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Rocked by Grace by @mjschiller is a New Year New Books Fete pick #romance #rockromance #giveaway


Author: M.J. Schiller

Genre: Contemporary Romance/Rock Romance

Book Blurb:

When videos hit the Internet of rock star Zane Sanders and a random fan performing what he says is a spontaneous dance, no one believes it’s unrehearsed in this sizzling romance from bestselling author M.J. Schiller.

Zane Sanders, lead singer of Just Short of Chaos, surprised everyone, including himself, when he plucked a fan out of the audience at one of his concerts.

I don’t know what possessed me to do it. I’d never done anything like that before. But something about Grace drew me to her. And within minutes of pulling her on stage, I knew I’d made one of the best decisions of my life. Since our drummer Devin’s overdose, I’d felt dead inside. Perhaps for even longer than that. But Grace was fun, sexy—and as I would discover later—good and selfless. And an irresistible magic surrounded us that made me feel alive again.

That is, until I blew it. In classic Zane style. Funny thing is, when I first got Grace up on stage, I had no idea what to do with her. Now I have no idea what I’ll do without her.

Grace Prescott was living out every girl’s fantasy.

Only thing is, fantasies ended, and I realized pretty quickly that I didn’t want this one to stop. Zane had a magnetism about him that was more than mere charisma. That was evident the moment I—the girl who normally had to be dragged out onto the dance floor—practically became a pole dancer in his arms. Then it happened. The moment everyone kept referring to as “The Kiss.” But it was all part of the show, right? It didn’t matter that Zane made more than my feet move. He stirred up feelings that scared the crap out of me. The depth of his sadness called out to me even more than his unbelievable sex appeal, and that was saying something.

But it could never work between us. He may have come from a small town like me, but he was all rock star now and totally out of my league. I was a flower shop owner, not his saving Grace.

Are some actions beyond forgiveness or will he be rocked by Grace?



The applause broke the spell and he let go of me and stepped away. For a moment I was alarmed and confused.

What the hell am I doing up here?

Then, when I turned and a whole auditorium was in front of me, it filled me with panic.

What the hell am I doing up here!

Payton, the reason for my being at the concert in the first place, looked like she was going to explode when I finally spotted her. My friend was screaming and bouncing like springs were attached to her feet and she was pretending the floor was molten lava. I laughed, took a little bow, and started moving across the stage.

“Wait!” Despite the deafening roar rising from the floor, I heard him. I faced him, and he grabbed my hand again. “We’re not done with you yet.” He tugged on me with a grin. “Anyone can dance to a slow song. Let’s see what you can bring if we take the beat up a little.” He signaled to the band and they readied their instruments.

“I’m really not…” I glanced back at Payton. She fell off her heels again and the guys behind her helped to support her by the elbows.

Should I be concerned about that?

I frowned. Even though we were the same age, I couldn’t seem to abandon my mothering instincts towards Payton. She was the life of the party, but sometimes the life of the party had to be watched over so she didn’t get herself killed.

I looked at Zane. “I think I need to sit this one out.” I was speaking mostly to myself, as I was sure he couldn’t hear me above all the noise, but my shaking head did the talking for me.

He leaned away, taking my hand in both of his now. I read his lips. “Come on.” His smile was inviting. Tantalizing. Perfect white teeth and beautiful full lips that were all I could seem to focus on. Was I really turning down Zane Freaking Sanders?

My God he was even hotter in person. The last time I saw him on YouTube—which I admit I visited frequently at night after my brother went to bed—he appeared almost scrawny. But I could tell he was solid when I rocked against his chest. With any luck he’d do his usual thing and strip down to his amazing leather pants. His green eyes were even more smoldery in person—was that even a word?—and that hair. What I wouldn’t give to run my fingers through those dark, thick locks, waving around in pompadourish style…man.

“Come on. Come on.”

Great. The mic was on now and I could actually hear the pleading in his sexy voice.

“I don’t think I should,” I murmured again, forgetting my voice wasn’t amplified by a mic.

He appealed to the audience. “What do you say, guys? Do we want to see more of Grace’s moves?”

They responded affirmatively. I looked at all the smiling faces. Some were nodding and appeared to say, “Go on.” A few of the girls seemed pissed. I imagined they would have loved to trade places with me. I swung my head back and the way he was staring at me with those laser beam eyes of his melted my reluctance away. I let him pull me to center stage and the volume of the mob rose even higher.

“You play dirty,” I said when we were close again.

He wriggled his brows. “I know.”

But the song the band was playing happened to be my favorite song, “Night of Awakening.” It was a breakup song, but playfully and cleverly written, with a fun Latin flare I loved. It was that song I had to play at full volume in my car, singing until my throat was sore, but I was happy. It wasn’t one of the band’s bigger hits—much to my bewilderment—but I found it impossible to listen to it and be still. And on stage? On stage it was even better. Dex’s drums—of course I knew all their names—were beating in my bloodstream. Rafe’s bass and Jericho’s guitar battled, swirling around me like children playing tag. My adrenaline rose, taking control.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

It’s a brand-new year, full of possibilities. Did you make any resolutions/goals for 2022? If so, please share one.

I would like to make a concerted effort to make my Christmas season more peaceful and less stressed so that I can focus on the right things.

Why is your featured book a must-read in 2022?

“Schiller's style of writing is a smooth immersion into the delight of reading a good book. Can't wait for the next installment.”

“I was not expecting to be totally engaged with Zane and Grace... Boy was I wrong. This was a couldn't stop reading until I hit the end story.”

“M J Schiller nails the tale of a rock star who falls for the ‘normal’ girl.”

“Her love story with Zane is so real you feel like they are friends you are visiting with not just reading about. This was a new to me author and I loved the writing style. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series. This is a don't miss read. ENJOY!”

“This rock star love story was well worth the read with good character and storyline development that kept me totally engaged as Zane and Grace's story unfolded! This book was such a good read that I finished this book in one sitting!"

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs January 1 – 31, 2022.

Drawing will be held on February 1, 2022.

Author Biography:

M.J. Schiller is a lunch lady/romance-romantic suspense writer. She enjoys writing novels whose characters include rock stars, desert princes, teachers, futuristic Knights, construction workers, cops, and a wide variety of others. In her mind everybody has a romance. She is the mother of a twenty-two-year-old and three twenty-year-olds. That's right, triplets! So having recently taught four children to drive, she likes to escape from life on occasion by pretending to be a rock star at karaoke. However…you won’t be seeing her name on any record labels soon.

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7 commentaires

Membre inconnu
18 janv. 2022

This sounds really good


Membre inconnu
07 janv. 2022

Rocked by Grace sounds like a rockin' good book for me and the cover is ooo, la la! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fantastic day!


Membre inconnu
06 janv. 2022

Enjoyed the excerpt, Mary! Your book sounds compelling. Wishing you all the best.

Membre inconnu
06 janv. 2022
En réponse à

Thank you, Barbara! And thanks for stopping by!


N. N. Light
N. N. Light
06 janv. 2022

Thank you, M.J., for sharing your book in our New Year New Books Fete!

Membre inconnu
06 janv. 2022
En réponse à

Thank you for allowing me to participate! I'm looking forward to seeing the books that follow!


Membre inconnu
06 janv. 2022

Thanks for having me on, N.N. Light! I appreciate the opportunity to tell people about ROCKED BY GRACE! It was a blast to write and I hope readers will enjoy it just as much! Have a wonderful day all!

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