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Secret Places by Heather Peck is a New Year New Books Fete pick #crimefiction #mystery #newyear #giveaway

N. N. Light







Book Blurb:




Goat farmer, cheese maker and weaver Tristan Smith is working on her North Yorkshire smallholding when a chance visit by archaeologists exposes a skeleton in an abandoned WW2 bunker. But it’s not a wartime casualty.


Tristan becomes involved in the search for the truth as DI Greg Geldard unravels a trail of secrets from North Yorkshire to the Norfolk Broads. Another victim is searching for a new life, but will history repeat itself? Will bad choices lead to the same mistake?


"We all have secret places. Places where we can go when it all gets too much. Or a place where we hide the unthinkable."





Yorkshire, August 1940


  The sealed van clanked wearily round the lanes to the outskirts of the village, then turned up the track to the rough grazing the villagers called ‘The Coombes’. At that time of night there were few people about. The local poacher, Sam Doble, slid silently through the dark copse by the road and lights were on in one of the barns as the farmer tended a late calving. If anyone noticed the van at all, it was probably to wonder how someone had managed to get their hands on petrol. No one commented. Less than a year into the war, everyone knew better than to poke their nebs where they weren’t wanted.


Its four occupants clambered out at the top of the track and were met by the Rector, exercising his war-time rather than his pastoral role. A quick word with the leader of the team, and the men unloaded their equipment and set to, digging into the side of the ancient chalk quarry wall.


At the end of all the work a new, standard design observation base had been sunk into the hillside. Its curved metal walls and roof were covered in soil until nothing showed; other than the disturbed soil, the hatch at the top of the hill that gave access to the shaft down, and the end of the concrete piping lower down the hill that provided the concealed emergency exit.


The van and its crew disappeared into the night and were replaced by the Rector’s hand-picked team. They were a mixed bunch, drawn from the only remaining men in the village who were neither ancient nor disabled. Sam Doble was recruited both for his marksmanship and his ability to slide stealthily through the night. Nearly as good was Andrew Jenkins, the neighbouring estate’s junior gamekeeper. Only the most extreme need could have brought members of these two families together. Of the other four men, three were yeoman farmers and the fourth a retired miner with a useful skill in handling explosives.


Swiftly the men transferred their stores into the OB. The wet cell batteries and the limited ammunition were no problem. Sam took a particular interest in the gallon of rum and was sternly reminded by the Rector that it was for emergency use only. Sam and Andrew were despatched to string the aerial for the radio along the thorn hedge that marked the edge of the field, while the others debated the storage of the phosphorus hand grenades. There was a unanimous view that no one wanted to share living space with them and they were moved, with extreme caution, to the village and a pit under the corner of the Rector’s garden shed.


OB 478 and its team of auxiliaries were ready for invasion.


Chapter 1:

Yorkshire, June 2015


The day was sunny, light rippling on the ceiling as it reflected from the River Ouse running past the apartment. Music played in the background and Detective Inspector Greg Geldard was not happy. He scowled in the mirror as he shaved, and nearly cut himself as he practised his happy face. He tried again, but it still wasn’t very convincing, and he sighed as he turned away, wiping the remaining soap off with his towel. His wife Isabelle was singing as she rushed around the bedroom, collecting clothes together and packing them in the special light case she used for air travel. Her carry-on bag was, as usual, crammed with music. She turned as he came into the room.


‘Oh Greg,’ she said, ‘it is only four weeks. I’ll ring every night.’


‘Yes I know. Take no notice of me. I hope you have a super time and a really successful tour. The time will fly and when you get home we’ll have a special night out in Grape Lane.’


‘That’s something to look forward to. My favourite restaurant.’ She kissed him lightly as she passed through to her music room. ‘Must make sure I’ve everything I need.’


A horn tooted outside, and Greg went to the balcony. ‘It’s your car. Bye darling. Have a great time and see you in four weeks.’


He carried the case down to the waiting car and waved her off, the unconvincing smile still on his face, then went back up to the flat to collect his wallet and case for work. Four weeks until she got back from what would doubtless be another highly successful tour for The Byrds in the Midwest of the USA. Four weeks of ready meals in front of the TV and missing her every moment of every day, even when at work. He clattered down the stairs to the basement car park and set off for the police station in Malton.


‘Not a routine week, please God,’ he thought as he drove through the early York traffic. ‘I need some distraction.’


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First in the award-winning DCI Geldard Norfolk Mysteries, if you’re looking for your next, great crime series, this is your starting point.




Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs January 1 – 31, 2025


Drawing will be held on February 3, 2025. 


Author Biography:


Heather Peck is the multi-award-winning author of the DCI Geldard Norfolk Mysteries and winner of the 2024 Page Turner Award for best crime novel, ‘Milestones’.


She has been both agricultural policy adviser and farmer, NHS Trust Chair and volunteer vaccinator. She lives in Norfolk with her partner and a menagerie of dogs, cats, hens and a rabbit.


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