Title: Sara My Sara: A Memoir of Friendship and Loss
Author: Florence Wetzel
Genre: Memoir, Grief, Friendship, Nonfiction
Book Blurb:
A poignant memoir of enduring friendship in the face of terminal illness. Author Florence Wetzel shares her profound bond with her friend Sara as they navigate Sara's cancer diagnosis, and the loss and grief that follow. Sara My Sara explores the resilience of the human spirit and the unexpected insights that emerge through mourning.
This book is written in lyric prose, so the line endings are deliberately short. Although the format might surprise the reader at first, people actually find it very easy to follow.
My Review:
Grief stricken by the loss of her mother and then two years later with the loss of her dear friend, Sara, Florence goes on a journey of self-discovery. Grief is a tricky mistress and can lead you to places detailed in Dante’s Inferno. But there are gifts grief bestows that can take you to unexpected places and experiences. Embark on an emotional journey with Sara My Sara: A Memoir of Friendship and Loss.
Florence Wetzel shares a very emotional time in her life, and it relates to grief. Each one of us deals with grief in our own way. The pain piles up on Florence and her response to it is honest, gut-wrenching, and authentic.
The layout to this memoir on friendship and grief is original. I found the lyric prose easy to read and lets the emotions flow. It’s like talking to a friend.
Sara My Sara: A Memoir of Friendship and Loss is a five plus tissue read. You’ll cry, You’ll smile. You’ll let the emotions escape. A truly unforgettable read.
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
Florence Wetzel was born 1962 in Brooklyn, NY. She writes across many genres, including the thriller The Woman Who Went Overboard and the Swedish mystery The Grand Man. She has also authored horror short stories, a book of poems and memoir essays, and co-authored jazz clarinetist Perry Robinson's autobiography.
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Reviewed by: Nancy