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  • N. N. Light

Rescue My Heart by @JeanJoachim is a New Year New Books Fete pick #steamy #99cents #giveaway

Title: Rescue My Heart

Author: Jean C. Joachim

Genre: Contemporary Big City Romance, Steamy Romance

Book Blurb:

While walking her pug in Central Park, Rory Sampson is run down by a bike. She presses charges against arrogant biker, Dr. Hack Roberts, veterinarian. He plans revenge, only to find himself attracted to the sharp-tongued, soft-hearted writer, who rescues pugs. Will attraction trump antagonism, or will they end up back where they started, losing out on love?


“Baxter! Stop!” Rory screamed. Shoving Bruce aside, she raced full speed after the pug. In her mad dash, she didn’t see the bicycle traffic whipping around a curve and speeding down the hill. She pounced on the dog right before a bike crashed into her, sending her and Baxter flying.

Rory landed hard on her arm. Pain shot through her body, freezing her. A loud yelp told her Baxter was injured as well. She tried to catch her breath, her gaze searching for her pet. She spied him nearby, spread out flat on the pavement. He was still breathing. “Baxter,” she called.

A crowd began to gather. A pair of concerned, dark brown, male eyes stared into hers. “Are you hurt?” he asked.

“No, idiot brain. I’m fine. Does it look like I’m fine?” Attempting to push to her knees from the pavement, she grimaced and let out a moan. A long scrape on her leg was bleeding, her shoulder ached, and gravel was embedded in her thigh. Tears clouded her eyes.

Bruce raced over. “Rory, you okay?”

“Baxter looks like he’s hurt worse than I am.”

A patrolman appeared and asked Rory if she needed an ambulance.

“I already called,” Bruce piped up. The wail of a siren in the distance drew closer.

“This numbskull was doing sixty, I swear,” she said, pointing to the tall, brown-eyed man.

“That’s ridiculous. I wasn’t doing sixty.”

The policeman turned to him. “Sir, can you confirm your speed?”

“There’s no posted speed limit for bikes. I did kind of lose control around that curve.”

“Kinda?” Rory muttered. She lay back down on the ground.

“I.D., please.” The officer put out his hand. The man handed over his driver’s license.

“Dr. Hanson Roberts,” the cop said, writing in his pad. “A member of the real estate Roberts family?” He looked up at the doctor.

“Yeah. A ticket? What for?” Dr. Roberts shifted his weight.

“Reckless biking, speeding, causing bodily injury to this young woman.”

Rory gave a half-smile. “Serves you right. What about my dog?” She turned worried eyes to Baxter, who lay still, whimpering.

“I’ll take him,” the doctor said.

“Over my dead body…which you almost have…”

“I’m a vet…”

“I don’t care if you were in Afghanistan…”

“A veterinarian. Hack Roberts,” he said, extending his hand.

“A vet? Save him.” She ignored his offer to shake.

“Without x-rays, I can’t tell the extent of his injuries, but he’s awake and alert.”

“Dr. Roberts, you’ll have to take some responsibility for this young lady…what’s your name, miss?”

“Aurora Sampson.”

“Aurora? What an odd name,” muttered Hack.

“Oh? Like Hack is normal?” she replied, hostility oozing from every pore. Bruce tried to help her up, but she crumbled under the pain.

“Miss Sampson, I’m giving you his contact information. He’d better make good on these injuries. My card, in case he doesn’t. I’m considering criminal charges, Doc. You can’t speed like that in Central Park. You messed her up.” The patrolman gave Hack a dirty look.

“Officer, would you mind helping with the dog?” Hack asked, looking away.

“Where are you taking him?” Rory asked. When the ambulance drew near, the siren drowned out his words.

He whipped out a business card and handed it to her. “Here’s the address. Call later to find out how he’s doing.”

“She’s going to be in the hospital, you jerk,” Bruce said.

“We’ll keep him until you can get him. Hey, I’m sorry about this.”

“Yeah? Sorry and a Metrocard’ll get me on the subway.” She turned an angry stare toward him. Before she could continue her diatribe, the EMTs approached. She answered their questions, craning her neck around them to watch Hack and the policeman as they picked Baxter up carefully and put him on the patrol car’s backseat. Her eyes, blinking back tears, connected with Hack’s as the car drove away.

“Want me to go with you?” Bruce asked. He combed her hair back from her forehead.

Rory shook her head. I wanted you to love me. But you don’t. Don’t drag this out. One sharp pain, and it’s over.

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It’s a brand-new year, full of possibilities. Did you make any resolutions/goals for 2021? If so, please share one.

Lose more weight.

Why is your featured book a must-read in 2021?

This is a funny, snarky story that will touch your heart and make you laugh. There are pugs in the book, a sexy veterinarian and strong women. Rescue My Heart will take you away to a better place, entertain you and leave you smiling at the end.


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Open internationally

Runs January 1 – 31, 2021.

Drawing will be held on February 1, 2021.

Author Biography:

Jean Joachim is an award-winning, USA Today best-selling romance author whose books have hit the Amazon Top 100 list in the U.S. and abroad since 2012. She writes sports romance, small town romance, big city romance, and romantic suspense.

Jean has over 60 books in ebook, print and audio. She writes fulltime, never far from her secret stash of black licorice. An avid bird and dog lover, she has a fondness for chickadees and pugs. A music lover, especially classical, she’s married, has two grown sons and lives in New York City

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Unknown member
Jan 15, 2021

Get organized! Thanks for sharing.


Unknown member
Jan 15, 2021

Vets have gotten really popular in romance lately!


N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Jan 14, 2021

Thank you, Jean, for sharing your book in our New Year New Books Fete!

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