Hi! I’m Rachelle (pronounced Rachel) Paige Campbell. I write sweet, contemporary romance stories. My books are both series (mostly trilogies) and standalones. But every novel can be read as a complete and independent story.
I grew up watching a lot of sitcoms and old movies, so you’ll often find set-ups ala screwball comedies in my books. The Thorn Birds, Somewhere in Time, Holiday Inn, Some Like It Hot, and Who’s The Boss are some of my favorites (and have inspired my writing). White Christmas gave me the vague understanding of a career in “showbusiness” and I’ve been chasing it ever since.
I love to travel and learn, so I’m always dragging my family to museums and historic sites. On my first trip to Las Vegas, I took my now husband to the museums at the Bellagio and the (now gone) Getty at the Venetian. (I’ve been recently asked to refrain from doing so on an upcoming Michigan beach trip, but I’m not sure if I can stick to my word).
My bucket list is to visit Alaska, the Hermitage (in Russia), the Getty in LA, take a train ride across Canada, and visit Japan while the cherry blossoms are in bloom. I’d also love to go back to Scotland and search for the Loch Ness monster again. Last summer, my youngest and I visited Lake Champlain in search of Champ (aka America’s Nessie) but came up empty. I’m still a believer in lake monsters even after fruitless expeditions.
During graduate school, I lived in London in the UK and studied art history. I was spoiled with free access to some of the world’s finest museums and loved every visit. Including art and antiques in my novels is my own way of adding in easter eggs to my stories, and I love the research. But I’m also happy on a cruise with plenty of sun, tropical drinks, and my tbr (to be read) pile. Slowing down and spending a day with a good book is always a great idea.
My favorite books are Pride & Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, and Jurassic Park. I love reading romance AND chaos. To that end, some of my favorite recent reads have been Dial A for Aunties, Four Aunties and a Wedding, Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, Fourth Wing, and Iron Flame. I highly recommend them all and can’t wait for the third installment in the Empryean series and the last Aunties book by Jesse Q. Sutanto.
I’m a people person (not people pleaser) and love to meet and chat with new people. I find inspiration every day from funny things my family says to ridiculous scenarios I end up in. I’m always developing a backstory based on scant information (especially with pets—somehow I ended up with a himbo fish).
If you like your romance with quirky side characters (including cute dogs and adorable kids), a hint of mystery, a sprinkle of art history, and plenty of second chances, I think you’ll like my books. My hope-filled, heart-felt stories are appropriate for readers of all ages (nothing to blush at). I’m adamant that love and laughter can change lives. And every story—especially those in real life—deserves a happy ending.
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Title The Ghost of Loon Lake
Author Rachelle Paige Campbell
Genre Sweet contemporary romance
Publisher Harbor Lane Books
Book Blurb
Ten years ago, Ashley Hale Lewis left the Inn at Loon Lake, her family’s business, frustrated by her father’s apprenticeship that treated her more like a personal assistant than heir apparent. Her childhood best friend turned husband, Christopher Lewis, stayed behind, breaking her heart.
To claim her rightful legacy and her only chance at a happy future, Ashley sneaks into the lighthouse pretending to be a ghost. Unfortunately for Ashley, Christopher knows she’s back. And he needs her help.
Together, they uncover one mystery after another. Will they discover the secret to a happy future and a second chance at love?
Without question, the hardest part about being a fake ghost was crafting the origin story. Ashley Hale—who was very much alive—learned that on the first day of haunting the lighthouse on the little island off the shore of Loon Lake. Jilted Bride felt too trite, and no one could do that narrative better than Dickens. Without the tired cliche, however, she came up empty. Her ideas were too modern for a supposedly early-twentieth-century spirit.
Hauntings didn’t just happen. And yet, the trauma of the event should be opaque to the actual phantom. Once the ghost understood their existence on the ephemeral plane, wouldn’t said soul fly away? Unless some unfinished business needed to be reconciled first.
Ashley should be able to invent something. After all, she was living through an unresolved problem of her own, and she was looking right at him through the smudged, single-pane window.
Her estranged husband strolled along the perfectly maintained lawn of the historic Queen Anne revival lakeside resort. The white siding gleamed crisp and clean. Green shutters and a cedar shingle roof only added to the pristine appearance. The Inn at Loon Lake was her family legacy.
Her family’s. Hers. Not his. Marriage hadn’t granted him blood rights. Nevertheless, he strolled along on a sunny June afternoon exchanging pleasantries with the guests as if nary a worry weighed him down.
Christopher’s toothy grin remained firmly in place, like a mayoral candidate on the campaign trail. She hated the way his smile curled her toes and electrified her skin.
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Author Biography:
Rachelle Paige Campbell writes contemporary romance novels filled with heart and hope. She believes love and laughter can change lives, and every story needs a happily ever after. Learn more at her website https://rachellepaigecampbell.com/
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Title Finders Keepers, Cowboy
Author Rachelle Paige Campbell
Genre Sweet contemporary western Romance
Publisher Rowan Prose Publishing
Book Blurb
Meg Hawke’s antique store is faltering. When her octogenarian neighbor Hank asks her to clean out his shed and sell antiques on consignment, she has a real chance at discovering forgotten treasure. If she steps foot on the Montana ranch, however, she’ll come face-to-face with her childhood frenemy and Hank’s grandson, Ryan.
After selling off the ranch’s cattle years before, Ryan Kincaid dove into the world of high-end tourism, devoting everything to the business. For his sanity, he avoids his annoying known-her-since-childhood neighbor, Meg. With the forced proximity of the shed project happening in his backyard, though, he’s singing a different tune. Perhaps he’d been wrong about her.
A surprise discovery spurs both change and challenge, and they’re forced to choose the potential of ever-after or forget each other and finally move on forever.
Shutting his eyes, Ryan shook his head and breathed deep.
A familiar floral scent tickled his nostrils. High-pitched chatter danced in the air. He swallowed the groan building in his throat. Frustration pounded in his forehead in time to his heartbeat. Why is Meg the root of all problems?
“Of course, I had to take the chance. Right? You understand,” Meg said.
Who was she talking to? His hand throbbed. Was Hank inside, listening to the inane prattle?
Ryan stepped over the threshold and frowned. “What is going on here?”
A low woof woof responded.
He stood in the doorway, blocked the exit, and squinted into the dark interior. Without power, the outbuilding had no light source making it hard to confirm if she was alone or not. Blinking, his eyes adjusted.
At the back, Meg sat on the floor, a pink skirt floating around her like a gauzy cloud and her arm wrapped around a salt and pepper colored, mid-sized dog. She cooed to the dog, glaring at the entrance. “You scared her.”
“What?” He poked his chest with a finger and strode forward. “Me?”
The dog howled.
“Yes, you. Who else? Is someone behind you? Are you hiding Hank?” She turned to the dog. “Shh, shh, Colby. It’s okay.” She returned her gaze to him. “Hold out your hand.”
“Excuse me?” He drew back his chin. She trespassed on his property and had the nerve to dictate orders?
“You heard me.” She got to her feet…
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Universal (includes paperbacks): https://books2read.com/u/b5BEqk
Title Her Hometown Dream
Author Rachelle Paige Campbell
Genre Christian contemporary romance
Publisher Anaiah Press
Book Blurb
Amy Parker returns to her hometown for a two-week visit before moving on to take a job she really doesn’t want. But when the historic mansion that sparked her passion for history hits the market, she thinks she’s finally found a way to stay for good. With the help and support of family and friends, Amy sets out to make her lifelong dreams come true.
The tenth anniversary of the tragic death of Jake Grant’s best friend is fast approaching, and all he wants to do is create a charity to honor him. Too bad Jake has no idea what he’s doing. To make matters worse, the woman he holds responsible for his friend’s death is back in town, and she doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.
Jake and Amy need each other’s help, so they forge a professional relationship to get what they both want—Amy has the skills necessary to complete the charity paperwork, and Jake can approach the mansion’s owner on her behalf. Professionalism quickly morphs into something more, though, and old feelings resurface. As they grow closer, a shocking revelation forces Jake and Amy to make sense of the past if they have any hope of a future together.
Amy drove her four-door sedan to the crest of the highest hill in Harmony. Founded during the bustling steamboat era of the nineteenth century, the town overlooked the Mississippi River. At the top of the tallest peak, the most prominent man in town, a riverboat captain, had built a grand house with a clear view of the town and the river below. Amy slowed the car as she neared the nineteenth-century Queen Anne mansion rising over its nearest neighbors by a story. Faded paint and missing shingles on the three-story building inspired every scary story in town. For Amy, the soaring turret, dormer windows, and covered porch sparked her imagination about the earliest days in the town history and the connection to her own.
Parking at the curb, she pulled the keys from the ignition and hopped out of the car. She crossed the cracked sidewalk and stood in front of the rusted wrought-iron gate. Her imagination supplied the soundtrack for the squeaky hinges. In high school, she had dared to push the supposedly locked entrance. When the gate swung inward at an odd angle, she’d quickly pulled the wrought-iron gate into its original position. Under the universal rule of break it and buy it, she hadn’t had the capital to pay for a repair or the property. Now I do.
Through the overgrown shrubs, she spied the dental trim under the eaves. Every inch of the property needed love, and she had plenty to spare.
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Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/her-hometown-dream-rachelle-paige-campbell/1140636515?ean=2940165652233
Title Love Overboard
Author Rachelle Paige Campbell
Genre sweet contemporary romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Caitlyn Moore’s dream trip—a nine-night Alaskan cruise—is off to a rocky start. Unable to add her sister to her cabin, she’s destined to sail alone. She crashes into the handsome cruise director and her cell phone jumps overboard. He’s apologetic, but can’t stop and help. Caitlyn continues on her way, opens the door to her stateroom, and is greeted by her ex-fiance. A moment of misunderstanding compels her to fake amnesia so she can stay onboard.
The final voyage of Gregory Ash’s contract should be smooth sailing. After nine months at sea, he needs to decide whether to extend his cruising career or return home to his family’s business. When he locks eyes on a beautiful—and vaguely familiar—woman, his professionalism slips. Hearing her story, he feels even worse about their accident-prone first meeting. When a member of his crew falls ill, their paths cross again. He needs a pianist and she wants a future trip. They each have what the other needs, but as they grow closer, secrets threaten to rip them apart.
At a set of swinging doors, Caitlyn paused and pressed a hand to the sharp pain in her side. Every time she mastered her grief, a rogue wave slammed her. This trip wasn’t her dream alone but a shared bucket list vacation with her late father.
A couple passed and pushed through the entrance to the lunch buffet.
A tantalizing whiff of seafood floated past, and her mouth watered. She shook her head. Lunch first and then answers. If she could add her sister to her stateroom, the trip wouldn’t be wasted. “I will. I’ll call when I can.”
“And take lots of pictures.”
At the entrance, the door swung outward.
The unexpected movement pushed Caitlyn backward. With a start, she jumped, and her gaze locked on the offending party.
A tall man dressed in a pressed white uniform.
The air of surety and authority in his posture commanded her attention. He had to be a senior crewmember, but something about the stranger tickled her brain.
He raised a dark eyebrow.
His brown eyes gleamed. She gulped and smoothed hair behind her ears. A soft thud snapped her out of her reverie. With a frown, she gazed down at the planks.
A cell phone bounced against the deck and skittered toward the edge.
Raising her hands in front of her, she frowned at her empty palms. She widened her eyes, her chest squeezed, and her pounding heartbeat drowned all other sounds. For a long moment, she froze…
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Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/love-overboard-rachelle-paige-campbell/1136008218?ean=2940163088218
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Rachelle_Paige_Campbell_Love_Overboard?id=RdrQDwAAQBAJ
Title How to Spot a Fake
Author Rachelle Paige Campbell
Genre sweet contemporary romance
Publisher Champagne Book Group
Book Blurb
Lovelyn Pettigrew wants to transform the mansion and collection of fine art inherited from her grandmother into a world-class museum. She has one week to submit a proposal to her family foundation. Her parents prefer the museum to operate downtown with a staff they’ve already hired. Her success depends on authenticating the works their curator dismissed. She finds the receipt for the egg rumored to be one of the missing Imperial Faberge works. When she calls the gallery in London, she is given an email address to send proof of the artifact.
Her email reaches the wrong John Smith.
Finishing his degree in art conservation, John is passionate about art. One of many side hustles to afford life in Chicago, he runs a website dedicated to tracking down tips about some of the most famous missing works of art. When he checks his inbox, he is floored by the contents of the email. With weeks until he graduates from university as a mature, thirty-year-old student, he is looking for a full-time position and the correspondence could be the opportunity of a lifetime.
Working side-by-side, John and Lovelyn grow close and their mutual respect deepens into something more. When the mistaken identity is revealed, shocking them both, they must choose between the future or each other. He might not be who she expected, but could he be exactly who she needs?
A chilly, late November breeze snaked through the doorway.
Shivering, Lovelyn crossed her arms and rubbed her shoulders.
No one waited outside her door.
With a foot on the threshold, she breathed in the scent of a distant fire but detected no hint of exhaust. She strained for any mechanical noise and glanced across the covered, limestone porch. At the bottom of the steps in the pea gravel drive, she spotted a tall, retreating figure.
Cupping both hands around her mouth, she called out to the dark shape. “Hello? Did you knock?”
The person turned, crunching the pea gravel under scuffed loafers and clutching the collar of a coat closed. “Yes, hello,” a deep voice boomed. The man waved. “Are you Lovelyn Pettigrew?”
Nodding, Love tightened her grip on the edge of the door, curling her bare toes against the icy, entryway tiles. She should be scared. An unknown man strode along her front path and addressed her by name.
She wasn’t afraid.
His features came into clearer focus with each step he took from the path to the porch. With a strong jaw, slim figure, and smooth face, she’d place his age around thirty. His piercing, gray eyes held hers with a steady, knowing gleam. Her heart skipped a beat at his slanted grin. He knew her name. Did she know him?
She smoothed the cashmere sweater over her hips. “I’m sorry? Do we have an appointment?”
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Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/how-to-spot-a-fake-rachelle-paige-campbell/1143660794?ean=2940167280380