs. 🙄😂


Giveaway -


In celebration of our 10th anniversary, the authors have each donated a prize (sixty in total) and they range from free books to swag to gift cards.


Open internationally but some prizes are only open to US residents

Runs March 1 - 31, 2025

Winner will be drawn on April 1, 2025


Author Biography:


Award-winning author Pauline Baird Jones writes perilously fun fiction—romantic suspense, space opera, time travel, and more. With 45+ books, a flair for humor, and a love of adventure, she creates heroines braver than they realize and heroes brave enough to love them. If you crave thrilling plots, smart laughs, and sigh-worthy endings, you’re in the right place! 🚀❤️📚


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