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N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Sarah Lamb #authorspotlight #historicalwesternromance #historicalromance #mustread

N. N. Light

Hello! I’m Sarah, and I write (mostly) sweet and wholesome historical western romance. I like my books to have a dash of suspense, strong females who are clever and filled with gumption. Both the men and women in my books usually have a wound or a hidden past or something that they think is such a flaw, no one would love them. I also write characters (though in the 1800s) who feel real, and are relatable. Haven’t we all felt rejected or unwanted at some point? But haven’t we all shown we have an incredible strength inside we have to call on?


While the majority of my books right now are standalone that connect to other titles I’ve written, next year I’m releasing a series, and I’m so, so excited to come back to N.N. Light and promote it!


I make sure my books have multiple ways to enjoy. I have ebooks, paperbacks, large prints for almost all my books, and several have been put into human narration. There’s a way to read, however you want to experience them!


When I’m not writing, I’m creating cinematic style book trailers, which I LOVE doing, taking care of my family, or working. I have a son with a chronic illness, who inspired me to write a book called The Unapologetic Advocate, reminding caregivers that it’s okay to speak up for their children in medical and educational situations, and make suggestions on the ways to do that, and to help children learn how—at any age—to do that themselves.


I also plan parties for my Facebook reader community every few months, where loads of authors (the most recent was 26) join in a fun days of giveaways and games, so that we can thank our readers and share our titles. If you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll get all the details on those AND a free book! You’ll also get my website URL to see those book trailers!





Title Romancing the Wrangler

Author Sarah Lamb

Genre Historical Western Romance


Book Blurb


Rose and Levi only have one rule—make their own rules.


Free spirited Rose Alden is her father’s youngest child, and his disappointment. Her sharp mind and wit are matched only by her sarcastic tongue and disobedience in finding a suitable husband like her older sisters did. She’s desperate to live her own life, make her own rules, and marriage is not something she is interested in.


Ranch hand Levi Patterson understands just how Rose feels. It’s why he’s grateful to be working for her father on the Alden’s quiet ranch. However, the past he thought he’d left behind has caught up, demanding he choose between the needs of others and his own.


A sudden change of events forces them each to make a decision that will change the future forever. Will Rose fight for what she longs for? Can Levi return to what was, or will he continue to blaze his own path with Rose by his side?




Inside, she could hear her parents talking. She had fully intended to sneak up the stairs and to her room to read for a while before dinner, when she’d heard her name. 


While it would have been polite to continue past, her curiosity got the best of her. If they didn’t want me to take notice of their conversation, perhaps Father shouldn’t have said my name so loudly, she told herself.


            Freezing, as she heard her name once more, she moved closer to the door. Yes, she knew she shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but if it was something about her, didn’t she have every right to know what it was? And her parents, being the way they were, likely were not even going to let her know what it was they were talking about until it was too late to react in any way. 


            “...running out of chances,” her father’s frustrated voice said. 


            Chances? For what? Rose frowned. The thick wooden door muffled some of the words. 


            “Which is why…accept. We both agree that…eligible. And wealthy.” Her mother’s voice, though muffled, still had a tone of smugness. 


            “Invite him for dinner,” her father said. “…fine match. Rose will be pleased.” 


            Stiffening, Rose clenched her fists as she straightened. Her shoulders ached with the sudden tension running through her, and her head started to throb. No, Rose would not be pleased. Rose didn’t want to be told who to marry. And Rose didn’t intend to marry. At least, not right now. 


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Author Biography 


Sarah is wife to an amazing teacher and mom to two boys who are growing up just a little too fast. Her day job is helping others to become writers, while she squeezes in each spare moment she can on her own books. She spends her days working and writing in the Blue Ridge Mountains and planning her next trip to Disney World.


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Title Asher’s Secret

Author Sarah Lamb

Genre Western Historical Romance


Book Blurb


The plan? Pretend he’s her betrothed and try not to fall in love.


Sheriff Asher Steele doesn’t plan to settle down. Not ever. In fact, he avoids the ladies all together. And he doesn’t plan to explain why that is. No one’s been able to break through the walls of his emotions and that’s just the way he likes it.


But when Isabelle Bowman comes to town with a secret of her own, and a heap of trouble following her, he might be the only one who can help her. What he’s not counting on is falling in love along the way and considering opening the walls of his heart to protect her.


Running from her half-brother, who desires nothing more than to kill Isabelle Bowman and take her inheritance, she’s desperate for a place to hide. Uninterested in marriage, she thinks the sheriff’s idea is preposterous. But she’s left with no option. With no funds, a sheriff who thinks she’s a troublemaker or a liar, and his plan that will never work, she’s sure things are not going to end well.


But could they both be wrong about what the future holds?




Asher Steele crossed his arms as he leaned against the side of the sheriff’s office. His office. It was a beautiful spring afternoon. Couples young and old walked arm in arm or hand in hand strolling through town. They didn’t know how lucky they were. Carefree. In love. Light and happiness around them.


            All things he’d never have. Couldn’t ever dare hope to have. The thought made him frown, like it always did. He knew that was the price, though.


            The only thing he had to offer was the chance at heartbreak. Asher didn’t even let himself wonder what it would be like to have a sweetheart of his own. It was too dangerous. 


            He was too dangerous. 


            The bakery across the street beckoned, tempting him with a distraction. Some men might want the saloon, but not him. Never stepped in it, except to break up a fight. If he was offered a drink there, he’d refuse with a polite “no thanks.” No need to risk it, not with his past.


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Title A Journey for Leah

Author  Sarah Lamb

Genre Western Historical Romance


Book Blurb


Falsely accused of being a loose woman, she has nowhere else to go. His heart belongs to another, and he has no desire to become entangled.

A victim of misplaced affections, Leah Dearing dreams of starting over in Oregon where she can own land and put her past behind her. But as a single woman, she is refused a place in the wagon train, no matter that she’s more than capable of doing all she needs. Desperate to build a new life for herself, she is willing to do anything—including a marriage in name only.


Stanley Keith has no intention of heading out West with a bride until he overhears Leah’s plight. He knows the way will be difficult and many don’t make it. To top it off, he’s got a woman waiting for him when he gets there. Yet, something about her determination sparks in him, and before he’s realized it he offers to let her join him on his journey in exchange for her cooking and companionship.


However, the trail is long and dangerous, and the challenges they face might be more than either realized. Especially when one of them starts to fall in love…and the reminder of another waiting for them at the end of the trail becomes impossible to ignore.




  “I’m leaving town for a while,” he said, hooking his thumbs at his waist. “Had an opportunity.”


            “Oh?” She tried to ignore the worry in her stomach. “Will you be gone long?”


            “That depends on you,” he answered.


            “On me?”


            “Yes. I need some money. If you give me yours, I can hurry back faster. Otherwise, I’ll have to stay away while I make some.”


            Leah lowered her head. “I see. How much do you need?”


            “Twenty dollars will do for now,” he said, as her head shot up. “You can wire me a hundred more.”


            “I don’t have that kind of money,” Leah gasped.


            “Sure you do,” he said, and stepped closer.


            “No, I don’t,” she said, tears burning in her eyes. “What makes you think I do?”


            “Because you can get it,” he told her. “Real easy like.”


            There was something cold in his face. Hard. It sent chills through Leah’s stomach. She wet her lips. “I’m no thief,” Leah said, standing straight. She wondered if this was some terrible joke.


            “Too bad,” Jim said, and then shrugged. “I’m leaving day after tomorrow. You find me the money and bring it back to me, I’ll consider giving you a ring.”


            He turned and kissed her then. It was in a rough way that Leah didn’t like and made her feel cheap. Without another word, he left, leaving Leah to watch him go, her eyes wide and her heart aching.


She’d wanted a ring, but not like this.


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Title  A Gunslinger for Grace

Author  Sarah Lamb

Genre Western Historical Romance


Book Blurb


She didn't expect a gunslinger to answer her ad. Now, things have gotten complicated.

Grace just can’t do it alone anymore. When her husband died, he left her with a store to run and two children to take care of. Now, her son is friends with the wrong crowd and her daughter keeps sneaking out. When a string of vandalisms hit her store and the sheriff does nothing, she’s more than desperate for help and puts an ad in the newspaper.


James is passing through town after dropping off a criminal at the local jail. A gunslinger by trade, he moves from town to town looking for high-paying work. When he chances upon Grace’s ad, the thought of home cooked meals and an opportunity to rest for a while tempts him, and he applies.


No one else wants the job, so Grace reluctantly accepts his offer. But how will a gunslinger be able to help her with her children, the store, and stop the robberies? And why does she feel so drawn to the man who is like no one she’s ever met?




“How-how did you know I was a widow?” Grace stammered.


            He gave her an odd look. “Ma’am, forgive me for saying so, but it was pretty clear from your ad. You need a man to help around the place and you’ve got someone stealing from your store. If you were married, you’d have the man to help and a thief deterrent. You also mentioned your children. If you had a husband, you also wouldn’t be concerned about their behavior or having me around.”


            Grace was nearly speechless. Who was this man? He seemed incredibly observant.


            “Let’s be honest with each other,” he continued. “You’ve got trouble and need some help. I was looking for a job for a little while. Yours interests me. It’s been a while since I’ve had a job that didn’t require me to be shot at. Homecooked meals added on is also mighty tempting.”


            Two of the words leaped out at Grace and stuck in her mind, filling her with worry. “Shot at?” Grace stared at him. “What kind of jobs have you had before now?”


            “I didn’t mention?” He grinned and tipped his hat up a little. “I’m a gunslinger.”


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Title  Alyssa’s Desperate Plan

Author  Sarah Lamb

Genre Western Historical Romance


Book Blurb


“Yer too small on the top. I want a bigger woman.”

Alyssa Moore never expected that to be the reason her prospective groom turned her away after one look. Now, with almost no money and no family to turn to for help, she’s stuck waiting in a small town until the mail-order bride agency that sent her finds another match. She’s embarrassed to seek help because that isn’t her only mortifying situation, but it’s all she can do.

When an upset woman finds him to ask for help posting a letter, Peter West is more than curious about her. As he learns more, he wonders…what would happen if her letter didn’t post? At least for a few days. Would she consider staying there, with someone like him? He knows it’s pointless. A beautiful woman like that wouldn’t want a man like him.

As Alyssa becomes desperate and Peter tries to summon his courage, they’ll each discover there’s far more to a person than meets the eye—and that friendship and love can blossom in the most unexpected of ways.




Alyssa Moore felt her jaw drop. She blinked a few times trying to collect herself, then frowned. Had she misheard? Surely, she had.


She’d traveled for nearly a week to get to the town of Deepwater after accepting a match from the mail-order bride agency. They had a success rate of ninety-four percent, she’d been assured. A match and true love was promised to her just around the corner, with one Mr. Gerald Weatherbee.


            Truthfully, she didn’t care about the true love part, she just wanted security and stability. Which was apparently being yanked out from under her feet.


            “What…did you say?” Alyssa’s voice was hushed. She wasn’t sure if she was shocked or angry or both.


            “Yer…” the man waved his hands around, mimicking a crude shape of a woman’s curves, “too small. I like my women big, like me.”


            “And what am I to do, then?” Alyssa asked. Humiliation burned through her. “We signed a contract.”


            “Ain’t signed a marriage certificate,” the man chuckled. “I’m within my right to reject you.” He checked his pocketwatch and shook his head. “I’ve got another girl coming. Good luck.” He snorted then. “You need it, as itty bitty as you are. Maybe you can find a husband who doesn’t have good eyesight.”


            “Why, I never!” Alyssa gasped as the man hefted his bulk from the chair and left the room, a rather rank smell coming from him.


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©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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