Title: Sleeping Beauty & The Cursed Code (The STEM Princess Series Book 1)
Author: Emma Jean
Genre: Middle-Grade Fantasy, Fairy Tale Retelling
Book Blurb:
The Book Everyone Will Be Talking About This Summer Advance Praise for Sleeping Beauty & The Cursed Code ★★★★★ S.T.E.A.M. educator approved. ★★★★★ "Entertaining, empowering, and funny." ★★★★★ "The exact right amount of frog kissing!" ★★★★★ "Sleeping Beauty & The Cursed code is magical and familiar, making it an easy and comfortable read. I loved how the author pulled all kinds of imagination, lore, fairy tales, into a fast-paced exciting adventure. Every single character from other princesses to fairy godmothers are brought vividly to life." DESCRIPTION Sleeping Beauty & The Cursed Code is a STEM fantasy (for ages 9-13) set in a world where classical princesses like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty reign as tech-powered superheroes. In the book, the team faces off against Anathema, the Evil Fairy, as they try to prove that science and technology can defeat dark magic.
My Review:
Enter a world where Cinderella and Snow White reign as powerful superheroines armed with STEM and coding to take down an evil fairy. Sleeping Beauty is in training mode, preparing to battle evil fairy Anathema. She has to be ready for anything the evil fairy will throw at her, for one mistake, one prick of Sleeping Beauty’s finger, and her kingdom will suffer greatly. Armed with the help of the Cursed Princess Lab, Sleeping Beauty is out to prove to herself, her parents, her fairy godmother, her kingdom, that science and technology will defeat dark magic. Will Sleeping Beauty succeed in defeating Anathema, as Cinderella did, or will she fail and send her kingdom into a hundred-year slumber?
Sleeping Beauty & the Cursed Code is the modern-day fairy tale for this generation’s young females. Not only is it relatable to readers with virtual reality, coding, and more, but it uses STEM teachings to encourage girls and young women to excel in science, technology, and math. Emma Jean is a self-declared steminist and her zeal comes across in Sleeping Beauty & the Cursed Code. Overall, I enjoyed Sleeping Beauty & the Cursed Code and the themes it projected. I did get a little lost in the whole coding aspect of the plot but gamers and those who love coding will be pleased there’s a fairy tale just for them. The plot moves at a good pace with plenty of obstacles for Sleeping Beauty to overcome. The antagonist is very dark, almost too dark for some young girls. A techno-thriller fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty & the Cursed Code is a high-energy read. Very original.
My Rating: 5 stars
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Author Biography:
While in college, studying Creative Writing, Ms. Jean was taught that the value of an education was not how well it could serve the individual student but how the education could help that student better serve others. She went on to earn an M.A. in counseling.
Ms. Jean worked long term in childhood mental health, both in schools and in therapeutic settings. Her volunteer work allowed her to mentor young children in both the US and abroad. Now she writes children’s books hoping her STEM positive, female empowerment message will inspire a larger group of children than she could reach in her counseling work.
Social Media Links:
Instagram @Emma.Jean.Author
Twitter @EmmaJeanAuthor
Reviewed by: Mrs. N