Title: The Carrier: The Hunt Begins
Author: Sean Malloy
Genre: YA Horror, Young Adult Monster Fiction
Book Blurb:
Eva Henderson is like any other teenager–if that teenager is a straight-A student with dreams of going to Harvard for environmental science. She’s a quiet girl in the quiet, rural town of Ashford Pines, Virginia, where nothing happens. One night on her way home from her best friend Steph's house, Eva encounters a creature that escaped from the secluded Ticonderoga Corporation's lab. Whilst fleeing for her life, the creature bites her. In the following days, she has visions of people in town being brutally murdered, only to find out that it was really happening. As she finds her fever dreams lead her abilities to grow more intense, her best friend Steph and her biology teacher are the only ones she can trust with her newfound abilities. If high school wasn't stressful enough with homework, grades, and finally being asked out on a date by her long-term crush, adding mutating cells in her body doesn’t help calm her nerves. To add to her problems, an ex-mercenary seeks to find her before the people find out the reason behind these murders in their town. Will Eva ever get to live a normal life again, or will she die trying to escape the Ticonderoga Corporation’s powerful grasp?
My Review:
Someone please make this book into a show. This is a binge-watch waiting to happen.
Start to finish this book flows like a classic graphic novel but with incredible detail. The story takes hold and doesn't let go until the end. I was told I created binge reading by refusing to put my kindle down. Ticonderoga is the kind of evil everyone today can relate to. This book reads like some of the old-time classic movies.
If you enjoyed Resident Evil in either game or movie form, then you will want to buy this book. The character of Eva is so real and so accurate, you feel like you went to school with her. The way the author so perfectly presents the teen life is jarring and amazing to read. A standout book that I loved every minute of. I can't wait to get my hands on book two.
My Rating: 5 stars
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Grab your e-copy on sale for 99 cents!
Author Biography:
From an early age, Sean discovered the transformative power of writing, using journals as a means to express himself. As a teenager, his creative outlet expanded to crafting soulful songs. During his undergraduate years, his passion for writing took a new direction as he delved into the realm of television and film.
Driven by a relentless desire to further explore the possibilities of his craft, Sean pursued higher education, ultimately earning a Master's Degree in Creative Writing from the University of Tampa.
Not one to wait for opportunities to come knocking, Sean independently published his first collection of short stories. Now, eagerly anticipating the release of his debut novel, "The Carrier," this fall, he is steadfast at work on the second installment in "The Carrier" series.
With an unwavering dedication to his writing and a ceaseless drive to create captivating stories, Sean's journey as an author continues to flourish.
Social Media Links:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SeanEMalloy
Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/stores/Sean-Malloy/author/B0BSZYJLZ2
Reviewed by: Rudy