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Sexy Lexy by Kate Moore is a Shake Off Winter Doldrums pick #99c #romance #romcom #99cents #giveaway

Title: Sexy Lexy

Author: Kate Moore

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy

Book Blurb:

Can a woman outrun her past?When her self-help book encouraging fitness through Workout Sex leads to embarrassing media attention, the revival of her hated childhood nickname, and a breakup, writer/fitness trainer Lexie (Sexy Lexy) Clark escapes to a small Brigadoon-like Northern California town where she discovers no one can entirely avoid the past - and if everyone could meet a man like Sam Worth, six-feet of male competence and ease, they might not want to.


Lexy focused on her search, ignoring the brief bursts of sound from his drill. She opened the armoire. Nothing. The bathroom was equally bare. She tried the bureau drawers. Empty. She shifted the cushions in the window seat. The book wasn’t anywhere. The bed-breaking cyclists must have taken it with them. But Lexy would see that her agent sent them a new copy. Just in case.

She turned at the snap of wood fitting snugly as Sam Worth shoved the new slats into place.

“Done.” He slid the box springs over to the bed, tilted it up over the frame, settled it into place. The mattress followed. Then he stood back and looked at her. “I think you should test it.”

“Test it?”

“Give it a good bounce, make sure it won’t collapse.”

“Not necessary.” She stepped back.

“Are you sure? You don’t want a lawsuit.” He closed in on her, edging her up against the bed.

“I’ve got a good lawyer.”

He looked grim. “Never involve a lawyer in anything you can do for yourself.” He caught her by the waist and swung her up. Her bottom landed on the firm mattress. Looking up at him, she bounced lightly.

“You call that a test?”

“Move over. Let’s give it a real test.”

Lexy scooted over as he climbed up beside her. She felt the bed dip under his weight then return as he stretched out

“Nice canopy.” He crossed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. His brows and lashes were much darker than his wheaten hair. Involuntarily, her gaze slid down his body. He didn’t move. He had the stretching part of Lexy’s fitness routine down fine. He lay, utterly relaxed, while Lexy’s whole body snapped to attention.

His eyes opened again. “What do you think they were doing when the bed collapsed?”

“I don’t want to know.” Lexy flopped back, but he had started her thinking, picturing Sam Worth getting fit.

“Have you ever broken a bed?”

“Of course not.”

“At least they weren’t swinging from the canopy, but you can’t rule that out. Maybe you should put up sign.” He stretched out one beautiful arm, pointing. “Right up under the canopy. ‘Antique English beds. Suitable for missionary position only.’”

“Not necessary.”

“I don’t know. You think it can stand a real workout?” He rolled onto his stomach and did a few rapid push-ups, an effortless flex of those arms. He had smooth firm skin in which the veins made rugged lines. Lexy imagined tracing those lines with her fingertips.

He collapsed beside her again. “Now that that’s a bed that won’t break.”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

On Sale for $.99

What’s your favorite activity to shake off the winter doldrums?

On the Northern California coast our winters are brief, and we enjoy warming up with soup, wearing our favorite sweaters, and breathing frosty air while it lasts. What's hard to take is the keen north wind that lingers when the days are longer and the hills are green. It looks like T-shirt-and-sandals weather, but it isn't! That's when I reach for spring colors--pale blues, corals, and lavenders with a pop of white! I bring some potted blooming thing inside for a splash of color, and buy my early spring favorites--daffodils, flowering quince or the super-fragrant mid-winter Daphne. And I make a date for tea or coffee with a friend I've been missing. Maybe it's a Zoom or FaceTime date, but I know we'll get to talking and laughing and the doldrums will fade away.

Why is your featured book a cure for the winter blues?

If you can't travel to a tropical island somewhere, maybe an armchair trip to tiny Drake's Point on the California coast will help you shake off those winter doldrums. There's a cozy inn, a set of quaint shops, plenty of local cheese, wine, and baked goods, and a wonderful beach. Come and sink your toes in the sand and watch a sunset, oh and meet a cast of quirky, lovable characters, including a dog named Winston, who are shaking off their own doldrums in a surprising way. Enjoy two sure-fire cures for the doldrums--love and laughter--with Lexie and Sam as they discover that together they can face and overcome the past.

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs March 1 – 31, 2023.

Drawing will be held on April 3, 2023.

Author Biography:

Kate was not orphaned. She never worked in a shoe-blacking factory or lived in an isolated country vicarage. Her childhood was an agreeable one in houses full of books in a family ready for adventures along the California coast, and magically on the island of Oahu. Her people were storytellers, fascinated with history, news, and gossip. When Jane Austen’s works revealed Kate's world in a new way, she began to write stories of falling in love standing up (mostly fully clothed) in the midst of family. Many books and a few awards later, she's writing a new series set in pre-Victorian London. Kate lives in the woods north of San Francisco with her surfer husband, their yellow Lab, toys for visiting grandkids, and miles of crowded bookshelves.

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Unknown member
Mar 03, 2023

I beat the winter blues by reading!


N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Mar 02, 2023

Thank you, Kate, for sharing your book sale in our Shake Off Winter Doldrums! It sounds like a great read.

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