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Cover Reveal | Soulwork by Elizabeth Radcliffe #spiritualdevelopment #spiritual #coverreveal #books

N. N. Light

When I first saw this cover, I wanted to frame it and put it on my office wall. It's truly a work of art. What do you think?

Title: Soulwork

Author: Elizabeth Radcliffe

Genre: Spiritual Development

Publisher: Bublish

Book Blurb:

Science demands we look at the world through a rational lens, and religion asks us to rely on faith, but most of us fall somewhere in between. We want to engage with our soul and connect to something larger than ourselves in a way that honors both our head and our heart. With love and compassion for the human journey, Soulwork offers a thoughtful approach to navigating the nebulous world of personal spiritual development. Using plenty of real-life examples, this book can help you:

· Understand the life-changing benefits of doing your Soulwork

· Connect with your own energy and that of the Universe

· Tackle common barriers to working with unseen guidance

· Determine if the Universe is trying to tell you something (vs. just your imagination)

· Find your Soulwork, heal your core wounds, and bring your gifts into the world

Whether your spirituality is independent of a faith tradition or aligns with a current religious framework, Soulwork presents a process to help you get out of your own way in manifesting your most fulfilling and meaningful life.


Approaching the Aperture (from the introduction):

Most of us have had at least one moment in our lives that ripped a hole in our understanding of reality. Maybe you experienced an odd coincidence or had a wish unexpectedly granted. Maybe you encountered a spiritual practice — meditation, yoga, acupuncture, or a martial art —that changed your orientation toward the world. Or, perhaps, your sense of connection sprouted in more somber soil, a small stalk of hope rising out of the loam of sadness and loss. Twenty-five years ago, my own Spiritual journey grew from roots just like these.

When we wade into unknown territory, we want concrete data and hard evidence to help us chart a course back to more comfortable terrain. Unfortunately, laboratory investigation often lags behind real-world experience, and we don’t have much scientific research on the Spiritual Path to rely on. Thus, if we intend to safely pursue soul growth, we need to be able to navigate the nebulous space between scientific understanding and blind faith.

With this book, I’ve written a guide that attempts to do just that. It’s the reference I would have wanted when I first tumbled, unsuspecting, into the unreal world. The process described within is a structured—though unconventional—approach to life that demystifies the spiritual development process, helps you get out of your own way, and supports you in discovering why you are here on Earth.

How This Book Works

The first part of the book explores, in detail, the benefits of undertaking our Soulwork. We’ll lay out the rules that structure the Relationship with the Universe and introduce a key guide on the Spiritual Path. I’ll detail some “gear” that will aid us on our spiritual adventure and share a few last pieces of advice before embarkation. Peppered throughout the book are questions and exercises designed to assist in processing the content.

The second part of the book focuses on initiating contact with the Universe and connecting with our Spiritual Path. We’ll cover strategies for quieting the mind, crafting a meditation practice, and developing energy sensitivity—three preliminary skills to help you find and navigate your Soulwork. Even if you have some experience with all of these, it’s worth at least skimming this section. You may find some ideas that augment your current practice.

In the third part, we demonstrate how a Relationship with the Universe works, breaking down how to receive and interpret spiritual signs. We’ll address some challenges specific to working with divine guidance. We’ll also discuss guidelines for determining when you’re receiving messages from the Universe (versus just coincidence or your imagination), different mechanisms of communication, strategies for interpretation, and how to respond back to the Universe, cultivating an ongoing dialogue.

The book’s final part covers navigating the Spiritual Path, revealing our Soulwork, and strategies to approach what we unearth. We’ll distinguish the different phases of the Path, including Spiritual Testing and the Dark Night of the Soul. We’ll propose exercises and ideas for finding the soul challenges specific to us. And, finally, we’ll share techniques for healing our wounds and bringing our gifts into the world.

If you are new to the nebulous world of spiritual development, I hope this book, in whatever way appropriate, changes your life. Developing a Relationship with the Universe, walking the Spiritual Path, and engaging with my Soulwork changed mine forever. If you are already well on your way, I hope this book can provide any validation you need to celebrate what you have already accomplished or help wherever you may be struggling. So many books have been instrumental on my own Path in just such a way. Regardless of what brought you to this precipice, if you’ve come this far, there’s a reason. There’s something in this book for you.

Buy Links:

Not available yet but stay tuned…

Author Biography:

Elizabeth Radcliffe (she/her/hers) was born and raised in Chicago, where the weather taught her to live with and, eventually, love uncertainty. She graduated from Indiana University with a BA in Philosophy and a background in Religious Studies. During a 1997 study abroad stint in Canterbury, England she dove headfirst into the ponderous pool of spirituality, from which she has never quite emerged. She now balances her life as a full-time working mom of two young tricksters with teaching workshops on manifestation, intuition, and the Spiritual Path through the Chicago Mind-Body-Spirit MeetUp group. Please visit her at for more information.

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