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Tale of the Werewolf’s Wand by Jeremy Robertson is a Toasty Reads pick #yalit #darkfantasy #win

N. N. Light

Title: Dark Tales from Dreamdale #2. Tale of the Werewolf’s Wand

Author: Jeremy Robertson

Genre: Young adult, dark fantasy

Book Blurb:

On a full moon, Halloween night of his twelfth birthday, Arden Wonder's best friend, Happy Buckets, becomes a shape-shifter! He dramatically transforms into a silly, fun-loving, carefree, and brave werewolf. He isn't the least threatening at all. Happy the shape-shifter isn't all tamed either. The boy still has monster instincts which take over his personality. But everyone in town doesn't know it. Happy is looking for protection from his friends. There is a hunter from down under in Australia named Benjamin Boogieman, who wants to destroy the boy! Arden doesn't realize Happy is the last Nether Shape-shifter! In order to save his best friend from becoming extinct, Arden discovers a magical weapon at the Dreamporium, a place where all the cool kids, hang out, to protect Arden's friend. It's a supernatural wand that can help safeguard Happy from being trapped in his monstrosity, even without having the curse of the full moon.


Remembering he was a Dark Heart, Happy couldn’t physically move the dumpster, not without his solid body back. He turned to the Dark Hearts who looked even more frightened and confused than he felt.

The fog threatened to approach in the alley. But with Happy’s magical flashlight, the powerful beam of laser light prevented it from attacking them. One of Arden’s best female friends who had a crush on him in school floated into the middle of the group to grab their attention. Her name was Monica Mudpies. Her glassy red eyes blinked in the darkness that gave Happy goosebumps.

“If we all concentrate on moving the dumpster aside with our minds, maybe we can activate the magic portal?” Monica asked, looking hopeful. “After all, there are many advantages of being a Dark Heart,” she murmured, being creative.

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What makes your featured book a must-read?

Because it was such a blast to write! I wanted to write a story that would really make you want to read it, for those who don’t mind getting spooked. I wanted to follow my other favorite author’s passion for storytelling. You will get hooked on these loveable characters I created that I’ve longed to get out of my head. Even some characters like the villains, you’d love to hate. And onto the pages of this beautiful, published book! This is a playful, spooky Halloween story that will take you to a world you only could imagine in your dreams!

Giveaway –

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Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs February 15 – February 23, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on February 24, 2022.

Author Biography:

Jeremy Robertson enjoys reading and writing, hanging out with family and friends. And loves keeping an entertaining agenda. Fun stories excite Jeremy! They transport him to other worlds.

Visit Mr. Robertson at: !

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