Title: Stand Together – An Anthology of Poetry and Prose for Ukraine
The War That Was Not a War – A.L. Butcher
Maybe Then – Roman Nyle (Marta Moran Bishop)
Hope – Charles Yallowitz
Sunflowers – Vickie Johnstone
The Science of Communication – Andrew P. Weston
Courage Personified – A.L. Butcher.
The Sunflowers Will Rise Again – Rebecca Miller
Wounds in Ukraine – Michael H. Hanson
Civilized Humanity – Charles Yallowitz
Shadows On Faces – Victoria Zigler
Where is the Line? – A.L. Butcher
War Dance – Joe Bonadonna
Those Who Divide – Charles Yallowitz
Sorge* – Richard Groller
Ruins Hall – Rhavensfyre
Lodestone – Andrew P. Weston
The Vikings – Joe Bonadonna
Rape in Ukraine – Vickie Johnstone
Pray for Ukraine – Rebecca Miller
Haiku – Joe Bonadonna
Four Horseman – Rebecca Miller
Part 2 Short Stories
The Tree of Fate and Wishes – Anthea Sharp
The Secret of Blossom Rise - A.L. Butcher
War and Beyond – Marta Moran Bishop
The Eleventh – Colene Allen
The Day After Twilight - J.C. Fields
Outside the Walls - A.L. Butcher & Diana. L. Wicker
Dark Lies - Inge - Lise Goss
The Letter - Sean Poage
The Book of Ruth – Rebecca Lacy
The Moon on the Water - A.L. Butcher
Postcard to the Bomb Shelter Babies – Colene Allen
Always Read the Fine Print - Joe Bonadonna
Genre: Short stories and poetry about war
Book Blurb:
An eclectic collection of poetry and short prose for Ukraine. Poetry about war, warriors, hope, and sunflowers; multi-genre stories.
All proceeds will be donated to a charity supporting people in Ukraine
The War That Was Not A War
A.L. Butcher
Never forget those who fell,
In a war which they said was not a war.
Never forget those who will fall,
In the war which is not a war.
Never defeated, never cowed,
In the war which was not a war.
Never broken, never afraid,
In the war which was not a war.
Never giving in to those who spilt blood,
In the war which was not a war.
A people stood, defiant, proud,
Against the war which was not a war.
The whisper became a cacophony,
Against the war, for it was a war.
Buy Links:
Amazon CA https://amzn.to/3BOCkHe
Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B14N27TW
Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B14N27TW
Amazon.com https://amzn.to/3NeNLvt
Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B14HKZWB
Amazon CA https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B14HKZWB
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A multitude of authors bring you multi-genre short stories – fantasy, horror, memoiresque and more, plus poetry that evokes the emotions of war, loss and hope.
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