Hi, I’m Rue Allyn. Mostly, I write stories about heart melting romance. You know, the kind of story in which characters have great adventures and love triumphs at the darkest moment. I have done a few other things besides penning romances. Over the years I have, in no particular order, worked as an emergency room admitting clerk, receptionist, personal admin, US Naval Petty Officer, graduate student, and post-secondary English language arts instructor. I’m a mom of two children (both now adults), a spouse of more than forty years, and a caretaker to cats.
While nothing I write is ‘autobiographical,’ like most authors, I draw on my own knowledge and experience as well as copious research notes to create my stories. I love reading nearly as much as writing, and one of my favorite activities is talking with other book lovers about reading and writing.
Here are few little-known factoids about myself. At age six, I wanted to be an Opera diva when I grew up—specifically a coloratura soprano. Sadly, I did not have the voice to make that dream come true. I did have other gifts. My first poem (never published) was titled “The Cloud Horse.” I love looking at clouds and making up stories about the people and things I imagine from watching the shapes change. I wish someone would pay me to travel. Last, I have entirely too much formal education. I won’t tell you how many years of school I attended, but I’ll tell you I started at age two.
I’d love to get to know you better. A couple of ways to do that include subscribing to my newsletter, joining my Facebook group, Rue Allyn’s Daring Damsels, or following me at Amazon and/or Bookbub
Last, a quick word about the stories featured here. Each of these books tells the story of one member of Clan MacKai’s primary family. The inspiration for this group of lively, complicated people came from my other Medieval series, Knight Chronicles. The third book in that series, Knight Defender centered around Laird Raeb MacKai. Raeb always believed that he understood women better than most men, simply because he had seven younger sisters. (He’s wrong, but charming nonetheless.) One sister, Sorcha, was the heroine of Knight Protector, Knight Chronicles Book Two. The MacKai Brides Novella series tells the stories of the other six MacKai sisters. Book Four, The Temptation of Dougal Aitken launched October 28, 2024. I’ll finish the series in 2025, hopefully before June. It all depends on my other writing commitments. Be sure to join my Facebook group or subscribe to my newsletter to keep up on all the news.
Title--The Temptation of Dougal Aitken – Maeve’s Story, MacKai Brides Book Four
Author-- Rue Allyn
Genre--Medieval Scottish Romance Novella
Book Blurb—
Will deceit, lies and secrets cause lifelong sorrow…, or might love be victorious?
Sir Dougal Aitken and Lady Maeve MacKai promise each other love and fidelity even though her brother banishes the knight from the MacKai demesne. Dougal is determined to prove himself worthy of Maeve’s love. He returns to Maeve, praying that his maturity, reputation and experience will convince her brother to permit them to marry.
But is Maeve still waiting for him?
She’s only seen Dougal briefly over the years of their separation. Nonetheless, she hears of his prowess as a warrior, his leadership skills, and his reputation among noble ladies. Maeve tries to believe he remained true to their pledge as she did. When he returns, he is in the company of a beautiful, rich, unmarried lady.Is he lost to her forever?
Misunderstandings, lies and trickery all work to destroy the love Maeve and Dougal share. Can they overcome falsehoods, distrust and betrayal to regain the love they once had, or will their love die on the altar of hidden greed and hatred?
Excerpt —
“I…I didn’t intend to seek out Lady Labhra. I had no knowledge she was here, and ‘twas your brother who told me to wait for you in this garden.”
Maeve looked once more to Labhra. “Is this true? You did not have an assignation with Dougal?”
“Indeed not. I came here after my maid used your sister’s salve on my back. I wanted some solitude in which to recover myself. I would have left long ago, but I fell asleep, and did not wake until your betrothed nearly sat on me.”
Maeve laughed. “Really, he sat on you?”
“It was dark,” Dougal explained with his eyes on the ground. “I did not see her.”
“Oh, my poor Lady Labhra.” Maeve pivoted about, and locked her arm with the other lady. “’Tis an insult not to be borne for a supposedly gentil knight to sit on a lady.”
Labhra giggled. “We were both surprised.”
“I was appalled,” Dougal defended. “I should have left.”
“Indeed, you should have. As you did not, you must wait until tomorrow to speak to me.”
Labhra looked over her shoulder at Dougal. “I’m sorry you are to suffer when my intention was only to help.”
He sighed. “You were being kind, and I…I was being…”
“Stupid,” Maeve murmured with a backward glance, before leaving the garden with her maid and Labhra.
“Yes, stupid. Stupid in love.” Dougal told himself.
At least she will give me another chance tomorrow.
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Title--The Taming of Iver MacTavish – Brigdhe’s story, MacKai Brides Book One
Author--Rue Allyn
Genre--Medieval Scottish Romance Novella
Book Blurb—
Is it destiny for these two to fall in love or are they fated to murder each other?
Iver MacTavish believes in living life to the full, enjoying every moment. He fights, drinks, and swives with nary a thought to the consequences. Now that he's inherited the earldom, responsibility demands he wed. But a bride does not mean he need change his ways, especially not the quiet biddable young beauty he chose. Because of a favor done for a neighboring baron, Iver selected his betrothed from among six of the seven beauties known as the MacKai Jewels. He considered himself quite clever in his choice.
Brighde MacKai believes in living life according to God’s will. In her eyes Iver MacTavish is the worst sort of sinner. He'd chosen her shy, quiet sister Keeva as his bride, and Brighde could not let that happen. A man of MacTavish's appetites and temper would destroy Keeva within a week. Brighde prayed for guidance and now knows in her heart God wishes her to wed MacTavish in her sister's place.
Will Brighde's strong faith reform MacTavish and make him into the sort of man who deserves to be wed to a MacKai Jewel. Or will Iver’s sinful seductions steal Brighde’s hope of heaven?
Excerpt —
As she approached, the curtains moved, yet she felt no current of air. What in the world was going on in her chamber?
She drew the cloth aside, the rings rattling on the upper bar that held them.
A man lifted his head. “Who are you?”
He looked something like her husband as she remembered him, though far more disheveled and very naked—at least what she could see of him.
“I am Countess MacTavish.”
“My wife?” He grinned at her with straight white teeth set between full lips. Blond hair wreathed his face in wild disarray. Blue eyes devoured every inch of her as he looked her up and down. “Nay, it's not possible. Craigdon sent word, she’d not arrive before Vespers today at the earliest, and it is not yet Prime.
“I insisted, Sir Craigdon push on. I’d no wish to spend another night on the ground in the snow.”
“You really are my wife?” Astonishment chased the grin from his face, and his lake blue eyes grew wide.
“Indeed sir. Now . . .”
“You hear that, lassies, my wife is here.”
The blankets lifted as he spoke, and three feminine faces stared out at her.
“Y’. . . yo . . . you're fornicating. In my bed!”
The earl’s brow wrinkled then smoothed. He hiccoughed drunkenly, and his grin returned. "Well, to be precise it is my bed, and most of the fornicating’s over, but we can start again if you like.”
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Title The Wooing of Keeva MacKai – Keeva’s Story, MacKai Brides Book Two
Author--Rue Allyn
Genre--Medieval Scottish Romance Novella
Book Blurb—
Scottish Lady Keeva MacKai may be the worst thing that ever happened to English Lord Randal Du Grace. When these two determined enemies meet, are broken hearts guaranteed, or might the result be a love for the ages?
She’s kidnapped!
Keeva MacKai wakes in a strange English Castle with no idea how she got there. When she at last learns that her host is her brother-in-law, Lord Randal Du Grace, she is finally able to confront him about her kidnapping and keeping her isolated in her chambers. The confrontation results in her freedom to come and go as she pleases. However, she must do so under guard at all times. Still, her host continues to avoid her. How can she convince him to send her home if he won’t speak to her? How can she protect her heart, if she can’t tell him the truth?
He’s dumbstruck!
Lord Randal Du Grace is puzzled by the unexpected arrival of a sick unconscious woman who in her fever raves about his brother Simon. No message or note was sent with the woman and she cannot explain herself. After she recovers, she claims she is Lady Keeva MacKai, sister to the Du Grace brothers. Randal can only take things at face value until his brother returns home to explain how it was that Lady MacKai was sent to the Du Grace home. But Randal has a problem while he’s waiting. He finds Lady Keeva quite attractive. Thus, Randal shouldn’t be taking her at all, since he believes her promised to his brother. The only solution is to avoid her at all costs. He succeeds until she recovers her health, forces a confrontation, and tells Randal the unthinkable.
Excerpt —
“Fifty gold pieces should suffice.”
“Fi-f-fifty gold pieces? That’s a king’s ransom. No woman is worth that.”
“Nonetheless, I’ll be needing that much to replace the items she damaged, and have the cabin cleaned. She fell sick not long into the voyage, but first she destroyed a cabin full of good furniture and pottery first.”
“Who knows why a woman gets into a rage?”
The two seamen signaled earlier by the captain reappeared at the top of the gangway. They carried something in a blanket slung between them. Bringing it to where Randal stood with their captain, they placed the laden blanket on the ground.
“I’ll take my money now.” The captain held out his hand.
Waving over his factor, Randal told him to pay the captain then dismissed them both from his mind. He bent to peel back the blanket.
Eyes of charcoal grey, so dark as to be nearly black, glared at him—whether with fever or fury or both—from a wan face surrounded by lank red hair. Her mouth, cracked and dried as it was, might be full and generous were she in good health. He wondered if her complexion were always pale or would that too be rosy and alluring. A brief glance at the rest of her revealed attributes too tempting for nearly any man. Not now, while I’m engaged with the ship’s captain.
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Title The Surrender of Seona MacKai – Seona’s Story, MacKai Brides Book Three
Author--Rue Allyn
Genre--Medieval Scottish Romance Novella
Book Blurb—
He doesn’t want to ask for help, especially from her. She’d prefer not to give it, especially to him. Can they put aside their biases or will their pre-conceptions destroy them both?
Earl Rhuad MacFearann, laird of Scotland’s most hated clan is desperate to rescue his mother and sister. Only clan MacKai is willing to help but send their steward in the laird’s place.
Worse the steward is Lady Seona MacKai. Her stubborn ways may spell disaster for all.Lady Seona MacKai knows only one way to work--logically. Then, she is sent to aid hated clan MacFearann, She has little respect for laird MacFearann, a frivolous, thrill-seeker who, she believes, possesses little understanding of the strategies and risks involved in the rescue he proposes. She is certain his mission is doomed to failure. Worse, he could get her killed in the process.Can love overcome logic, when a man of passion and a woman steeped in reason butt heads over how to achieve their goals?
Excerpt —
A chill of premonition skittered down Seona’s spine.
They wouldn’t, would they? I don’t want this. Surely MacFearann doesn’t either. How can Raeb and Jessamyn be so heedless of our feelings? I should flat out refuse. That would serve them right.
“We will begin this day dedicated to love and lovers with the handfasting of my sister, Lady Seona MacKai and his lordship Earl Rhuad MacFearann, laird of clan MacFearann.
Seona knew she would not refuse. She loved her brother and his wife too much to cause them any embarrassment, much though they richly deserved it.
“We are honored,” continued Raeb, “to have you all as witnesses to this event. Although their joining is temporary, and chaste…”
Seona’s face flamed at the public mention of a matter that should remain between husband and wife.
“Father Magnus,” continued her brother. “Will sanctify the ceremony and bless the union. If, after the term of a year and a day, Earl MacFearann and Lady Seona wish to remain united, we will hold a wedding.”
By St. Margaret’s bones. Surely MacFearann would not agree to such a sham?
She glanced at his face. His mouth formed a thin line, and his hands fisted at his sides.
I’m not the only one displeased by Raeb’s high-handed action.
Her gaze met MacFearann’s as he silently took her hand.
“Did you agree to this nonsense?” she whispered.
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Title--Knight Defender - Knight Chronicles, A MacKai Family Novel
Author--Rue Allyn
Genre--Medieval Scottish Romance Novella
Book Blurb—
She would never wed a Scot. He would prefer death to marriage with an English woman. So why do these two natural enemies each pretend to agree to marry?
She wants a life dedicated to the support of a nunnery not a loveless political marriage to an overbearing enemy. A growing passion for the man spoils all her plans. A weak simpering English woman is not his idea of the ideal wife. However, when she turns out to be more than a match for him, he cannot help but fall in love. Even when they discover love, can these two enemies create peace or will the hatred between countries separate them forever?
Excerpt –
He tossed her over his shoulder, secured her legs against him with an arm, and continued walking.
"How dare…" One of those huge palms smacked her rump. "Oooo! I'll make you regret you ever touched me." A second smack was followed by an order for silence.
Since her backside began to throb, Jessamyn subsided in favor of plotting retribution. She'd start with boiling in oil followed by a sound beating and end with banishment. She was deciding whether or not to add tar and feathers when she heard the creak of leather hinges. They crossed a doorway, and she went flying through the air to land in a heap, face down on a feather bed.
"Dry clothing will be brought. Dinna imagine I care for your comfort. I simply canna be bothered to find another woman if you catch an ague and die."
She struggled to right herself, sputtering and pulling her hair from her face. The brute deserved the sharp side of her tongue. She gathered breath as she turned to speak, just to see the coward disappear and the door bang shut behind him. He was not getting away that easily. She leapt from the bed, ran for the door, and nearly jerked her arms from her shoulders when the wooden barrier refused to budge at her angry pull. Dumbfounded, she could only stare. He'd barred the door? Boiling oil and banishment are too good for him.
I must see him drawn and quartered.
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