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Rainbows in the Moonlight by Ryan Jo Summers is a Backlist Bonanza pick #christianromance #romance #backlist #giveaway

Title: Rainbows in the Moonlight


Author: Ryan Jo Summers


Genre: Christian Romance


Book Blurb:


Koda Jacobs urgently needs a nanny. Right now.

Fresh from prison, Dalton Clayton needs a job—and just about anything will do.

Divine Intervention steps in and tosses Koda and Dalton together. Koda struggles with the conflicts of her impulsive decision to leave her babies with an unknown, convicted felon. That just can't be wise, can it? But she can't help but see how quickly the children bonded to him and trust him. Or the reassuring sense that this is just right.

Meanwhile, Dalton stumbles through the spills and thrills of two young children, and his growing interest in their mother. A chance meeting brings him back to his estranged family as well.

Over time mutual attraction forms between Koda and Dalton as the bond between Dalton and the children deepens. A sweet, southern romance full of forgiveness, second chances, and fun kids.




“Oh.” Dalton said, feeling his cheeks growing warmer with embarrassment. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do next. He was saved as pint sized Ruthie came running up to him. To his amazement, she yelled his name and threw her tiny arms around his waist, squeezing him as hard as she could. Her exuberant welcome took him aback a moment.

              “Mr. Clayton! Mommy said you were coming today and staying with Terry and me. I'm so glad!” Her excited voice dropped to a stage whisper. “Mommy has to go to work again today 'cause it's a Monday.”

              Dalton could not help himself from responding to the trusting, warm girl pressed to his side. He patted her blond hair. She smelled sweet, like syrup maybe.

              Koda tossed him a helpless look that pretty much said: Welcome to the frying pan. “Are you sure you know what you're getting into, Mr. Clayton?” She asked, seeing her daughter so firmly attached to the man, pressing sticky, syrupy fingers into his.

              “It's Dalton, please.” He murmured, wondering the answer to her question. No, he supposed he didn't know what was in store for him. He had a hunch it was more than he was bargaining for though.

              “Mommy said you'd play Candy Land with me. And Go Fish. But Terry cheats sometimes.” She confided seriously.

              “I do not cheat.” Terry ambled into the room, defending himself. “I can't help it if you’re too little to understand all the rules.”

              Dalton was seriously considering he had made a huge mistake when Koda threw him a wry glance. Clapping her hands together, she strode away, leaving the miniature princess still stuck to him.

              “Guys,” She scolded, “That is no way to act this morning. Mr...Dalton is going to think twice about wanting to watch a pair of unruly bohemians. Now, what do you two say?”

              “Sorry, Mr. Dalton.” Terry dutifully recited, reminding Dalton of the many, many times when his parents had made him apologize for something or another. Like Terry, he had the words and the look down to a sincere science. Yep, he liked the kid.

              “I'm so sorry, Mr. Dalton.” Little Ruthie stared up at him with big blue eyes almost in tears. Globs of syrup and pancakes stuck to the corners of her mouth. “Please don't leave now 'cause Terry and I can't agree on his cheating. I want to play Candy Land with you. Please.”

              Dalton looked into those sad eyes, brimming with tears, so fearful he would walk out the door. Which was exactly what he should be doing, he knew. He glanced back at Koda and than back at Ruthie and felt something stirring deep down in his chest. He was stuck.

              Ignoring the syrupy stickiness, he swung Ruthie into his arms, smiling as she squealed in delight. “I haven't played a game of Candy Land in a long time.” He announced, sincerely hoping it was a game his sisters had owned and he might maybe could figure it out. How hard could it really be?

“So I can't leave before we all play a game or two.”

              Ruthie squealed again, delighted at the idea of a new playmate.

              Tossing Koda what he hoped looked like a confident grin, he stepped past her and into the next room, still carrying little Ruthie with her arms tightly wrapped around his neck. It would take a shower to get the sticky globs off him but he was surprised to find he didn't really care.

              His bravado faded fast once Koda walked out, closing the front door. It sounded like the clanking of a jail cell. Would he ever get past that he wondered. She had shown him the telephone and all the emergency numbers. Doctor, her work number, her cell number, her neighbors, the police and the fire. And a few he did not recognize but she had them listed there nonetheless. With a strained smile, she shouldered her purse, wished him luck and marched out the front door.

              His fate was sealed.


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):




What makes your featured book a must-read?


There is so much to love! Who doesn’t want to immerse themselves in a sweet story of redemption, second chances, and southern small-town romance? Koda is a woman we can get behind. A single mom, a strong female lead, and with lots of real-woman vulnerability. Dalton is the Prodigal Son returning home from a long list of mistakes. Ruthie is… well, let’s just say Ruthie is the glue who is going to bring Koda and Dalton together in the most unexpected, charming, and imaginable ways.


The dynamics of Koda’s family, and Dalton’s family, are richly blended. Koda grabs her faith and holds on for dear life and Dalton stumbles, bumbles, and fumbles his way between the two. Koda is a mom trying her best and protecting her children. Dalton is both wayward child and responsible adult. No one wears just one hat in this story!


Single moms with small kids will appreciate Koda’s insight and helpful advice. Always keep frozen kid snacks in stock for those moments when dinner must go on the table now. Prodigals desperate for a second chance will follow Dalton, hoping and praying for their own moment of forgiveness. Readers who enjoy sweet, clean, southern small-town values, and church-on-Sundays followed by mandatory luncheons will want to come share a pew or a spot at the family table. Those who enjoy an inspirational story of faith at work, and love of God will come away richly satisfied.

Giveaway –


Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.

Runs August 20 – August 27, 2024.

Winner will be drawn on August 28, 2024.


Author Biography:


Ryan Jo Summers comes from a family of wordsmiths. She wrote her first book, with illustrations, at age ten. Over the years, she illustrated less and written more. Her preferred niche is contemporary romance, blended with sub genres of time travel, Christian, suspense, paranormal, or any mix of those. She also writes non-fiction. She lives in the beautiful region of Western North Carolina in a century-old cottage, with a menagerie of rescued pets and entirely too many houseplants.


Social Media Links:


Website: (Currently under re-construction so not much there)

1 komentarz

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
22 sie

Thank you, Ryan Jo, for sharing your book in our Backlist Bonanza!

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