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N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Sharon Buchbinder #authorspotlight #romance #paranormalromance #romanticsuspense #mustread

Sharon Buchbinder has been writing fiction since middle school and has the rejection slips to prove it. An RN, she provided health care delivery, became a researcher, association executive, obtained a PhD in Public Health, and is an administrator in higher education. She is the author of the Hotel LaBelle Series, the Jinni Hunter Series, and the Obsession Series. When not attempting to make students and colleagues laugh or writing, she can be found walking her pugs, Agent Frank and Igor Valentino, waiting on her Maine Coon cat, Buster Brown, or breaking bread and laughing with family and friends.





Title: Bonded for Life

Author: Sharon Buchbinder

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Second Chance Romance


Book Blurb:


Lola Getz and Webster Bond felt an instant spark when they met as high school students in Victory Shores. But their budding romance was cut short when Lola’s parents died in a plane crash and she had to return to Mexico. There, she became a famous artist and married a man who turned out to be a fraud. Webster, meanwhile, joined the army, earned medals of honor, and came back to his hometown as a cop.


Years later, Lola’s life is in danger when armed men break into her house. She flees to the only place she feels safe: her twenty-fifth high school reunion. Webster is surprised and thrilled to see her again—and vows to keep her safe. But is she his long-lost love or a deadly temptation?






Victory Shores High School

Victory Shores, New York

Twenty-Five Years Ago


Lola Getz threaded her way through the crowd, anxious to get to her locker to grab her books for her next class. Members of the football team, spread out between the locker-lined walls, streamed toward her and blocked her path.


Madre de Dios. Just what I need today.


A hulking offensive linebacker stepped in front of her and stared down her blouse. “Hey, Chica! Why are you in such a hurry?” Waves of body odor rolled off him and over Lola.


Wishing she had a can of deodorant to hose him down, she waved a hand in front of her face to dispel the B.O. “I have to get to class.”


“I have to get to class,” he mimicked in a high-pitched voice. “Why bother? You’re going to get married and change diapers.”


How many times in her life had she heard this sexist crap? She was sick and tired of being told all she was good for was to take care of a man and to breed. She was an artist, a damn good one, and no one was going to take that away from her. No one.


Someone pinched her butt. Hard.


She whirled and kneed the creep in the crotch. The quarterback, who often bragged he was the smartest player on the team, howled and dropped to the floor.


Lola considered the writhing boy. “Not so smart now, are you?”


Ms. Cross, the Women’s Studies teacher, materialized at her elbow. “Where are you supposed to be, Lola?”


“I was trying to get to my locker—until this pack of hyenas attacked me.”


“Go on. I’ll take care of them.” Ms. Cross yelled, “A month’s detention for the entire football team.”


“Aww, come on!”


“Not fair.”


“We were joking!”


“She attacked the QB!”


“I didn’t do nothing!”


“Dickhead made us do it!”


Escaping the tumult, Lola raced down the hall and around the corner. She skidded to a stop at her locker and yanked the door open. She had a fraction of a second to register something didn’t belong in the narrow space—a scrawny kid!—before he fell on top of her.


With a loud “oof,” she landed flat on her back on the floor. The boy’s face smashed into hers, his beak of a nose pressing into her right eyeball. In the moment, all she could think of was, “At least he doesn’t reek of B.O.!”


“Ohmigod, ohmigod!” The kid scrambled to get up, slid on the notebook-paper-strewn floor, and fell on top of her again.


A sharp elbow jabbed her in the breast. “Watch it, compadre!” she yelped.


His arms flailed and sought purchase on the recently waxed floor. “Sorry,” the kid moaned. “Sorry, so sorry!”


She attempted to roll out from under him, only to get tangled in his legs.


Madre de Dios. What else can go wrong today?


The poor boy’s expression as he tried to get off her, only to slide with a clang into the metal locker, set her off on a burst of giggles.


“Ohmigod, you’re crying.” His face creased with worry. “Don’t move. I’ll get the

school nurse.”


Shaking with mirth, Lola gasped, “No. Stop. Don’t go.”


He knelt at her side and peered into her eyes. “Your pupils are dilated. You’re in shock.”


“I’m fine, I swear.” She sat up and wiped a tear off her cheek. “Who put you in there?”


“My arch-enemy, Dick Heade, and his merry football henchmen.” The kid extended his hand and assisted her to her feet. “They think it’s tons of fun.”


“What a cabrón!”


“If that means what I think it means, yeah. He is a—”




“I was going to say dickhead, but then that’s his name.” The boy shrugged. “Overkill.”


If the kid hadn’t been as skinny as a decoration for Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, he would have been cute—and sexy in a Johnny Depp kind of way. When he’d been on top of her, he’d rubbed her in all the wrong places—and caused all kinds of sensations that she’d never felt before. In fact, she hadn’t wanted the feelings to stop. Where had that come from? And he’d made her laugh. No other guy in this school had made her giggle like that before. “What is your name, amigo?”


“Webster. Webster Bond.”


“Hmm. Stirred but not shaken. I like that in a man.”


His face became a deep red. “And you are…?”


“Lola. Lola Getz.”


The class bell rang.


“Mierda. Late—again.”


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Author Biography


Sharon Buchbinder has been writing fiction since middle school and has the rejection slips to prove it. An RN, she provided health care delivery, became a researcher, association executive, obtained a PhD in Public Health, and is an administrator in higher education. She is the author of the Hotel LaBelle Series, the Jinni Hunter Series, and the Obsession Series. When not attempting to make students and colleagues laugh or writing, she can be found walking her pugs, Agent Frank and Igor Valentino, waiting on her Maine Coon cat, Buster Brown, or breaking bread and laughing with family and friends.


Social Media Links


Facebook: Sharon Buchbinder Romance Author


Title Tears of the Wolf

Author Sharon Buchbinder

Genre Paranormal Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press, Inc


Book Blurb


Chief of Tribal Police Jacob Graywolf serves and protects his community on the reservation. When an epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women hits home, he's relieved the FBI gets involved. But something about the woman agent has him running scared.


FBI Special Agent Zena Adalwolf is certain Jacob is her soul mate. Their connection at first sight is immediate and urgent—a bond that transcends their professional relationship. If only the clueless hunk would realize they belong together!


After more Native American women are killed, Zena and Jacob suspect they have a serial killer on their hands. To track down the unsub, they allow their inner wolves to come out and play. But with the ever-ticking clock going wild, will the killer find them first?






Crow Reservation, Billings, Montana


Jacob Graywolf walked in the door at six on Friday evening. Jessie, the gray-chinned black Labrador mix, greeted him with a slow wave of her tail and slumped down at his feet. “How you doing, old girl?” He rubbed her head, and she gave him a doggy grin. “Biscuit?”


Her head jerked up, and her tail thumped. “Here you go.” He dug a treat out of the jar. “The way you like it.”


Setting a bouquet of flowers on the table, he placed his black-padded jacket on the hook and looped his Sam Browne over the next one. The belt with his holstered side-arm hadn’t bothered him all day. The moment he arrived home, however, it seemed as if the tools of his career—even the light-weight Kevlar vest— weighed a hundred pounds.


The tantalizing aroma of roasting turkey filled the kitchen, and his stomach growled in anticipation of a feast.


Rummaging under the sink to find a suitable vase, Jacob’s hand fell on the one he’d made for his mother in middle school using the class pottery wheel. Streaks of blue and red drizzled down the sides, cooked into perpetual tears by the kiln. Perfect. After he trimmed the ends of the stems and removed the greenery that would slide beneath the surface and hasten the decaying process, a thorn pricked his index finger and a rivulet of crimson sluiced into the water. With his dry hand, he pulled out a tissue and pressed it to the weeping wound. He placed the red roses in the center of the table set with three place settings, a braided loaf of challah, and two unlit white tapers. A whisper of a sound, and his mother entered the kitchen—wrapped in a colorful, geometric-patterned dress, her long, dark hair still damp.


“Jacob! You’re early. And you brought my favorite flowers.” She pecked him on the cheek, and the scent of eucalyptus washed over him reminding him of his asthma treatments as a child. “You must’ve gone all the way into Billings for them. Thank you.”


“No, Mom. I’m on time. And you’re welcome.” She smiled and waved a hand as if swatting a fly.


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Title The Vampire Billionaire’s Secret Baby

Author Sharon Buchbinder

Genre Paranormal Romance, Vampire Romance, Myths & Legends

Publisher CPC Publishing


Book Blurb


When home organizer and Gorgon, Meddy Stheno, is called in to help a recent arrival to Cat’s Paw Cove tidy up his home, she meets a handsome and frustrated father of a precocious three-year old. Meddy is sworn to secrecy to protect this special child. The boy is unable to control his shapeshifting—but he can go out in the daylight.


Vampire billionaire and casino owner, Quinn Ward, is on the run from someone who wants to extract his dhampir son’s abilities. To protect his child, he must rely on Meddy and the eccentric Supernaturals in Feline Fine Retirement Home. Can he count on them to help overpower the powerful Head of the Vampire House Diablos?


With the fate of his son on the line, Quinn and Meddy must recruit and train a Magical team. Can Quinn overcome his past and let another woman into his life? Will this longshot give them the payout they both need? Or will Meddy and Quinn lose it all in this do or die gamble for love?




Ghost of a Chance Casino and Hotel

Las Vegas, Nevada

Four Years Ago


Keeping the incident off the airwaves, Quinn’s next call was to the head of security. “Paul, we have a Family Member in violation of our Code of Conduct. Please detain Brad and put another man at the door.”


“You got it, boss.”


Quinn nodded at Penny. “Thanks, I owe you—again.”


“It’s my job. I love watching over the old place. This is better than when we had catwalks and watched the players through one-way glass. Glad you took those out.”


“Me, too.” He paused. “Sorry I found you there like that.”


Her ethereal blond hair floated in a nimbus around her head. “It’s okay. I still can’t remember anything but thinking ‘Oh, horsefeathers!’ and then everything went black.”


“I wish I could help. When this place went up for auction, despite the fire damage, I couldn’t resist buying it. When I inspected it to see what needed to be fixed, I never expected to find your body hidden in the ceiling. That was a shock.”


She laughed. “For both of us. No one had seen me in over half a century. When you looked at me—really looked at me—and asked me who I was? I almost fainted.”


He chuckled. “Thanks to my family’s history of Celtic seers, it wasn’t quite so hard on me, but you still surprised me. Your devotion and loyalty to this place are unlike anyone else’s. You keep on working, like that bunny in the ads on TV.”


She stretched and yawned. “I don’t need as much rest as I did when I was alive, but I still require downtime. Ciao, baby. Glad your real girlfriend isn’t the jealous type.” Penny blew him a kiss and winked out.


He shook his head. Never a dull day. Who would have thought a poor kid from the West Virginia coal country would wind up owning his own business—much less a successful casino—and having a beautiful woman at his side, too?


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Title Legacy of Evil: The Hotel LaBelle Series, Book 2

Author  Sharon Buchbinder

Genre Paranormal Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press, Inc


Book Blurb


When a wild mustang is shot in Montana, renowned horse whisperer and telepath, Emma Horserider, is called in to calm the herd and find out what happened. Once on scene she is almost killed by a bullet-spewing drone, and calls her black ops brother for back-up.


Emma's help roars into her life covered in tattoos and riding a Harley. Remote viewer Bronco Winchester takes the assignment because he is ordered to, but he wonders what type of assistance, his boss's sister needs. That is until he sees Emma, a valiant Warrior Woman proud of her Crow heritage.


Posing as a married couple, Emma and Bronco go undercover to infiltrate and stop a hate group. Both are anxious enough without the now growing attachment they feel for one another. When the lives of many are on the line, they are not sure if they will live or die—let alone have a chance at love.




Bronco now stood squinting in the late afternoon sun, knocking at a door with no bell, and waiting for a response. Dogs barked and a window curtain twitched. Good. Someone was home. He adjusted his pack, leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and said, “Any time now.” As the words slid out of his mouth, he heard the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being pumped.


Uh. Oh.


He raised his hands. “Don’t shoot. I’m unarmed.”


Turning slowly to face his fate, his jaw fell open, and his heart rate kicked up a notch from being on the wrong end of a shotgun or from the weapon holder’s looks, he wasn’t sure. A raven haired Amazon in a tank top, jeans, and metal tipped cowboy boots held the Mossberg 500 in a perfect military stance. Long strands of hair blew across her face in the hot breeze. A large purple bruise bloomed on her left cheek. She squinted her dark brown eyes and gave him a laser-beam once over from his dusty black boots to his sweat soaked do-rag.


“Who are you, and what do you want?”


If he hadn’t been so intent on not getting killed, he would have spent more time staring at those full, luscious, kissable lips and thinking about how she would taste. As it was, he guessed he had less than a minute to respond before getting blasted into the next county.


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Title Some Other Child

Author Sharon Buchbinder

Genre Paranormal Romance

Publisher  The Wild Rose Press, inc


Book Blurb


Between the responsibility for the care of her injured mother and straightening out her muddled finances, public health researcher Sarah Wright hasn't a minute to herself, much less time to repair a fractured romance.


After a much loved aunt goes missing, Sarah is convinced it's a kidnapping but the police refuse to investigate.


Former fiancé Dan flies to Sarah's side to help—and it looks like things might come back together for the two of them—until Sarah is arrested for her aunt's murder.


As evidence stacks up against her, Sarah must find the real culprits as well as unravel decades old family secrets along the way.





Chicago, Illinois


Exhausted after a long day of teaching classes and endless rounds of revisions on her  dissertation, Sarah Wright opened the front door to the house she shared with her fiancé and was almost knocked down by the dog. Gandalf’s scramble of paws and claws left a wake of mail scattered across the foyer and into the kitchen.


          Neferkitty, her spotted silver tabby, perched on arm of the sofa and eyed Sarah as if to say, “I told you he was bad news.”


          “Great.” She shrugged out of her blazer, tossed it onto a chair, and began to play fifty-two pick up. Her neck prickled. Sarah looked up from the mail. A giant gray slobbering monster stood with his front paws on the glass door, the fog of his breath mixing with mud smears.  More  work.  She  edged  the  door  open  and forced Gandalf to sit while she wiped his filthy feet.


          “Gandalf, it’s time we had a ‘come-to-Sarah’ talk about your behavior.”


          The gray beast turned his back to her, raised his leg and peed on her jacket.


          “Fabulous. What else can go wrong?”


          Moments  later,  her  fiancé  strolled  in  the  door, whistling a cheerful tune.


          Sanitizer barely dried on her hands, Sarah spoke through gritted teeth. “Gandalf pissed on my coat. Get rid of that dog.”


          Dan Rosen leaned over and gave Sarah a bear hug.


          She  buried  her  face  in  his  shirt  and  breathed  in  a mixture of aftershave and masculine scent.


          “That’s his way of showing he likes you.” Dan kissed her brow. “You should be honored.”


          “I’d hate to know what he’d do to shower me with love.” The canine in question slunk behind the sofa. “Give him back to your ex-girlfriend.”


          Dan quirked a brow. “Jealous?”


          “Absolutely not.”


          “Methinks the lady doth protest—”


          Sarah put her fingers over his mouth, stood on her tiptoes, and gazed into in his chocolate brown eyes. She loved him from the top of his head at six feet, two inches, dark hair flecked with white, all the way down to his size ten shoes. His dog, however, was a different matter. “He gives me the evil eye. I swear he’s laughing at me.”


          The ring of the phone interrupted her appeal.


          “Sarah, please come,” her mother sobbed. “There’s been a terrible car accident.”


          A chill slithered down Sarah’s spine. Not again.


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