Title: Sage
Author: P.L. Parker
Genre: Post-apocalyptic science fiction romance
Book Blurb:
The invasion of an alien race known as the Friem has left humanity cowering in fear and hiding in underground bunkers as the invaders ravage the planet. The surviving humans are hunted to be used as slave labor, and those who fight are killed. For what remains of the resistance, resources are slim and time is running out.
Like all of her half sisters, Sage was genetically enhanced for the fight against the Friem. Bred to be a warrior, she’s tough, bitchy, and mean, and there isn’t a damn person on the planet who can best her in a fight. A law unto herself, she gives little thought to what people think of her because if something needs doing, she knows she’s the one they call. The only person she really needs is herself, until Gideon enters the picture. As the only pilot around who can provide the training she needs, she’ll do whatever it takes to work with him. When playing nice to get what she wants subtly changes to something more, will Sage let him in? Or will this tough-as-nails warrior fight those feelings to the bitter end?
“How about we call a truce for the evening and have some fun? Your treat.”
One russet brow arched. “Guess I could,” he admitted low. “Not many ways to spend chits around here.”
“Don’t act so excited about it.” Sage slipped on her boots, leaving the ties loose. “We might even have a friendly conversation for a change.”
“That’ll be the day.” He turned, waving his arm. “Come if you’re coming. Heard the canteen has added some food items to the menu. Has to be better than the spaghetti.”
“I like the spaghetti,” Thyme sniffed. “Way better than most of the cafeteria food.”
Sage followed him out the exit. “I’m starving. I didn’t get to eat much before dumbass started harassing me, other than a mouthful of garlic bread.”
“Maybe you could have just breathed on him,” Gideon smirked. “Saved yourself some effort.”
“And miss all the fun? I don’t think so.”
They were standing so near she could feel the warmth of his breath on her face. An unwelcome tingle of desire caused her to almost flinch. Not good! Her gaze traveled up, studying his strong male features, from the dimple in his chin to his wide, intelligent forehead. Wasn’t anything about him that made her shudder like Jim did. Eyes the color of old amber. Full, mobile lips. Straight nose. White, even teeth when he was smiling, though never at her. She liked the fact that he was tall with broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a well-defined chest. Red hair with just a hint of curl, the color somewhere between Ginger’s coppery red tresses and Poppy’s auburn locks. As Thyme had so casually put it, he was hot. Even with her jaded opinion of the man, she could see that.
“We going, or you just going to stand there gawking?”
His voice jerked her back to the present. She could feel her face heating, something it never did. She was never embarrassed. Never caught off guard. Pissed her off. She stomped by him, ignoring everything and anything long enough to get herself under control.
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
I love scifi and scifi romances even more. Sage combines both of these elements. A sexy heroine, a hot hero and all those issues occurring in between hating each other and becoming lovers. She’s the warrior. He’s the thinker. A great combination once they get past the negatives. I write HEA but I do like the twists, and Sage has plenty of those.
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Author Biography:
P.L. Parker was born and raised in Idaho where she lives with her three sons, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. She is an amateur Squatcher and can be found at times in the wilds of Idaho with her oldest son looking for the elusive creature.
Ms. Parker writes stories with alpha males and strong, determined women. Science fiction and time travel are her genres of choice but she has tried her hands at paranormal. Besides her stand-alone novels, she has three series: The Chimeras and The Star Brides, science fiction romances, and Time Warriors, time travel romances.
She is currently working on Book 5 in the The Chimeras series, Anise, and is very close to finishing that one.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.plparker.net/
Blogspot: http://plparker.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLParker