Title: Song to the Siren
Author: Barb Lien-Cooper and Park Cooper
Genre: Supernatural, Paranormal
Book Blurb:
When two young documentary filmmakers start investigating the enigmatic death of the infamous Reed Sinclair, founder of the never-quite-made-it indie rock group The Big Carnival, they interview Reed's former girlfriend, photographer Samantha ("Sam") MacNamara-- who tells them the story of a seeming love triangle between herself, Reed, and a frightening entity named Belle.
Belle may have simply been how Reed's troubled mental state interpreted multiple tragedies and coincidences in his life... or she may have been a supernatural being.
As the filmmakers begin to uncover the frightening truth, Sam must face the riddle of her relationship with Reed if she wants to step into the light, away from the specter of Belle and the shadow that was cast over Sam's life.
My Review:
Can two filmmakers unravel the truth behind a rockstar’s mysterious death, or will they too be ensnared in the siren’s web? Two young filmmakers have a great idea for their next documentary, but they need to secure an interview with a reclusive photographer who was the girlfriend of an indie rock lead singer back in the day. They send an email and low and behold she agrees. They pack up all their gear and knock on her door. She lets them inside and as they set up to record the interview, there’s a mysterious vibe emanating from her and from her home. She starts by sharing how she and Reed met when she was little. She talks about growing up with him and how there was a different side to him that he didn’t reveal to his friends. She then talks about how they fell in love, but things definitely take a sinister twist when she shares a tale of a being known only as Belle. A love triangle between Sam, Reed, and Belle? Who is Belle and is she a supernatural being who possesses Reed or just a turn of phrase for how Sam explains Reed’s descent into madness before his death? What is revealed shocks the two filmmakers and they are left to decide for themselves what happened. As for Sam, she seems relieved to have finally been able to tell her story. But what about Belle? Has she been reawakened and ready for her next victim?
Song to the Siren is a seductive supernatural fiction I couldn’t stop reading. From the first page until the very last page, I was captivated. The narration is both emotional and descriptive. The POVs are very deep and grab the reader before pulling them under. The reader has no choice but to dive into the story. The narration is also original in that it reads like you’re watching a documentary. So, so good! I connected with Sam right away. She’s lived through something very terrifying and to move on, she needs to tell the whole story. There’s a creepy paranormal vibe woven throughout the story which I loved. The ambiance is perfectly portrayed as is the conflict. The plot progression is impeccable and moves at an excellent pace. The more I read, the more invested I became. The ending took me by surprise, and I hope there is a sequel in the works so the story can continue. The writing is a work of art and I commend the authors on a well-conceived and executed story. I look forward to reading more from these authors. If you’re looking for a supernatural book you won’t be able to put down, pick up Song to the Siren. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5 stars
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Universal link: https://books2read.com/u/mVAYDA
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJL1B9C1
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Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BJL1B9C1
Nook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/song-to-the-siren-barb-lien-cooper/1142517492?ean=2940166680532
Author Biography:
We love good stories.
Like you, we understand the joy of reading a well-crafted story-- but we also know the "ripped-off" feeling you get when you've spent money on a story that's cliched or otherwise doesn't meet your discriminating tastes in storytelling.
We know how offensive it is to read something that insults your intelligence, too. We believe that readers are smart-- and deserving of works that treat you as an intelligent person.
We write stories like we want to read: stories that are exciting and smart and character-driven.
We're like you-- we hate characters who are dumber than we are, doing things that anyone in the real world would know are stupid. We hate stories where you know from page one exactly how it'll end.
We'll try to give you plots that don't make you groan when you read the plot summaries.
We're crafting the kind of works that stay with you after you finish reading them.
We're crafting the kind of books that you'll want to read again when you're done.
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Reviewed by: Mrs. N