Title: Shelter From The Winter
Author: DW Adler
Genre: FF Paranormal Postapocalyptic Romance
Book Blurb:
After a thousand years on the run, is a little peace and quiet too much to ask?
Brijit McRaith has been on the run for centuries. Pursued by her mad creator for most of her years as a vampire, she has finally found peace and sanctuary in her native Ireland. But a modern world on the brink of war has caught up with her and after decades of quiet, Brijit finds herself on the run again. To add to her personal chaos, she becomes smitten with mortal Kelly O'Donnell, and Brijit and her initial plans to lay low fall by the wayside. With an uncertain future ahead of her, can Brijit protect her newfound love from a world bent on destroying itself?
Brijit turned herself toward Halifax’s core, eager to continue her exploration, launching herself into the air to make her way over the tops of the downtown buildings. The streets were remarkably quiet, she noted, thankful there were a minimum of people to notice her passing as she acquainted herself with her new city. After an hour of sight-seeing from above, committing the layout of the city to memory, Brijit decided to call it a night. She turned herself toward her condo and made her way across the rooftops, taking her time as she familiarized herself with the route home.
While passing Prince Street, she caught sight of a shock of red hair out of the corner of her eye, stopping her in her tracks. Brijit crouched down at the edge of the rooftop, peering up the street as the object of her attention was exiting a doorway with Celtic designs, the name Deirdre’s Rest Restaurant and Pub on the awning overhead. Brijit was intrigued as she watched two women dressed as servers stepping onto the sidewalk, each shrugging on coats while laughing, bubbly conversation filled the cold November air. One was a tall, skinny brunette, pretty with dark eyes and hair to match, with a bearing that immediately rubbed Brijit the wrong way. The other, however, drew Brijit in, her visage and deep red hair tantalizing to Brijit’s eyes. Brijit hurdled the street to the next set of buildings for a better view, skulking silently to get as close as she dared.
Brijit drew in a quick breath, clearly able to see the redhead—her profile was stunning and the way her dark red hair framed her face, spilling down over her shoulders, made Brijit feel weak at the knees. Her skin was pale and lightly freckled, with a natural skin tone that spoke of very little makeup, standing out in stark contrast to her navy blue jacket.
There was an air of ease about the redhead, even as she looked about her to make sure that no one was following them. As the redhead’s eyes swept past Brijit’s direction, the vampire could make out an ice blue colour in the irises. The redhead was shorter than the brunette, with a slight curve of breasts atop a toned, slightly thick body that spoke of many yoga or gym sessions to enhance the hip and butt regions. Brijit found herself entranced, watching every move the redhead made, from the way her feet touched the cement of the sidewalks and the way her hair moved in the slight breeze that was funnelled down the street, to how her face changed as she laughed along with her co-worker.
If Brijit’s heart could still beat, it would have been pounding in her chest. The more she stared at the beautiful woman on the street below her, the more smitten Brijit became. She felt an intense longing to know this beguiling creature and learn her innermost desires, a longing that Brijit hadn’t experienced for centuries. In fact, she could have counted on one hand, with fingers left over, the number of women who had brought out this kind of reaction on first sight over her thousand-year lifespan.
The two co-workers walked for some time making idle chitchat as they turned down Barrington Street. Brijit eavesdropped while she moved from rooftop to rooftop, catching their conversation when it drifted up to her. Finally, the brunette said her companion’s name—Kelly. Brijit smiled to herself when the two of them walk up to an apartment building then disappeared inside. She now had a name for the object of her sudden desire, knew where she worked and where she lived.
The impatience inside Brijit wanted to plunge head-first into this new lust, but she reigned herself in, resisting the urge to hang around outside Kelly’s window or find her way inside and watch her sleep. That would be a whole new level of creepy, she thought, deciding some lines weren’t worth crossing, though she very much felt the urge to become a stalker. There were better ways to handle this—letting Kelly come to her would be the ideal way to make things happen. Of course, Brijit needed to get her attention first.
The next evening, after a restless day of sleep, Brijit made her way through the streets of downtown Halifax, taking in the sights and sounds of the city from street-level this time. She watched every person who walked by, reading their faces and body language as if sizing up from where her next meals were coming. She quickly made her way towards Deirdre’s Rest, resisting the urge to quicken her pace to arrive there in less than a quarter of the time walking normally would take. She wanted to learn everything she could about the woman who had her smitten, which at the present time was to be accomplished by watching Kelly while she worked, to see what Brijit could glean from observation alone…
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If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?
I’ve always wanted to dress up as the Grim Reaper, especially at my day job. I do
IT support for a living so I think it would be a hoot to show up at someone’s room
or office in full reaper garb, complete with scythe, and silently walk away with their
malfunctioning computer.
Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:
My book is a treat to read as it has a little of something for everyone – it’s a steamy romance between the two main characters, it has elements of the paranormal, lots of action, humour, and unique situations mixed in. To top it all off, the last third of the book has a post-apocalyptic setting. It may sound like a lot for one book, but I tried to make it flow as seamlessly together as I could without making anything seem forced. Did I succeed? I think I did, but I’d love to know what unbiased readers have to say.
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Runs October 1 – 31
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Author Biography:
DW Adler ("Call me Don") was born and raised in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada. He now sweats profusely in Florida where he does IT support for a living when he's not writing. Don counts such authors as Anne Rice, JRR Tolkien, and Edgar Allan Poe, as well as a love for Irish/Celtic myth and folklore as his influences. He loves to read sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and anything having to do with vampires.
Other than sipping tea and writing, Don dabbles in 3D art and graphic design, and is a doting husband and father. He is constantly plotting how to get back home to Nova Scotia and flees there whenever the sight of snow becomes a necessity.
You can visit and contact Don at www.dw-adler.com.
Social Media Links:
Instagram: dw_adler