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The Cupán of Flúirse (Book 1 Celtic Myst Trilogy) by @foxx_ml is a Fall Into Bookathon #fantasy

N. N. Light

Title: The Cupán of Flúirse (Book 1 Celtic Myst Trilogy)

Author: M. L. Foxx

Genre: Fantasy

Book Blurb:

Forged by the gods, the Cupán of Flúirse is born under the thunder of Taranis, fashioned with symbols of the elements to bring peace and abundance to the clans.

Element of the air, Amergin is a faithful protector and guardian. Through the years, he’s guided the other elements and reigned over times of peace, prosperity, and royal births.

However, the witch Mourdra, is plagued with jealousy over the clans. They hold dear all she desires…and has been denied. The fire dragon and Klenidalf, an evil wizard are tasked to do her bidding, to plunder the clans…and steal the Cupán of Flúirse.

Without the sacred chalice, Amergin is condemned to wander the Earth, those he’s vowed to protect out of his reach.


The breeze off the ocean felt cool on her cheeks, the smell, something she would always associate with home. The strong kick made her smile. Maeve laid a hand over her protruding belly. Amergin was positive they would have a daughter and she seemed impatient to enter this world. The thought of holding her baby filled her with joy. The past three harvests had been filled with happiness, learning to be a wife, a horsewoman, and healer.

Amergin had turned into her trusted friend. No longer was he the mentor that taught her the ways of herbs and potions, but her confidant. She loved Nuadha’s mother, she was the mother she’d never had. However, a woman needed a sounding board at times when it came to her mate. And his mother was hardly the person to be impartial when it came to her son.

She and Nuadha had a beautiful union, unfortunately both she and her stubborn handsome fear céile were strong willed. There had been times the kitchen had been deemed off limits to them, for they tended to throw things in the heat of an argument.

Maeve grinned. The thoughts of their passionate loving after one of their arguments made her cheeks heat.

“And what has brought that wicked gleam to my Maeve’s eyes?”

Maeve placed a hand over her frantic heart, for such a big man Nuadha was soft of step. He placed a hand over hers that still lay on her belly.

“I guess sneaking up on your foe is a good skill when it comes to battle. But you must be careful or our child will make an appearance before she is ready.”

Nuadha smiled when their child kicked as if in agreement. He took a side step to bring him behind her so he could place his other around and rest his hand on top of his other.

“What has you out here gazing at the sea? Not wanting to get away after our disagreement last eve, are you?”

She laughed. “I cannot remember what brought about our argument. Let us not try to remember. I am simply enjoying the beautiful weather. Soon it will be harvest time and you will be in the fields until late. I will be in the kitchen helping to prepare the grains for the cellars.”

His hold tightened to the point she felt loved and protected. “You must not overdo. Have you trained one of the village women to help when your time comes?”

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “How many times have we had this conversation husband?”

He had the grace to look chagrined. “You have, I know.”

Quiet settled over them. Both gazed out over the waves lost in thought. Maeve wondered at his. She’d been unsettled of late. The peace of the land and their posterity over the last harvests had been one of abundance since the Cupán of Flúirse had been forged by the Goldsmith. The de Danann’s had much to be thankful for, but she couldn’t help but feel it was the calm before the storm.

“You’re thinking the same as I, my love.”

Maeve didn’t deny, but waited for him to continue. They’d often knew what the other thought or dreamed for.

“I wonder when Mourdra will strike. She craves the talisman.” She felt his chest expand as he drew in a breath or a sigh. “She wants us to be complacent and unsuspecting.”

“Aye, I agree.” She pulled his hands away so she could turn and step into him to loop her arms around his neck. “Which means we need to call the warrior council to plan. We must be ready. We have much to protect.”

This time it was his turn to agree. “Come, it is almost dinner time. I will call the warriors to the war room first thing on the morrow.”

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What’s your favorite thing about the Fall season:

The colored leaves, football, and Halloween.

What inspired you to write this story:

I am adopted and I have always told everyone I’m Irish for as long as I remember. THEN I did the DNA testing and I am Irish. My birth father’s parents came from Ireland. And My Birth Mother had English and Scottish on her side. I have had the Celtic Myst title and my thoughts and I couldn’t write the story until I visited Ireland and felt at home.


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Open internationally.

Runs September 1 – 30.

Drawing will be held on October 1.

Author Biography:

Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, and six wonderful grandsons and five beautiful granddaughters. She loves to spend time with family and friends--she includes good books as friends!

Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett's live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum's.

They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible.

Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women's fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery. During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has also participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference.

Mary also writes as ML Foxx. This is her first jaunt into Fantasy and Sci-Fi, she loves it. It gives her freedom of choice. In her ML persona she also loves to go to the movies and you got it… Watch the Avengers, Dead Pool, among others. Something her hubby doesn't really enjoy but humors her fantasy side. You’ll see more books soon…

Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.


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