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The Awkward Armadillo by @AimeeBooks is a Shake Off Winter Doldrums pick #memoir #books #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: The Awkward Armadillo: A Mental Health Memoir

Author: Aimee Larson

Genre: Memoir/Non-Fiction

Book Blurb:

There are monsters that are fought every day.

You know the feeling you get when you’re depressed and you want to shut off from the world? Perhaps curl up in a ball and hide under blankets. This is Armadillo Mode.

So where do I begin with my story? I have no idea. Introductions are difficult at best.

This fun, heartfelt, and sometimes sorrowful account of growing up with anxiety, depression, and social awkwardness is a journey that might reveal secrets about ourselves. The author’s humor and randomness bring light to her darkest struggles in a way that’s so human it resonates as you read her words.

As an anxious child trying to navigate her way through the odd instance known as life, she touches on important topics, details her personal hardships such as being labeled a Special Needs Student, grappling with speech and learning disabilities, and trying to figure out who she was amidst the chaos of depression and anxiety.

Get a sneak peek inside:

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What’s your favorite activity to shake off the winter doldrums?

If my anxiety or depression isn't taking over, I love to read. I have found that even though my "Armadillo mode," I will listen to Audiobooks to focus on something even when my mind is tired or can't concentrate on reading. Another activity I like to do is an attempt at baking or playing pokemon on my Nintendo 3DS.

Why is your featured book a cure for the winter blues?

Although mental health issues are serious, I provide a supportive and upbeat tone of voice throughout my book. I have struggled with learning and speech disabilities and social anxiety, depression, and a form of bipolar. One of the most important reminders I want to send out into the world is that you are not alone in your fight. As cheesy as it sounds, it is the truth. Some individuals fight all kinds of monsters, and they are warriors.


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Open internationally

Runs March 1 – 31, 2021.

Drawing will be held on April 1, 2021.

Author Biography:

Aimee Larson is a socially awkward girl who lives in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. She is a poet, writer and author of her mental health focused memoir "The Awkward Armadillo" She hopes to dive into writing more books, including fantasy and poetry books.

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