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The E.Q. Revolution: Mastering your Emotional Heart-Print is a Black Friday Deals pick #cybermonday

Title: The E.Q. Revolution: Mastering your Emotional Heart-Print

Author: Michael Vincent Moore

Genre: Personal Growth

Book Blurb:

How much are you willing to invest in yourself to have the best future you can hope for?

Any important change starts from within, as so many of our greatest teachers have taught us... Learn how to do just that with “Mastering your Emotional Heart-Print” the second book in The E.Q. Revolution series, and watch your life improve with every step you dare take on this great journey, and how it all relates to making our whole world shine brighter in the process!


Being of sound heart

“Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality...” – Malala Yousafzai

In the past century or so, with the vast and far reaching increase of “productivity”, assembly lines, levels of education, explosions of various degrees and subjects, technology, computers, engineering… We can understand why we have put a greater emphasis on the roles our minds play in our daily exercises of being human and trying to adapt to great changes in our societies. Unfortunately that emphasis has come at a great cost, of putting our heart, our self-love, and our deeper desires on the back burner.

How many times have you heard the expression “being of sound mind”?, and the great “importance” of it. Not only “sound” in relation to psychological balance, but in the overall maximization of it. How many times have you felt the need to increase your intellect, your brain, your grades, your productivity level, your hard skills, your ability to adapt, and as fast as possible? Those things all relate to our minds, and how we can keep expanding them, which contributes to external growth, economical factors, and expansion on the outside.

But have you ever heard anyone talk about the importance of “being of sound heart”?

Why not?

How many times have you heard people say that love is the most important thing in life, and always has been, yet why do we put so little emphasis on it, to know what it could look like, how we can increase it, how we can make our hearts as “sound” as our minds? Love should not just be relegated to what goes on in between two people, or for the immediate family, we should endeavor to expand our notions of it, to include all of us, literally all of “us”, who we are as complete individuals, and all of us, as in humanity as a whole.

So then, what could that look like, being of “sound” heart?

Not perfect of course, not unconditional love and ultimate sacrifice kind of thing, but at the very least to value the life and wellbeing of others, to leave violence, hate, and high levels of antisocial behaviors behind, to be able to look at people in their eyes and let them know deep down that you care, you are at least trying to make a difference, and that is what counts the most.

Maybe that is why people don’t make eye contact so much anymore, because we feel ashamed almost, of what we are doing, and what we are not doing, for ourselves and one another?

Like, we have lost hope, we feel so far from even knowing what to do to make things better, to have better relationships, that we just bury our feelings and focus on our jobs, on what other people tell us to do, and accept to just keep wishing things were different and leave it at that.

Isn’t that sad?

“Love cures people – Both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it…” – Karl A. Menninger

Just as a successful life should be measured by how good we feel about ourselves and others in general, and our emotional heartprint, being of sound heart should take precedence over being of sound mind. Not that the mind is not important, but we use our minds to create, and if our hearts are not part of the picture in a healthy way, not equal in participation, then what we create will be empty of meaning, and that is the legacy we will leave behind, emptiness and corruption. So without first ensuring that we are of sound heart before attempting to create anything in life, before setting ourselves on our chosen path, then how can we trust in what we do, in regards to it having a positive contribution in the world?

Buy Links (including Goodreads):

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Emotional and personal growth are absolutely necessary for our world to move beyond wars and violence, beyond emotional pain, towards living with purpose, authentic to everyone’s truest selves, and the only path to everlasting love and greater relationships to everyone around us. And especially with our current pandemic, everyone’s emotional and psychological states have taken a turn for the worst. And to prevent our future from sliding even closer to catastrophes, there has never been a more pressing time in our history to value our inner wellbeing, and do what we must to improve it. The aim of this book is to provide the tools to make it happen, as well as for the series in general.

Giveaway –

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Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs November 26 – December 2, 2021.

Winner will be drawn on December 3, 2021.

Author Biography:

Michael is a certified emotional intelligence practitioner, meditation teacher, and founder of The E.Q. Revolution, whose aims are of advocating for increased social responsibility through the positive transformation of individuals, emotional growth and maturity, and by the reduction of narcissistic and antisocial influences in our world...

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1 Comment

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Nov 29, 2021

Thank you, Michael, for sharing your book in our Black Friday Deals!

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