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New Release | Terrabyte Security by Tena Stetler #pnr #paranormalromance #paranormalmystery #newrelease #wrpbks

N. N. Light

Title  Terrabyte Security   

Author  Tena Stetler         

Genre  Paranormal Mystery/Romance  

Publisher  The Wild Rose Press   


Book Blurb


A sleepy little town, Aspen Ridge, nestled in the Colorado Rockies, is experiencing major growing pains. As is Candle's adorable pup.


Former CIA agent, Candle Bearclaw’s new security firm, Terrabyte is expanding by leaps and bounds. When her best friend’s husband, a high-profile software entrepreneur, comes up missing, Candle and her husband, Miacoh, also the new chief of police, find themselves knee-deep in international intrigue.


The same day, an indigenous woman, Molly Reacher, pleads for Candle to take her convoluted case with identity theft overtones. Come to find out, Molly’s friend, a Native American woman, is also missing.


Cayson, an employee of Terrabyte Security is assigned to protect Molly as the company works through the intricacies of her cases.


Law enforcement are supposed to be all over both missing person cases until Miacoh discovers the indigenous woman’s case is nearly invisible. Will either be found alive?




A Native American woman paced in front of Terrabyte Security wringing her hands. The phone calls, strange faces in her windows, and stolen work products had to stop. It was bad enough her professor plagiarized her work, claimed it as his own, stole her identity and emptied her bank accounts, then disappeared off the face of the earth, not to mention blew up the college chemistry lab. Okay, I’m not the only one he victimized. But I’m one of the few that didn’t have a trust fund to fall back on. Oh, this is such a mess. She covered her face with her hands for a moment and took a long cleansing breath, then continued pacing.


Pausing mid-stride, she sensed eyes on her. She whirled around to find three sets of eyes staring at her through the window. The woman she knew as Candle, who’d blown the professor’s scandal wide open, curled an index finger beckoning her into Terrabyte’s office. Her pulse quickened.  Her heart nearly beat out of her chest as she wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. Should I stay, explain myself, and ask for help, or take flight as I have these many months?


Candle circumvented the woman’s choice by stepping out of the door into her path with a reassuring smile. “Can we help you?”


She tugged on her denim jacket, straightened her shoulders, and swallowed hard. “I sure hope so. I’m Molly Malone Reacher.”


Candle extended her hand. “Happy to know you, Molly. I’m Candle Bearclaw. Terrabyte Security is my company. Why don’t we step into the office and talk?” Candle pulled open the door. Miacoh grabbed the edge of the door and held it open.


Molly’s gaze darted around the office as she trudged in behind Candle. She kept her bag held tight against her as her fingers twisted in the strap.


“Have a seat.” Candle motioned to the wooden chair in front of her desk, then glanced at Miacoh and Cayson. She jerked her chin at the tall, black-haired man in uniform. “Miacoh, is the Chief of Police in our little town.” She waved a hand toward the tall, blond Aussie. “Cayson is my investigator, part-time security alarm installer for Terrabyte, and on occasion part-time officer for the Police Department.” Miacoh dragged another chair across the floor and straddled it. Cayson stood behind Miacoh. Terra, the pup, thumped her tail on the floor and attempted to get to her feet as Candle signaled her to stay with a hand gesture. “This is our company mascot soon to be security specialist, Terrabyte.”


She eased down onto the edge of the chair. Her gaze darted from one to the other. “I…I… don’t know where to begin.


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Author Biography


Tena Stetler is an international best-selling author of award-winning paranormal tales. In Tena’s past lives she’s been a savings and loan branch manager, a paralegal for a criminal law firm, IT Manager for an electrical contracting firm, and now a published writer.  After trying on many hats, she finally found the one that fits the best. Or in other words, she loves making things up to entertain others.   Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.


Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot, and a fifty- two-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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