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Sweet Potato Pie by Susana by Nancy Fraser is a Fall Into These Great Reads pick #sweethistoricalromance #historicalromance #fallreads #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Sweet Potato Pie by Susana


Author: Nancy Fraser


Genre: Sweet/Inspirational Historical Romance


Book Blurb:


Home of Wallace Prescott

Kansas City, Missouri

Mid June 1890

Susana Prescott welcomes the chance to relocate with her family to the Arizona Territory. She sees moving from Saint Louis to the up-and-coming town of Windemere as a fresh beginning for herself, her widowed father, and her younger brothers, Seth and Will.

Eager to start her own business as a trained baker, she hopes to open a bakery. What she doesn’t anticipate is the number of single men in Windemere. She’s never considered herself pretty, especially compared to her younger, married, sister. However, she can barely make it down the street without being accosted by a half-dozen of the local millworkers.

Jackson (Jake) Harkness is the owner of Bent Creek Mill. Eager to make a go of this new endeavor, he’s constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency of his business, while still corralling his young, and impressionable, workers. It doesn’t help that they all seem to be smitten with the town’s newest arrival.

He decides to see for himself what all the fuss is about and ventures into Sis’s Sweets with the intention of asking the woman in question to stop flirting with his men. All it takes is one look, and one taste of her famous sweet potato pie, for Jake to see exactly what’s got the town’s single men all riled up.




Susana Prescott sat the last bowl of food on the table and took her seat at her father’s side. “Papa, will you give the blessing?”

“Yes, of course,” Wallace agreed. “Almighty, we thank Thee for this food. Let it feed our souls and help us to do our part in kind words and loving deeds. We ask in Jesus' name. Amen.”

Susana’s responding ‘Amen’ was echoed by her brothers, Seth and Will, before each of the boys made a grab for the platter of roast. “Slow down, you two,” Susana scolded. “There’s plenty to go around. Remember the reverend’s sermon this morning. Greed is the downfall of a weak man.”

“This is a lovely meal, Susana,” her father said. “Your cooking skills rival any fancy chef I’ve ever met. Your mama, may she rest in peace, would be proud.”

Susana swallowed back a knot in her throat and responded. “Thank you, Papa. I truly hope so.”

“Not just Sunday dinner, but especially your bread,” Will noted. “Tank Bellows offered me a nickel for two slices of your potato bread the other day.”

“And your pies,” Seth added. “I gave Scotty a piece of your cherry pie and, he was so excited, he bit his lip gobbling it down.”

“While I do appreciate Scotty’s eagerness, I’d hate to think something I’d made led to an injury.”

“Missus Watkins wants to know when you’re going to open your own bakery,” Seth told her.

“Well… I’d love to, of course… but—”

“About that,” Papa interrupted, his dark gray gaze settling on her. “I’ve been offered a new and exciting opportunity with the bank. I’ll not just be managing my own branch, but I’d also be promoted to district manager.”

“How exciting, Papa,” Susana gushed. “Many of the Kansas City branches could no doubt benefit from your leadership.”

Her father’s slight clearing of his throat drew Susana’s narrowed stare.

“The position isn’t here in Kansas City,” Papa admitted. “We’d have to relocate.”

Not that she wasn’t happy for her father. He’d worked long and hard for Sterling Savings and Loan and deserved a promotion. Still, her bakery… her plans… “Locate where?” Susana asked.

“Farther west. The Arizona Territory, to be exact,” her father explained. “A town called Windemere. It’s a small town now but growing quickly since they opened a lumber mill. The railroad has even included them in their next expansion.”

“Will there be real cowboys?” Seth wondered.

“I’m sure they still ride horses, and the town has a sheriff, rather than a police department like we have here,” Wallace told them.

Both brothers’ eyes lit with excitement.

“When will be moving?” Susana asked, unable to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

Papa gathered her hand in his and squeezed. “I know this has come about suddenly and, no doubt, puts a hitch in your plans. I can’t do this without you, though, so I’m hoping I can propose a compromise.”

“A compromise?” she stammered.

“You’ve grown up so quickly since your mother passed. I’d have been lost without your help with your brothers and even your rebellious sister before she up and married and moved away. Obviously, your cooking isn’t the only thing you’ve excelled at,” Papa said. “If you’ll agree to come with me and the boys, I’ll buy you a storefront on the main road of Windemere so you can open your bakery.”

“But it’s just a small town,” she reminded him. “What if they already have a bakery?”

Papa’s broad grin lifted her spirits. “They don’t. I already asked.” Giving her hand a second squeeze, he continued, “To answer your original question, I’m due to arrive in Windemere by the middle of August, so we have a little less than two months to get organized and move. We’ll be taking a train as far as Phoenix, and then a stage after that. Our belongings will travel by freight wagon.”

“A stagecoach!” Thirteen-year-old Seth squealed. “I can’t wait.”

“So? Is everyone willing to upset our lives in favor of an adventure?” Wallace asked.

“Yes, Papa,” Susana assured him. Turning to fifteen-year-old Will, she coaxed, “Aren’t we Will?”

“I suppose so,” Will grumbled.

“He’s just mad cause he’s smitten with Holly McGruder,” Seth teased. “Now he’s got to leave.”

“Take my word for it,” Susana said softly, “there will be many other young ladies in your future. Who knows, maybe the rich sawmill owner will have a daughter your age.”

“Or, maybe,” Will shot back, “he’ll have a son who wants to marry a woman who can cook.”

Her father’s robust laughter filled their small dining room, alleviating the worst of Susan’s fears. All would be well, she realized, as long as the family was intact.


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What’s your favorite thing about autumn:


The colors and the start of “soup season”. I love soup, and I make it year-round. However, there’s just something so special about a hot cup of homemade soup on a crisp fall day. It’s like a preview of what’s to come when winter arrives.


What inspired you to write this story:


I love stories that revolve around family and food. I mean, who doesn’t like food! I joined this multi-author series last year and had so much fun writing a romance centered around food, that I knew I had to do it again this year. And, what better way than to feature one of my best memories from my mother’s kitchen.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs September 1 – 30, 2024


Drawing will be held on October 1, 2024. 


Author Biography:


NANCY FRASER is a bestselling and award-winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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