Title: Sage (Book 4 in The Chimeras)
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Scifi/post-apocalyptic romance
Book Blurb:
The invasion of an alien race known as the Friem has left humanity cowering in fear and hiding in underground bunkers as the invaders ravage the planet. The surviving humans are hunted to be used as slave labor, and those who fight are killed. For what remains of the resistance, resources are slim and time is running out.
Like all of her half sisters, Sage was genetically enhanced for the fight against the Friem. Bred to be a warrior, she’s tough, bitchy, and mean, and there isn’t a damn person on the planet who can best her in a fight. A law unto herself, she gives little thought to what people think of her because if something needs doing, she knows she’s the one they call. The only person she really needs is herself, until Gideon enters the picture. As the only pilot around who can provide the training she needs, she’ll do whatever it takes to work with him. When playing nice to get what she wants subtly changes to something more, will Sage let him in? Or will this tough-as-nails warrior fight those feelings to the bitter end?
“Sage,” Jim shouted again. “I could use a little downtime. Certain of my body parts need oiling.”
More male laughter.
“Maybe I could rub a little oil on your body parts,” he snickered. “Get you all slick and hot.”
She slapped her hands on the table, and with a disgusted huff, rose to her feet. Enough was enough. Time to teach the bastard a lesson.
“How about this,” she snapped. “You and me head over to the gym and do a little exercising.” She rolled her neck, hearing the joints pop. “I could use some time on the mats.”
“Take it easy,” Thyme hissed. “Don’t want to hurt him.”
The room grew silent as everyone’s attention focused on the two.
“You want to wrestle me?” Jim guffawed, sounding like a braying mule. He stood up, flexing well-developed muscles beneath the camo print tee shirt. “Little thing like you?”
She shrugged, unimpressed. “Sure, and if you win, I’ll take you up on the pints.”
“What about afterwards?”
“Let’s just see how things go.”
He brayed like a mule again, sure of his male prowess. “What happens if you win?”
“Then you leave me alone—if you survive that is.”
Another male grabbed his arm, talking low. She grinned. He was warning Jim about her. “She’s one of them,” she heard him mutter.
“You coming or staying?” The cold contempt in her voice was obvious.
Jim’s glance slid sideways. His lip twitched. The over-confident braggart was losing a part of his swagger.
“You don’t want to do this.” Gideon stood up from his seat across the room. “She’ll tear you limb from limb and laugh while she’s doing it.”
“Mind your own business,” Jim growled. His beady eyes narrowed as his liver lips spread in a sneer. “This is between her and me.”
“Okay then.” Gideon shrugged as he sat back down. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Sage cracked her knuckles, one at a time, relishing Jim’s uneasy reaction. “You sure you want to do this?”
The blocky head swiveled from side to side as Jim sought affirmation from his cohorts. When none came, he attempted to return to his usual blustering self.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he ventured. He flexed his arms, showing off the massive muscles. “Lot of power in these.”
“Let me worry about that,” Sage laughed. She was beginning to really, really enjoy this. The stalking of easy prey. “Like I said, if I win and you’re still standing, you leave me alone. Forever.”
“Back down,” one of his cronies hissed. “She’s one of those killer women.”
“Might want to listen to your buddy there,” she grinned. “Or not. Choice is yours.”
“Let’s do it,” he growled. His blocky head swiveled from side to side. “Any of you interested in watching the match, come on over.”
Almost as one, the occupants of the cafeteria stood up.
“Saff’s going to be so pissed,” Thyme muttered. “She told you to mind your business.”
“That was meant for the times when I’m under Gideon’s tutelage, and I’m off the clock right now. This is strictly for fun and entertainment.”
“So, you say,” Thyme grumped. “But I’m going to be in trouble for not harnessing you.”
“There’s not a soul in here who can’t attest to the fact that I gave him every chance to back down. He won’t and I’m tired of his sick shit.”
She gathered up her plate and utensils and dropped them in the dirty bin. Thyme rose from her seat with a long sigh and followed after her.
The walk through the tunnels from the cafeteria to the gym took mere minutes and soon she was standing by the center mat, stretching just for show. She never needed to but didn’t hurt to give the onlookers something to think about. Jim was seated on a bench on the far side of the mat, taking of his shoes. She could sense his unease.
Time to teach the perv a few manners.
“Just don’t kill him,” Thyme muttered. “Saff would have a fit if you do. Doubt you’d get to keep training on the Raiders if she’s really pissed about this.”
She laughed. “I won’t kill him, just maybe make him wish I would.”
Slipping her boots off, she tossed them aside, before striding to the center of the mat.
Arms akimbo, she did a slow take of the crowd. Besides Thyme and Gideon, there were only a few faces she knew. “Anyone here like to place a few bets on how long he lasts?”
“How about we bet on how long it takes for him to take you down?” A craggy voice called.
The crowd was quick to place bets, using commissary chits, and from what she could hear, most of them were on Jim.
“Whatever.” She tossed her head and then reached up, tying the dark mane of hair into a quick knot. She drew a breath, expanding her senses as the adrenalin began a slow burn through her system. Hot and heady. She could feel herself growing more aware, stronger. She was as ready as she’d ever be.
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What’s your favorite thing about autumn:
Actually, the only thing I really like about autumn is Halloween. I do like the cooler temperatures, especially after the boiling hot summer we’ve had this year, but I’m more of a spring and summer person and to me autumn is the advent of winter.
What inspired you to write this story:
I’ve always been interested in post-apocalyptic/alien invasion science fiction, ergo The Chimeras series. In my mind, I always envisioned we’d need people with higher skill levels and intelligence to fight off the invaders: genetically engineered super-warriors. In this sequel, like her half-sisters, Sage is genetically engineered to lead the fight against the invading aliens. She is the warrior, the one they call on when things need to get done.
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Author Biography:
P.L. Parker was born and raised in Idaho where she lives with her three sons, a daughter-in-law, two grandchildren and now a little great granddaughter. She is an amateur Squatcher and can be found at times in the wilds of Idaho with her oldest son looking for the elusive creature.
Ms. Parker writes stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. Science fiction and time travel are her genres of choice but she has tried her hands at paranormal. Besides her stand-alone novels, she has three series: The Chimeras and The Star Brides, science fiction romances, and Time Warriors, time travel romances.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.plparker.net/
Blogspot: http://plparker.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLParker