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5+ stars for Sarah: Christmas Quilt Brides by Nancy Fraser #historicalinspirationalromance #historicalchristianromance #ku #bookreview

Title: Sarah: Christmas Quilt Brides

Author: Nancy Fraser

Genre: Historical Christian/Inspirational Romance


Book Blurb:


Returning home a failure shouldn't be an option. However, sometimes, it's a necessity.

Sarah Billings left her stifling hometown of Castle Rock, Oregon not long after her best friend married the town's handsome new doctor. Sarah's dream is to become a famous artist. Instead, she found herself working menial jobs just to survive. When her mother's illness brings her home, she has to face the fact some dreams just aren't meant to be.

Tate Tucker is the new marshal in Castle Rock, and he's determined to rid the town of its crooked mayor and earn his way to a bigger and better posting. What he doesn't count on is the feisty young girl who insists she doesn't belong in Castle Rock. Tasked with judging this year's annual quilting competition, he's determined to do whatever it takes to cozy up to the locals in order to expose the town's corruption. He just needs to get his mind on the job, and off of the blonde spitfire who keeps invading his dreams.


My Review:


Sarah couldn’t wait to leave the small town of Castle Rock and make her dream of a famous artist in San Francisco a reality. But her dream has fizzled and she’s a failure. When she receives word her mother is ill, she returns home. She’s determined to leave when her mother is feeling better, but life and a certain marshal’s affection has her rethinking her dream.


Escape to a forgone era and a simpler time in this delightful historical inspirational/Christian western romance. Nancy Fraser whisks the reader away with her descriptive narration, engaging characters, a quilt competition, plus a sweet romance.The emotional narration will tug at your heartstrings. The setting of a small town in Oregon plus San Francisco in the late 19th century comes alive in this inspiring historical romance.


The characters are honestly written and historically accurate. I connected with Sarah from the start. She’s got dreams of becoming a well-known artist and is trying her best in San Francisco. She takes menial work just to make ends meet but her dream is so far. She can’t admit defeat to her friends and family. Her viewpoint of her hometown when she returns home hit home for me. I’ve been there. Her reaction to her mother’s illness tore my heart out.


The romance, though, is what makes this book stand out from the rest. The romance is very sweet, touching, as are most romances in this time period. Nancy Fraser’s writing style is beautiful. It isn’t about physical passion but about falling in love with the person. Nancy Fraser pours her heart into writing this story, so the feelings and emotion are splashed across the pages.

If you love historical inspirational western romances, you’ll love this book as much as I did. I can’t wait to see what Nancy Fraser writes next.


My Rating: 5+ stars


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Author Biography:


Nancy Fraser is the mother of two, grandmother of five, an avid reader and award-winning author. She's also the granddaughter of a Methodist minister known for his fire-and-brimstone approach to his faith. Nancy has brought some of his spirit into her Christian romances. And, her own off-beat sense of humor to her clean & wholesome books.


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Reviewed by: Nancy

1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 18

Thank you for the lovely review. I'm so happy that you enjoyed the book.

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