Title Scandalous in Huntington Beach
Author Melody DeBlois
Genre Women’s Fiction with Romantic Elements
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Artist or Company who made the book trailer Literary Titian
Book Blurb
Politician and senate hopeful Bennett Browning knows nothing about babies. When his former girlfriend dies and leaves him with a daughter he knew nothing about, he’s left scrambling until he meets Emma Kuan, his daughter’s aunt, who volunteers to be the nanny. Emma is used to keeping secrets. She and her sister have always hidden their tragic past, but she’s stunned her sister hid the baby even from her. Meeting her niece captures her heart, and she would do anything to be with her, even living with a stranger. Worried about potential scandal, Bennett and Emma juggle jobs, living arrangements, and parenting until a doctor gives them bad news about their baby girl. Then their priorities change drastically.
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Author Biography
Melody lives in Sacramento (the City of Trees). She writes romance novels. She’s partial to poetry, sun, rain, strong coffee, and her writing room surrounded by books. Besides California, she and her late husband lived part-time in a condo in Oregon overlooking the Pacific. That gave her a love for beach towns and whale-watching and sunsets—all the things that inspire the Love is a Beach series. The writing process fascinates her, the alchemy of layering and developing characters, the tinkering with language. There’s so much to treasure in the world: family, friends, and those random, everyday moments that make life grand. She hopes to give her readers all of that.
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