Title: Take the Lively Air
Author: Mick Bennett
Genre: Literary Fiction
Book Blurb:
In Take the Lively Air, a minor traffic collision escalates into a confrontation between two families haunted by their pasts and apprehensive of their futures. Rage and regret butt heads against the background of America's toxic cultural climate. But saner voices discover that human frailties are best viewed through the microscope of compassion, and our common humanity must be acknowledged to make way for our futures.
My Review:
It only takes one action, one event, to change a life. Take the Lively Air is a moving piece of fiction. This book showcases what humans are capable of, both good and bad, while also illuminating the healing nature of compassion. The characters are relatable and realistic. The descriptive narration draws the reader in. A poignant example of humanity today.
Let’s start with the characters. While the cast of characters is large, how they intersect with each other is what makes this book so good. These characters are relatable on so many levels. What they go through and the fallout from their actions left an impression on me. The emotion felt while reading makes a huge impact.
The descriptive narration is so well done, it was easy to transport into the story. Every scene, every character, every emotion is detailed. There’s a gritty, stark nature to the narration which takes on an almost documentary-style. I enjoyed it immensely.
The writing is brilliant in so many ways. Detailing the ins and outs of humanity while avoiding sounding preachy takes restraint and Mick Bennett nails it. Using classic lit techniques, the author lets the story unfold in a natural way. The tension is high as are the stakes. The reader is left to decide what it all means and that is what makes Take the Lively Air so powerful. An unforgettable book worth reading.
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it Now:
Barnes & Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/take-the-lively-air-mick-bennett/1143437608?ean=9781956692662
Author Biography:
Mick Bennett is from Belmar, New Jersey. Bennett attended Gettysburg College, and after graduation in 1975, found a job at a high school 15 miles from Gettysburg where he taught for 33 years. Bennett is the author of four books: Missing You in Belmar, Summer Mirrors, Boardwalk Man, and Beat the Blues.
Social Media Links:
Website http://mickbennettnj.com
Reviewed by: Nancy