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Seduced by the Handyman by @nfraserauthor is a Spring Break Bookapalooza pick #romance #99cents

N. N. Light

Title: Seduced by the Handyman

Author: Nancy Fraser

Genre: Contemporary Romance (Steamy w/language & fully realized love scenes)

Book Blurb:

After a prolonged and messy divorce, 42 year old Cate Matthews uses her financial settlement to purchase a condo in a regentrified warehouse. The only problem with her new home is the plumbing. It doesn’t take her long to realize she needs an expert to fix the rusty pipes—both the building’s and her own.

Mitch Taylor, 27 year old former Army Ranger and now full time student, is working hard toward earning his engineering degree while balancing his education with part time work doing household repairs.

When Mitch shows up in Cate’s lecture hall, she’s immediately impressed with his knowledge of U.S. history, a subject to which she’s devoted her academic career. However, as impressed as she is with his historical acumen, when he lands on her doorstep with an impressively large bag of tools in hand, history is the last thing on her mind.

Perhaps this much younger and infinitely sexy man is just what she needs to get her dormant sex life back on track. Given the huge difference in their ages, Cate assumes the relationship will fizzle out after a few—albeit perfect—trips around the bedroom.

Much to her surprise and delight, Mitch seems to be in it for the long haul. Their 15 year age difference is the least of her worries when she realizes how quickly she’s been seduced by the handyman.


Mitch turned the bright pink sticky note over in his hand, wishing—not for the first time—Chloe’s handwriting was a bit easier to decipher. “Crap pies? One-ten Green-something, number six-one-one, CatMat, whatever that means.”

He checked the digital map on his GPS. The only street with ‘green’ in the name and an address that fit the one-ten was Greenfield. Hopefully, when he arrived, it would be a building with at least six floors.

Parking his pickup in the ‘visitors only’ spot, he grabbed his bag of tools from the backseat and jogged up the stone stairs leading into an old, converted warehouse. The six-story brick and stone structure had been beautifully regentrified into apartments. No doubt way out of his price range, the architecture was still wicked impressive.

Once inside the marble lobby, he pressed the buzzer for apartment six-eleven.

“Hello,” a woman’s voice greeted.

“Two Guys and a Wrench.”

“Hopefully more than one wrench,” she said, before hitting the door release.

He chuckled and yanked the lobby door open.

Mitch stepped off the elevator and turned right, stopping in front of a solid oak door. Lifting his hand, he raised the brass knocker and let it fall. Within a heartbeat, the door sprung open.

“You,” she said, her gaze meeting his.

Mitch grinned and hefted his tool bag up in the air. “Yes, me, and a whole bag of wrenches and other tools.”

She stepped back, making room for him to enter. “I didn’t realize you were a handyman, Mr. Taylor.”

“Well, Professor, we undergrads do like making money. You know...for rent, food, and beer.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Grab your e-copy for 99cents this week only!

If money were no object and we weren’t in a pandemic, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?

Las Vegas. It’s my absolute favorite vacation destination, and not just for the gambling (although that’s where you’ll find me most often). I love the shows, the general atmosphere, or—and did I mention—the gambling. I usually try to play in at least one poker tournament while I’m there as well.

Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?

To me, spring is about new beginnings. And, what better new beginning, than a renewed life for a woman in her forties who’s been through a rough patch and needs both excitement and romance to get her back on track. Add to that a kind, hunky, sexy hero, and what better way to make things bloom!


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Author Biography:

NANCY FRASERJumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.

Nancy has published over thirty-five books in full-length, novella, and short format. When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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Twitter: @nfraserauthor

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